Man's Law Verses God's Law

By David J. Stewart | September 2014

Acts 5:29, “Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said,
We ought to obey God rather than men.

       I titled the article, “Man's Law Verses God's Law,” and not, “God's Law Verses Man's Law,” simply because it is man who continually challenges God's authority, and not God man. God is the divine Lawgiver. James 4:12, “There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another?” God will be our only Judge in eternity.

If you've been keeping up with local and U.S. news at all over the past several years, then you know that justice is becoming a rare thing these days. While faulty pastors go to prison for hurting one person, street thugs are released after hurting millions of people (many of them killed). Please read on.

You may have committed some horrible crime here on earth, but never got caught. Yet, there are people rotting in prison with court sentences extending hundreds of years for nothing more than downloading some dirty photos off the internet. In Arizona, Morton R. Berger was sentenced to 200 consecutive years in prison for download dirty images of children. Mr. Berger was a married, 57-year-old, award-winning public school teacher with no criminal history. For using his credit card to purchase vile and disgusting images, he was convicted and given multiple life-terms behind bars. Justice?

Now consider Rick “Freeway” Ross, arguably the most notorious illegal mega drug-dealer in American history. Ross was busted while buying 220 lbs. of cocaine from drug-enforcement authorities. Ross set up his illicit cocaine distribution business in Los Angeles, under the freeways where easy access was convenient. Ross has testified that he personally profited over a million dollars per day at times. Billions of dollars worth of cocaine hit the nation's streets. Thousands of innocent children were shot in gang-related shootings across the country, fighting over turf (land boundaries between rival gangs in the drug-selling business). Chicago's street-gangs alone produce $500,000,000 a year in illegal drug sales. Millions of American's lives have been adversely affected because of Rick Ross's criminal activities. Ross hurt millions of people, and caused the untold death of thousands. No doubt, tens-of-thousands of people went to prison for drug-related crimes. Every crime from prostitution, rape, violence, theft, pimping, extortion, to murder is caused by the illegal drug market. Ross was sentenced to life in prison, but later released after 14-years.

Now consider Gloria Van Winkle, a mother in Kansas City was sentenced to life in prison for possessing 1/16th of an ounce of cocaine. It's not my business to trump court decisions, especially since I don't know all the details; however, these certainly seem like violations of the 8th Amendment which protects U.S. citizens from cruel and unusual punishment. How can a mother go to prison for life (and she's still there), and a man get life in prison for downloading some indecent photos (and he's still there); while the biggest drug-dealer in American history who destroyed millions of lives is a free man as I speak (type).

There are murderers, kidnappers and rapists by the tens-of-thousands who've never been caught or prosecuted. I know that is true from hearing news stories of atrocities committed by German Nazi leaders in World War II, who were never held accountable for their crimes. Many of them fled to South America and others were secretly brought to the United States by the CIA to share knowledge of their torturous experimental methods with our own government.

Most of those Nazi monsters are dead, having never stood trial on earth for their merciless and cruel crimes against God and humanity, but Hebrews 9:27 warns, “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.”

The Bible teaches that everything is naked and open before the eyes of the Lord. No one can hide their words, deeds, intents or thoughts from God. Hebrews 4:13, “Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.” Nothing is hidden from the eyes of God. No crime ever committed is unknown in every minute detail by God almighty.

The Bible promises that God will hold all men and women accountable for every work, even secret works, whether good or evil. Ecclesiastes 12:14, “For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.” And may I add, God sees the secret things that you do for Him. God sees the long hours, working even when my pain is exasperated from it, but I keep going because I love Jesus and want to help others find the truth to help them. God sees every computer mouse-click, every keystroke, every

Take care of your morals first, your health second, and your studies last.

HOW BIG IS YOUR BIBLE? (an awesome MP3 sermon by Dr. Hyles)

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