Satan's Attack On The Family Through Television By David J. Stewart | April 2019
Romans 1:29-32, “Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.”
Despite knowing that God will judge the world for sins, ungodly people still willfully commit those sins, and even take pleasure in others who commit such wickedness! It is called “television”!
“Television is the Satanic family altar,” Church Of Satan founder Anton LaVey, said in 1966, “Television is the major mainstream infiltration for the new Satanic religion.”
Happily Never After (.PDF article; Happily Never After: How Hollywood Favors Adultery and Promiscuity over Marital Intimacy on Prime Time Broadcast Television).
I was in a grocery store the other day, and heard in the news (over their store radio) that the ungodly American company Netflix is booming in profits, adding 9,000,000 new subscribers. Netflix already has 139 million subscribers! Do you think the Luciferian powers behind the subversion of America aren't going to exploit such an opportunity to corrupt families? You better believe it! Netflix is guilty of promoting hardcore pornography, homosexuality and all manner of filth and ungodliness! Netflix is like looking in a dumpster for a good meal. As an American, born in 1967 and growing up as part of our ungodly American culture, I have seen firsthand the degeneration of our nation.
My father wisely taught me as a boy in the 1970's, that although sin is more open in public among black people, white people are equally as sinful, their sins are just more hidden. We are all sinners! I think my father was wise for explaining people that way. We are all woeful sinners! White people are just as sinful as black people, but their sins are more hidden. This is especially true of Freemasons and the Luciferian elite! Since the sexual revolution of the 1960's, we have gradually witnessed sin become open in American society, and we are today seeing the damage done by our acceptance and tolerance of sin! The abundance and type of crimes that we hear about in the daily news is disturbing! Proverbs 14:34, “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.”
The Devil is no doubt extremely pleased with the invention of the television. It is hard to believe that there were no household televisions (or HELLivisions) a hundred years ago! In 1946 only 6,000 American households owned a Tv, but that numbered soared to 22,000,000 Tv's by 1952! Technology has always been a double-edge sword, allowing man to travel further down the road he was already on. Man is evil, not technology! It is critically important for Christian believers to understand the Satanic agenda behind television, and how the Luciferian elite are intentionally using it to destroy families.
Anton LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan in 1966, said that the Tv is the Satanic alter of the family...
Anton LaVey was the founder of the Church of Satan. He died on October 30th, 1997, and unfortunately, because God's church is the sleeping giant, LaVey's followers and his agenda to desensitize Christians through the media, lives on.
Here are some astonishing quotes of his:
“The Tv set (is the) Satanic family altar.”
“Television is the major mainstream infiltration for the new satanic religion.”
“It should be brought out that we not only condone, but encourage all types of what would be called sexual perversity and deviations because we feel that in a few short years it will be established that everyone is a sexual deviant and pervert.
In the Satanic Bible, LaVey explained that he was moved to establish the Church of Satan when he saw the need for a church that would “recapture man's body and carnal desires as objects of celebration.”
“The Church of Satan preaches a religious system that endeavors to overcome the repressions and inhibitions of human instinctual behavior it believes has been fostered by the Judeo-Christian tradition.”The Church of Satan directly attacks all the Christian principles which this country was founded upon.
Through television, Internet, and various forms of media, the Church of Satan is winning the war, but only if we let it.Satan is using the Tv to turn America into a giant Sodom and Gomorrah. Ultimately, no one who opposes the holy God of the Bible will escape God's judgment.
Satanism Makes A God Of Sex!
In his excellent eye-opening book, “Satan: Prince Of This World,” retired Navy Commander William Guy Carr (1895-1959) makes the following shocking revelation about the relationship between Satanism and immoral sex...
“Lust is sexual desire outside the Natural Law of God. Therefore Christ Himself seems to have confirmed that Satan was lustful and is father of the Synagogue of Satan as those who are Satanists teach and believe. Satanists have always used sex-bribery and the depravities and perversions of sex to obtain control of men and women they wished to use to further the secret plans of their diabolical conspiracy. Satanism makes a God of sex. They worship the human body because of its sexual abilities. When men and women prove they are unyielding to all other forms of devilish temptation, they often fall as the result of becoming involved in illicit relationships and perversions. Did not David commit abominable sexual crimes, including incest?” [emphasis added]
SOURCE: Satan: Prince Of This World, by Commander William Guy Carr, p.22
Here is another disturbing quote from Cmdr. William Carr, which accurately describes America's plight today...
“According, to Satanism, it is perfectly right, and proper, to encourage moral turpitude in all classes of society, and at all levels of government, by convincing the public that abnormal sexual behaviour is normal; and that the moral code accepted by civilized nations, based on the Commandments of God and teachings of the Holy Scriptures, is old fashioned and introduced by Church and state for selfish purposes. But behind the building up of a WRONG conception of sex, and its purposes as intended by God our Creator, is the Satanic principle that “The best revolutionary is a youth absolutely devoid of morals.” When Lenin stated this as recorded in Pawns in The Game he only confirmed what other Satanists had stated a hundred times previously. It is Satanism, as it is direct from THE TOP, which is responsible for the increase in juvenile delinquency, but those selected by the governments of the world to investigate this problem invariably give every CAUSE other than the right one.” [emphasis added]
SOURCE: Satan: Prince Of This World, by Commander William Guy Carr, p. 56.
