Why Homelessness In The United States?

By David J. Stewart | May 2019

Proverbs 22:16, “He that oppresseth the poor to increase his riches, and he that giveth to the rich, shall surely come to want.”

       I've been watching videos on a YouTube channel called “INVISIBLE PEOPLE,” by Mark Horvath (I admire this guy), who was on drugs and homeless himself for 20 years, and is now a born-again Christian and a caring advocate for the homeless. We need more people who care! Most Americans are too busy selfishly living their own lives, totally aphetic toward sin and suffering around them. This was the same sin of Sodom. Ezekiel 16:49, “Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.” The United States is also the sister of Sodom!

In the Holy Bible we read concerning the Prodigal Son that he was homeless, and there was a famine in the land. Consequently, no one gave any food to him. Luke 15:16, “And he would fain have filled his belly with the husks that the swine did eat: and no man gave unto him.” May I say, every homeless person is a son or daughter, who has a mother and father somewhere! When I see a homeless person (regardless of their age), I see someone's son or daughter, who has experienced hard times (for whatever reason), and I feel compassion toward them. I always think—“This is a person for whom Christ was willing to shed His blood and die on the cross (Romans 5:7-8), so who am I to despise, look down or walk away from their calamity?” Every homeless person is my brother or sister, as a part of the human race! I choose to love everyone as if they were myself, which is what the Word of God teaches, “And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself” (Luke 10:27). But by the grace of God, there go I. Caring for the poor and needy is EVERYONE'S responsibility!

Albeit, the culprits primarily responsible for the epidemic of homelessness in the United States are the filthy rich people behind the criminal Federal Reserve Banking scam (since 1913), and the ungodly Globalists who are behind the deindustrialization of the country. What does that big word “deindustrialization” mean? It simply means that our nation's industry—tens of millions of manufacturing careers—have been terminated here at home in the U.S., and sent overseas (or Mexico) to employee foreigners for much cheaper labor.

Detroit, Michigan, is one of the worst economic disasters in American history. It is so tragic! William C. Durant founded General Motors in 1908. Originally intended as a holding company for the Buick Car Company, within two years Durant brought some of the biggest names in the automotive industry, including Oldsmobile, Cadillac, Oakland (later known as Pontiac) and the predecessors of GMC Truck. After several decades of good success and Flint, Michigan, being a nice place to live and raise a family, in 1989 the General Motors corporation fired over 30,000 employees from their manufacturing careers, and moved the assembly plant to Mexico to exploit cheap foreign labor. Within a year, a new prison needed to be built because of the escalation of crime in the region. Although 66 miles away from the city of Detroit, that massive loss of earnings devastated the entire religion economically. The citizens of Michigan lost $1,500,000,000 a year in revenues to Mexico!!! Here are the horrifying consequences today!!! It is truly tragic.

Reporter Dan Rather exposes the National Disgrace in Detroit, Michigan, revealing that 50% of all adults there cannot read. Certainly, GM is not responsible for the consequences of sin which have devastated the area, but taking away all those high-paying careers from the region is arguably a major contributing factor to the economic decline and ensuing social ills. Proverbs 22:16, “He that oppresseth the poor to increase his riches, and he that giveth to the rich, shall surely come to want.”

Again, the two primary reasons for homelessness is the ungodly Federal Reserve Banking System (since 1913), which allows greedy rich men to rob us as much as they want, simply by messing with the money supply. They decide the value of a dollar, which is very wrong, unethical and un-American. The Federal Reserve System is criminal because it hurts people by robbing them of their earnings. The whole economic system in the United States is designed to hold you back, and keep you working as a slave your whole life, never get ahead financially, and then die broke! So my advice to Christians is DON'T PLAY THEIR GAME! Instead, lay up treasures in Heaven as Jesus commanded...

Matthew 6:19-21, “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”

That is what I am doing through my website ministry... LAYING UP TREASURES IN HEAVEN!!! There is something everyone can do to earn heavenly rewards. Praying is the greatest job of all. Colossians 4:12, “Epaphras, who is one of you, a servant of Christ, saluteth you, always labouring fervently for you in prayers, that ye may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God.” The average Christian wouldn't consider praying as labor, but it truly is, which is why MOST Christians don't pray! The Bible calls prayer labor! So one of the ways that we can lay up treasures in Heaven is by praying for others. There is a woeful lack of prayer in the churches today, due to the infatuation with entertainment instead. When entertainment becomes God, then God has to become entertaining to receive our worship. That is so wrong!

