Why Ted Cruz May Become U.S. President In 2016

By David J. Stewart | May 2015


       Since 2013 I've been 100% certain that former Florida governor Jeb Bush will be our next Commander and Thief in The White House. President Barack Obama has stolen more money for Wall Street than all U.S. Presidents before him combined. Wall Street has taken control over Washington D.C. politics and the Pentagon.

But now it was announced in March of 2015 that Texas Republican senator Ted Cruz is running for the office of U.S. President, whose wife has been working as the Private Wealth Vice President of Goldman Sachs. Whoa! She (Heidi) has also worked for J.P. Morgan and Meryll Lynch, and she is a member of The Council On Foreign Relations (CFR). Since taking office, Barack Obama has hired at least 58 former Goldman Sachs' employees. And now if Cruz wins, his Goldman Sachs Vice President wife will effectively be in The White House. For this reason, I am extremely leery of Ted Cruz (and because Ted Cruz is a flaming closet homosexual). If you think Ted Cruz is a conservative Christian and a great American, you've been woefully deceived!

During the President George W. Bush White House, Ted Cruz worked for Bush in The Office of Policy Planning at the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Cruz was Bush's project man for The North American Union!!! It was done through secret Executive Orders. Heidi Cruz has also worked on the North American Union project, considered the mother of it. She served as the Economic Director for the Western Hemisphere (i.e., Canada, the United States and Mexico).

“Nobody can love God who doesn't love sinners!”
(a quote by Dr. Jack Hyles classic MP3 sermon, “The Happiest Man” (happiest is the man who will not impute sin to others!)

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