The Globalist Elite's Number One Agenda: Population Control

       The number one agenda of the Global elite is Population Reduction. It is sad, but true, that many Christians think it's a good idea. What gives you or I, or anyone else, the right to decide who should be able to have children or not? Max Lucado, Third Day, TobyMac and Michael W. Smith are all going on tour around the country as of the fall of 2010. Do you know who is sponsoring them? World Vision, a bogus religious organization that is a front for Population Reduction.

Population control is a top agenda with elite Globalists and the CFR (the CFR created the United Nations by the way). Notice at the top of the advertisement below that World Vision is sponsoring these CCM apostates...


March 2, 1999

WASHINGTON, DC (Life Site News) - World Vision, a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, calls itself “the largest privately funded, faith-based relief and development organization in the United States.” Despite its popularity and respected image, however, World Vision is generating criticism because of its support for population control.

A 1995 World Vision policy document called “Health and Healing,” reported that “World Vision will supplement governmental and other NGO [non-governmental organization] efforts in making modern family planning methods available to the couples. ... These include copper IUDs, pills, and condoms.”

Furthermore, according to a recent article in WORLD, an American Christian magazine, an internal survey of the organization last year revealed that “all responding NOs [national offices] are engaged in some type of family planning-related activity, either as a straightforward family planning or reproductive health project or buried within child survival, maternal health, or women's health activities.”

WORLD also notes that $55 million of World Vision's $241 million revenue last year came from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) — a group notorious for promoting population control in the third world.


I don't want any part of any organization or group that thinks they are superior to others and have the right to decide who can have a family or not. There's not one Scripture in the Bible that tells us to worry about population control. In fact, Jesus teaches us the exact opposite...

Luke 12:28-31, “If then God so clothe the grass, which is to day in the field, and to morrow is cast into the oven; how much more will he clothe you, O ye of little faith? And seek not ye what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, neither be ye of doubtful mind. For all these things do the nations of the world seek after: and your Father knoweth that ye have need of these things. But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you.”

It is unbelievers and wicked men who worry about too many people on the earth, and a shortage of food, and oh my, what will we do? God has given the earth enough food for every one. God does not allow people to starve to death, people allow other people to starve to death by their greed and selfishness.

The Mysterious Georgia Guidestones