Pastor M.R. DeHaan On The Need To Preach Against Sin

by David J. Stewart | June 2015

Romans 7:13, “Was then that which is good made death unto me? God forbid. But sin, that it might appear sin, working death in me by that which is good; that sin by the commandment might become exceeding sinful.”

       Americans aren't just sinful, they are in denial about their sins. We have become sinfully proud and arrogant as a people, dismissing God's commands, removing prayer and Bible teaching from our public schools, and redefining God. But God hasn't changed, and the truths of God's Word hasn't changed, and sin is still sin. Our text verse above teaches that the Word of God makes sin exceedingly sinful. Whereas television DESENSITIZES viewers to the awfulness of sin, the Holy Bible makes us SENSITIVE to our sins. This is why every born-again Christian absolutely needs to abide (live) in the Word of God, mediating therein day-and-night.  

Here is a powerful quote from the mighty man of God, and Bible teacher, Pastor M.R. DeHaan, M.D. ...

“Has it ever struck you, as it has me, that the world has tried desperately hard to rid itself of even the very mention of the word sin? It has almost entirely disappeared from the world's vocabulary. We can pick up our newspaper or magazine and read all the accounts of violence and atrocity and murder and dishonesty, but seldom are these things called "sin." Writers talk about crime and violence and death and murder and immorality, but the word SIN is carefully avoided.

Now all of this become very significant, for we believe it to be an attempt, consciously or unconsciously, to get rid of the idea of sin. But sin is still sin, and until there is a revival of preaching against sin in all of its awfulness, as a filthy damning rebellion against God, which it is, there cannot be a revival, but the world will continue getting worse and more rotten and more sinful than ever. 

By the grace of God, we, therefore, shall lift our voice against sin, not merely as a human weakness, not merely as the mistakes of a race trying to climb upward by evolutionary process, but as that vicious, selfish, filthy thing which lies at the basis and root of all man's troubles and trials, and which is a rebellion against a thrice-holy God, which must result in the punishment of the sinner in an eternal Hell, unless it is taken care of by the blood atonement of the Son of God. That is why we preach on the subject of the blood, the only God-given remedy for sin.”

SOURCE: M.R. DeHaan, M.D.; The Tabernacle, 1955, p. 149 (ISBN: 0-310-23491-3)

That is the message which America's preachers need to hear today. We have become complacent concerning sin. Abortion has become so commonplace that few preachers today cry aloud against sin as Isaiah the prophet did... "Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins" (Isaiah 58:1). Where are the Billy Sundays today, who will preach uncompromisingly against sin? 

America doesn't need anymore ear-ticklin', back-scratchin', penny-pinchin', nickel-nippin', soft-soap, compromising, pink-tea and lemonade type sissy preachers. No sir! What America desperately needs today is old-fashioned, Bible-believin', people-lovin', barn-stormin', window-rattlin', shingle-pullin', narrow-minded, Hell-fire and damnation, separated, soulwinning, preachers who aren't afraid to speak the truth!!!

Tragically, the Godless U.S. Supreme Court voted today (June 26, 2015) to approve of same-sex marriage nationwide. The state courts have been overridden and cannot ban homosexuality anymore. America today is in many ways worse than Sodom!!! In March of this year, 20,562 Presbyterian ministers voted to approve of same-sex marriage in their churches. This is demonic! The churches have been infiltrator by Satan and are no longer true Biblical churches. No so-called “church” that allows homosexuals to get married is a legitimate church. When the Apostle Paul rebuked the sinful church at Corinth, they repented. In sharp contrast, today's churches are not repenting, despite the many warnings from the few men of God preaching today in America!!!

America is going to Hell, literally. Not too long ago I spoke with an elderly gentleman who said to me, “Our society today is saturated with demonism.” He is absolutely correct! All across America children are proudly displaying the demonic witchcraft of Harry Potter: books, lunch boxes, school supplies, backpacks, toys, et cetera. All witchcraft is demonic!

Look at the photo of the woman to the upper right. God hates sinful pride. How can her baby be pro-choice? There's NO CHOICE at all for the baby! A fetus is a child, not a choice! The term “pro-choice” is brainwashing propaganda, a misnomer. The correct term is pro-DEATH. Planned Parenthood is so ruthless that they even mock God by selling “Choice on Earth” Christmas cards (instead of Peace on Earth). This is demonic!

Here again is part of the quote I shared with you earlier from Pastor Martin DeHaan, which speaks volumes to Christian leaders and Christian laymen today in the church. Oh how we need preaching against sin more than ever before. ...

By the grace of God, we, therefore, shall lift our voice against sin, not merely as a human weakness, not merely as the mistakes of a race trying to climb upward by evolutionary process, but as that vicious, selfish, filthy thing which lies at the basis and root of all man's troubles and trials, and which is a rebellion against a thrice-holy God, which must result in the punishment of the sinner in an eternal Hell, unless it is taken care of by the blood atonement of the Son of God. That is why we preach on the subject of the blood, the only God-given remedy for sin.”

SOURCE: M.R. DeHaan, M.D.; The Tabernacle, 1955, p. 149 (ISBN: 0-310-23491-3)

You'll never find the word “sin” in a psychologist's textbook. You'll never find the word “sin” in a doctor's reference manual. Even in most churches today you won't hear the word “sin” mentioned. It is tragic! The word “sin” comes directly from God's Holy Word. This wicked, heathen, reprobate and unreasonable world doesn't like the truth about sin. This is why we read in Romans 1:28, “And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient.” This is why unrepentant sinners won't come to Jesus Christ to be forgiven and saved (John 3:20). They hate Jesus (John 7:7; 15:19).

When a man repents, that is, changes his mind about his relation to sin and Christ, acknowledging that he is a guilty sinner in the eyes of a holy God, only then will he believe the Gospel and be saved (John 3:20; Romans 3:19). A person does NOT need to cease from sinful ways to be saved, for that would be human effort (works) for salvation. Repentance is a change of mind, not a change of lifestyle. If a person didn't repent, they would never come to Jesus to be saved. To acknowledge one's sinnership doesn't require any works. It is simply realizing that you are a guilty sinner in God's eyes and need a Savior (Galatians 3:24-26; Romans 3:19).

This is why the Bible tells us to repent and believe to be saved (Mark 1:15). Repentance and faith happen at the same time. You don't repent and then have faith. When you believe, it is because you are also repenting. The man who repents has believed, and the man who believes has repented. Repentance is not faith, even though they are inseparable, and occur simultaneously. Repentance and faith are not two steps to salvation; but rather, two parts of one step to be saved. John 6:28-29, “Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God? Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.”


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