“He [God] warns us not to allow mammon to be our master!” —Pastor Jeff Owens, a quote from the needful MP3 sermon titled, The God Of Money.”

Only congress should have the power to control money, but they have no power at all today, because President Woodrow Wilson betrayed OUR country, helping a criminal group of private bankers to usurp that control in 1913. It is known as the “Federal Reserve Act.” The more money the banks print, the less a dollar is worth (simple supply and demand). More money means less value, and inflation goes up, which according to Professor G. Edward Griffin is a TAX! Americans are being raped by the greedy international banksters! This is why housing is outrageously overpriced. The leading cause of homelessness is the lack of affordable housing, which is the result of over-inflation, which is caused by printing way too much money! The criminals who print the money immediately benefit from it, but the American people pay the price down the road, when they are without a chair when the music stops playing!

Camp “TAKE NOTICE” For The Homeless

Homeless Camps (heartbreaking stories of real people who need our help)


George Whitefield (1714-1770), the famous English evangelist, said, “O Lord give me souls, or take my soul!”

Henry Martyn (1781-1812), a missionary, cried as he knelt on India's coral strands, “Here let me burn out for God!”

David Brainerd (1718-1747), missionary to the North American Indians, declared, “Lord, to Thee I dedicate myself. Oh, accept of me, and let me be Thine forever. Lord, I desire nothing else; I desire nothing more.” The last words in his diary, written seven days before he died, “Oh, come, Lord Jesus, come quickly. Amen.”

Thomas a Kempis (1379-1471) said, “Give what Thou wilt and how much Thou wilt, and when Thou wilt. Set me where Thou wilt and deal with me in things as Thou wilt.”

Dwight L. Moody (1837-1899)implored, “Use me then, My Saviour, for whatever purpose and in whatever way Thou mayest require. Here is my poor heart, an empty vessel; fill it with Thy grace.”

John McKenzie (1835-1899) prayed thus when as a young missionary candidate he knelt on the banks of the Lossie: “O Lord, send me to the darkest spot on earth!”

John Nelson “Praying Hyde” (1865-1912), a missionary in India, pleaded, “Father, give me these souls, or I die.”

Mrs. Sarah Comstock (1812-1843), a missionary in India, uttered this prayer of parting when she sent her children home, “Lord Jesus, I do this for Thee.”

Our economy is going to implode at some point (by design), which we see in the homelessness epidemic across the country, forcing the middleclass into poverty. Millions of illegal immigrants have been allowed to enter the country, working for $2 an hour to hide the truth that our economy is collapsing. Many U.S. corporations would have gone bankrupt if it weren't for their opportunity to exploit cheap foreign labor. I could be wrong, but I see all these evils as signs of a failing economy because of the greed of ungodly wealthy criminals. Our government leaders have betrayed their oath of office, betrayed their people, betrayed their country, betrayed their God. 

Free market is the answer to homelessness, getting rid of the “funny money” (as Dr. Ron Paul rightly calls it of the Federal Reserve. In a free market, money is 100% backed by its value in silver and gold (the way it was originally). Paper money was originally started as a convenience, so you wouldn't have to carry around a big bag of silver or gold. But dishonest thieves (the Federal Reserve Banks) came up with a scam, called "Fractional Reserve Banking," which allows them to lend out 10 times more paper money than actual gold in reserve. Around 1970, President Richard Nixon took the U.S. completely off the gold standard, so now our money is literally WORTH-LESS! We need to get rid of fractional reserve banking, and bring back REAL MONEY. A lot of patriotic groups have tried, and were shut down, arrested, confiscated and put out of business by the U.S. government, eliminating any competition to their fraud. 

America's poverty has been artificially created by the ungodly greedy private banks, who are not “federal” and have no “reserve.” There is no other way to remedy homelessness! All of the charity, social programs and handouts merely help make the criminal banks richer!!! We must eliminate the root of the problem. Everyone is saying that “Housing is the answer!” No, no, no! Who is going to pay for it? Providing housing is only a temporary solution to a much greater problem. We need to fix the problem so that American citizens can pay for their own housing and medical insurance, which the Globalists who control the U.S. have taken away from them. Your job is over in India, China, Malaysia, Taiwan, Mexico, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and other countries. Tens of millions of U.S. jobs have been terminated, sent to foreign soil by Globalist run corporations.

Here's a great article, "How The Central Banks Cause Income Equality"...


11,000 people each month are now entering into homelessness in Los Angeles! The two big problems are the criminal fraud of the privately owned Federal Reserve System, and the treasonous deindustrialization (sending our industry to other countries) of the United States by Globalists like the Rockefellers, who couldn't care less about U.S. citizens.