I highly recommend that you read William Guy Carr's numerous books. Satanists teach that Satan had sex with Eve in the Garden of Eden. Satanist's entire belief system is rooted in human debasing sex-perversion. Thus, Satanism and sex are inseparable. With this disturbing truth in mind from Cmdr. Carr, it will become obvious to you just how evil and dangerous the sensual, promiscuous and sexualizing music videos of Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus, Carrie Underwood, and hundreds of other Satanic servants are! It ought to become obvious how dangerous Hollywood's obsession is with sexual perversion, blasphemy against God and violence!
“Television is
the Satanic family altar,” Church Of Satan founder Anton
LaVey, said in 1966, “Television is the major mainstream
infiltration for the new Satanic religion.” Satan's Family Altar Called TV
Here are some astonishing quotes of his; “The Tv set (is the) Satanic family altar.” “Television is the major mainstream infiltration for the new satanic religion.” “It should be brought out that we not only
condone, but encourage all types of what would be called sexual
perversity and deviations because we feel that in a few short years
it will be established that everyone is a sexual deviant and
pervert.” The Church of Satan directly attacks all the Christian principles which this country was founded upon. Through television, Internet, and various forms of media, the Church of Satan is winning the war, but only if we let it. Daniel J DeNoon WebMD from the article Media Exposure Linked to Child, Teen Health, Behavior Problems says: “When the researchers looked at kids who said their parents strongly disapproved of them having sex, those who watched more than two hours of television a day were 70 percent more likely to have sex. And if sex-disapproving parents didn't monitor their teens' TV viewing, more than two hours a day of TV upped a teen's odds of sexual initiation by 250 percent.” The study by The Parents Television Council, titled "Happily Never After" finds that television broadcast networks depict sex within marriage as "either non-existent or burdensome while showing positive depictions of extra-marital or adulterous sexual relationships with alarming frequency." “These study results suggest that many in Hollywood are actively seeking to undermine marriage by consistently showing it in a negative manner,” said Tim Winter, president of the PTC, in a release. He goes on to say that in addition to its mostly negative portrayal of marriage, television has also become a stage for sexual expression that would have been unacceptable less than a generation ago. Those include, according to the survey, threesomes, partner swapping, pedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality and sex with prostitutes. Add to that depictions of strippers, references to masturbation and sex toys, and television has created the perfect storm to blast away the last remnants of family values in Hollywood, the report suggests. Winter said “the phenomenon will undoubtedly
influence the values of future generations.” You can read the full
article at;
(Happily Never After: How Hollywood
Favors Adultery and Promiscuity over Marital Intimacy on Prime Time
Broadcast Television). There is not a chance of winning this war when the army of God keeps giving Satan a foothold into their hearts and minds. It is time for a Holy Revolution! END |
Prolific writer, Henry Makow, a noteworthy Jewish professor in Canada, makes the following important observation:
We were not prepared for the attack on our humanity by “sexual liberation” and porn. We didn't know our leadership had been subverted by the Illuminati.
Marriage and family are the essential building blocks of society. Family ensures that each new generation is properly nurtured and prepared for life. Most people receive values, purpose, identity, and love from their family roles. Heterosexuality provides life with profound meaning. There is no greater potential for love than marriage and parenthood.
Raising a child is the supreme act of devotion and faith in God; and is practiced and tested every day.
Homosexual social engineering is gradually destroying these sources of happiness and health, personal and societal. Porn is creating new generations of heterosexuals who behave like homosexuals.SOURCE: Dr. Henry Makow, Why All Porn is Gay!
Dear reader, Satan has a bid for you and your family! The Devil was here long before you or I arrived on the scene, and he'll be here long after we're gone from this earth. Don't ever think that you're as smart as the Devil, because you're not! You will not circumvent (outwit) the Devil in a debate! Satan is the wolf, and we are the sheep! Our only defense is to submit to God. James 4:7, “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”
“Television is the Satanic family altar,” Church Of Satan founder Anton LaVey, said in 1966, “Television is the major mainstream infiltration for the new Satanic religion.”
Discerning The Movie 'COME SUNDAY' With The Holy Bible
“The mark
of the child of God is that he loves everybody!”
(a quote from Pastor Jack
Hyles' classic MP3 sermon, “FORGIVENESS”)
“If you have to look at your life to prove that you are saved, it proves that you're not!” —Pastor Ralph Yankee Arnold; an excellent quote from the awesome YouTube sermon titled, “Why Lordship Salvation is WRONG! | MP3.”