What Homosexuals Do In Private Is Not Ok
By David
J. Stewart | October 2014
I was listening to one of Jeff Rense's programs today and heard him say
that he doesn't have a problem with what homosexuals do in private. I've
also heard radio host Alex Jones say the same thing, that he has no
issue with what homosexuals do in their own private lives and homes.
Well, I do have a serious problem with what gays do in private, because
so does God.
Rense is
not what he appears to be. The love of money drives most of the
people in the fear-mongering business these days.
It's sickening when people
sell their souls to make money. Alex Jones is just as bad, using sensual
smut and sex-enhancing products to make money, endorsing homosexuality
and preaching a false plan of salvation of religious humanism. Jones
promotes and endorses nuts like David Icke, who teaches that
shapeshifting demonic forces have taken control of our government. Both
Jones and Icke have become millionaires, as has Jeff Rense. I am warning
everyone to be leery of trusting anyone who stands to gain money from
their work. I've never made, asked nor accepted a penny in any way for
all my ministry's hard work and never will. I do it for Jesus! All I ask
is for your continued earnest prayers for the Lord to keep the door of
utterance open to preach the truth!
There's no such thing as a
closet homosexual. In reality, homosexuals do leave their homes. They
buy gay magazines. They shop at gay-friendly retailers. They eat at
gay-friendly restaurants. They think as homosexuals, despising the King
James Bible (God's untempered holy Word). They support homosexual
activist groups that are relentlessly doing everything in their sinister
power to homosexualize American mainstream culture. Television is their
primary weapon. Gays vote for homosexual candidates and liberal
left-wing kooks who support their wicked agenda. Homosexuals don't
preach the Gospel, are indifferent to immorality and are silent about
the growing epidemic problem of pedophilia in our society.
Worst of all, many gays
teach America's children, secretly showing pro-homosexual films in the
schools. When they get caught they apologize and say it won't happen
again, but it does, deliberately, all across the nation in public
classrooms. Ninety-nine percent of parents don't care what their kids
are taught at Communist government indoctrination centers that are
erroneously called “public schools.” Our children have been under
satanic attack for the past century, especially since 1963 when prayer
and the holy Bible were banned from our nation's classrooms. The
consequences have been devastating and the statistics prove it.
Whereas chewing gum, smoking
cigarettes, running in the hallway, talking in class and cursing used to
be the primary offenses amongst public school youth prior to 1963; today
the big problems in 2014 are hate crimes, cocaine, marijuana, rape,
orgies, murder, venereal disease, teen pregnancies, homosexuality,
teachers having sex with the students, prostitution, séances, internet
pornography, felony crimes, New Age brainwashing, suicide, assault,
street gangs, et cetera. Teens today are under satanic attack and the
music and television industries are at the forefront of their demise.
Music today promotes all of the things I just mentioned and worse. If
you don't believe me, check this out, which is Maroon 5's latest video
titled, “Animals”...
We are living in Sodom and
Gomorrah today...
Truly, if God doesn't step
in soon to do something, the United States will totally implode and
destroy itself. Homosexuality is a horrible sin, as are all sins, which
will bring the imminent judgment of God upon our nation. It is
inevitable!!! Woe unto America!
What homosexuals do in the
privacy of their homes affects all of society in every way, just as what
Christian families do in their homes also affects society in every way.
Any society is comprised of the whole sum of all its individuals and
individual families. Each and every one of us has an affect, to some
degree, whether positive or adverse (or both), upon our society as a
whole. It is absolutely unavoidable. You may seem insignificant in your
own eyes (or the eyes of others) and fail to realize your part,
regardless of how small or great of that part may be, but YOU ARE PART
OF SOCIETY. Remember, one man plus God equals a majority, as evidenced
by Noah, Elijah, Daniel and others. I'd rather have God on my side and
go against the entire world, than to have the entire world on my side
and go against God.
What I do matters. What you
do matters. We ought to obey God rather than man, rather than our self.
Life is short? What do you labor for? Who are you serving? Have you been
ye will not come to me, that ye might have life" (John 5:40)
Notice that
Jesus said “ye will not come,” not ye cannot come.
Jesus came to
| They “Knew Not Until the
Flood Came”
Ephesians 4:15, “...speaking the truth in
We need to give up our WRONGS,
not our RIGHTS!
GLSEN Teaches Massachusetts Public School Teens
How to Have Homosexual "Fist Sex"!
Ye Must Be Born Again! |
You Need HIS
Righteousness! |
Believe The Gospel

"Ye that love the LORD, hate evil..." —Psalm 97:10