These two woeful evils have destroyed America's economy. ...


The illegal drug abuse problem is a national epidemic...


Humans are very impressionable. In every way American society is geared to fail. Alex Jones has a great video documentary called, "America: Destroyed By Design!"...


I am sick and tired of hearing paid professional liars on CNN, Fox News and other horrible news networks, blaming the increasingly high cost of health insurance, or the rising price of oil, for the economic problems in American today! THE TRUTH is far more disturbing, which is that our own federal government is our worst enemy! It is the U.S. government who continue to allow the privately owned Federal Reserve banksters to tamper with our money supply, kidnap the nation's economy, and further bankrupt the American people. Everything that OUR government does, they do in OUR name, with OUR money, so it is OUR business! I pray for God to execute justice and judgment upon our wicked government and nation!

Free Market Is The Cure For Homelessness In America (the criminal Federal Reserve must go)

How Central Banks Cause Income Inequality (robbing the middle-class to fatten the wealthy)

Every complicit member of Congress should be arrested, indicted, tried and hung for treason! Hell will be hot enough!!! ...

How the Government Has Caused Poverty, and How Libertarians Can Fix It

By Robert Taylor
January 13, 2012

As Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas) continues to grow in popularity with his recent success in Iowa and New Hampshire, much more attention has been focused on the libertarian ideas he represents. Liberals sympathize with his opposition to foreign wars and defense of civil liberties but question his support of free market economics and his criticisms of domestic welfare programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. Without these government programs, liberals ask, how will the poor get taken care of?

It’s easy to see why progressives think that without a big, activist government providing essential social services, the world would likely look like a Dickensian nightmare. After all, for most of human history, poverty has coexisted next to a wealthy minority. Textbooks may tell us of noble governments protecting the public from the excesses of the market, but the poverty and exclusion evident throughout history, and unfortunately still very much a part of today’s world, can frequently be traced precisely to government intervention itself.

Licensing laws, zoning regulations, minimum wage laws, and many other restrictions raise the cost of being in poverty and make it much more difficult for the poor to enter the labor market and start their own business. The Federal Reserve destroys the value of the dollar, harming those with the least amount while subsidizing big banks and big corporations. Governments use “eminent domain” laws to force people out of their homes in favor of rich land developers and politically-connected industries. A look back in history reveals that more often than not, governments tend to centralize wealth, protect the interests of the rich, and pay lip service to looking out for the little guy. Food stamps are nothing compared to the welfare large corporations receive.

Larger programs like Medicare and Medicaid also show the harmful effects of government intervention on the poor. Despite being implemented with the best intentions, the costs of medical care have skyrocketed while the level of access has either remained stagnant or fallen. Sectors of the economy that have far less government intervention and regulation, like computers and electronics, have the exact opposite result as the market drives down prices and increases quality.

It seems that government often breaks your legs, especially of those with the least amount of power and control over policy, and then hands you the crutches while convincing you of its necessity.

Before America was saddled with the debt, dependency, and opportunity costs associated with the welfare state, mutual-aid societies did a far better job of taking care of the poor than government welfare. These fraternal organizations were not charities per se, but private associations of individuals. Those who chose to join would voluntarily pay membership dues in return for a defined schedule of benefits, which, depending on the society, could include life insurance, permanent disability, sickness and accident, old-age, or funeral benefits. And because they were private and thus more immune to bureaucracy, the annual fee was usually about a single day’s paycheck.

Libertarians oppose government welfare programs and government intervention into the economy not because we disagree with their intentions (helping the poor), but because the means (taxation) violates the non-aggression principle by initiation of force through taxation. It is a healthy sign that society cares about the poor and less fortunate; there is no virtue, however, in using force in order to achieve a certain set of desired goals or ends.

Progressives should think twice about supporting such a destructive and dangerous institution.

SOURCE: Free Market Is The Cure For Homelessness In America (the criminal Federal Reserve must go!)

The inspired Word of God has always been the ONLY answer. Satan is the god of this world, and he recruits men and women by luring them with the love of money. All of the wicked Hollywood actors who strip naked for the Tv screen, do it for money. All major actors are millionaires! The same is true of degenerate filth like Taylor Swift, whose music videos are raunchy and disgusting, aimed at teenagers. The LOVE OF MONEY is truly the root of all evil! We have been utterly betrayed by our leaders! Congress is complicit, complacent and compromised. Most of them belong in prison for going along with the fraud perpetrated upon the American people. The manufacturing jobs must come back to heal our nation's economy, or it will continue to move toward a third world nation! If you doubt what I say, go search YouTube for the epidemic of homelessness across America!

Congress is supposed to control our nation's money supply, not private families! My joy is in knowing that judgment day is coming for these monsters who lurk behind the scenes, the Freemasons who have usurped control over OUR nation. It is not theirs, yet they make every major decision in our stead, selling us into slavery as a people! It was ungodly Freemasons who removed and banned the Holy Bible from our schools. It was ungodly Freemasons who put the lies of Evolution into the government's public schools, and still forces parents who cannot afford to pay for private schooling to enroll their children there! Hell will be hot enough!!! The controlling powers within Freemasonry are evil to the core, the arch enemy of all that is light, pure, holy, truth and right!

The first step to fixing ANY problem is for someone simply TO CARE! I do truly care as a redeemed child of God. Very few people care, because very few people are born-again and living within God's will. The majority of our leaders certainly don't care, and the ones that do are powerless against an insanely corrupt system which murdered U.S. President John F. Kennedy for trying to fix it. The Devil is a beautiful liar, thief and murderer, who comes with a smile, promising liberty to the naive. Homelessness is not merely the result of economic hard times; but rather, the intentional bankruptcy of the United States by a gang of greedy thugs. As long as Freemasons control our government from behind the scenes, the American people will NEVER truly be free. The middleclass will continue to be forced into poverty and homelessness. The illegal drug problem (which they sanction and facilitate on many levels) will only get worse! In 2018 the U.S. Justice Department literally did NOTHING when a diligent prosecutor gave them over 1,000 documents indicting HSBC, a European bank, for laundering $881 million of Mexican drug-cartel money in the United States. The U.S. Justice Department as as corrupt as the Devil himself!!! There is no justice, unless you mean “JUST US”!

Freemasons Control The Legal System
(shameful HSBC scandal; truth is stranger than fiction)

So now you know THE TRUTH of the matter. If you are facing homelessness, your government did this to you! Your good job is in Mexico, China, India, Taiwan, Malaysia or any one of umpteen countries that important to America. And to add insult to injury, Freemasons have opened the borders up, welcoming tens of millions of illegal aliens into the U.S. (even feeding, housing and giving an education to them at taxpayer expense), to destabilize our economy, and provide cheap slave labor for the wealthy, Hollywood elite, Marriott Hotel chain, and other shady businesses. All of these subversive things are designed to destroy the Old World Order, making way for a demonic New World Order, led by the coming Man of Sin, the sinister Antichrist. What can you do about it? The one and only sure thing you can do my friend is to obey God and keep His commandments, putting you on the WINNING SIDE in Christ Jesus! Ecclesiastes 12:13, “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.” Let the wicked man be wicked still, and the righteous man righteous, and we will all be vindicated in eternity.

1st Timothy 6:10, “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted
after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”


The Gospel Is Eternal Security!

Opponents of Lordship Salvation

The Unbiblical REPENTANCE Heresy!

Spurgeon DIDN'T Teach Lordship Salvation

Harry Ironside DIDN'T Teach Lordship Salvation

“To me, there's not anything that'll put iron in your spiritual blood like the Old Testament!”
 —Evangelist Lester Roloff, a quote from the awesome needful sermon, The Devil's Decoys! (or, What's Fooling You?) | MP3

“God will not accept anybody who rejects His Word! ...And when I say 'reject the Word,' I mean when we refuse to believe EVERY BIT OF THE WORD OF GOD, I believe the Lord will not accept us!” —Evangelist Lester Roloff, a quote from the awesome needful sermon, The Devil's Decoys! (or, What's Fooling You?) | MP3

“The mark of the child of God is that he loves everybody!”
(a beautiful quote from Pastor Jack Hyles' classic MP3 sermon, “FORGIVENESS”)

“A man can slip into hell with his hand on the door-knob of heaven.” —Evangelist Billy Sunday


Confession Is Never A Requirement For Salvation

“As a blind man has no idea of colors, so we have no idea of the manner by
which the all-wise God perceives and understands all things.”
—Isaac Newton (1642-1727)

Another Gospel Which Is Not Another
(a red-hot MP3 by Dr. Curtis Hutson exposing Lordship Salvation)

“If you have to look at your life to prove that you are saved, it proves that you're not!” —Pastor Ralph Yankee Arnold; an excellent quote from the awesome YouTube sermon titled, “Why Lordship Salvation is WRONG! | MP3.”

Ye Must Be Born Again!

You Need HIS Righteousness!

Believe The Gospel