The Dangers Of Pornography

by Evangile Quebec | June 2023

1st Peter 2:11, “Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul;”

       Pornography is very bad for many reasons. First and foremost because it sticks to your mind forever (what goes in, doesn’t come out). It's like a tattoo. Except it's put in your brain and you cannot erase it. It's also very bad because it creates an insatiable appetite. ‘’The eyes of man are never full‘’. It’s all dirty. It will follow you wherever you go, and will affect your relationships and view towards the opposite gender (it perverts your view of the opposite sex and creates cravings that are really hard to resist). It will destroy your marriage, your career, your morals, your brain’s chemistry and it can send you to jail, and will shave years off your life and wellbeing. It is over-addictive and over-stimulating – it is worst than actual drugs. Just as with video games, it creates OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) and fills a good chunk of quality time that could be spent on something else. You will be desensitized to the beauty of your spouse. You will lose your desires to do normal things and to do what’s right and enjoy the basic pleasures of life. Etc. For one once of pleasure, you get a lifetime of pain and sorrow. It is better to bear a yoke of wood, than a yoke of iron.

You can live without pornography once you realize that it’s a literal toilet bowl. Pornography is the internet’s sewers. As with any addiction, you can never remain on the same level of intensity to fulfill the chemical addiction that you’ve created in your mind – it is ever increasing and requires more hardcore content for a temporary relief. Over time, you will notice that the content you see will be filthier and filthier because the so called ‘’good’’ or ‘’likeable’’ content is mixed with the perverted content (such as sodomy, etc.), which will desensitize your mind to the awfulness of sin, and as we know, curiosity always kills the cat. You will always go to the next level of filth until you reach the point of the toilet bowl. As long as you feed that lust, it will always get the best of you.

The way to live without porn is to live a full life, avoiding idle time, spending quality time working at a job, having hobbies, fulfilling hard tasks and doing plenty of physical exercise, having close friendships and accountability partners, keeping a journal of abstinence and of course, the Bible, prayer and church.

You may have been taught all your life that masturbation is a sin- well, if it’s a tool you can use to avoid pornography, by all means do it once in a while – because the greater sin is looking at pornography. It is greater work to release yourself with fantasy (it might require more effort for some), but it’s purer and more satisfying in the long run. You will probably feel guilty of doing it even without looking at internet filth, but that is because of the misconception of it being a sin by the evangelicals and the other nuts who do not use their own judgment over the necessities of life. You ought to be spared the toilet bowl of filth that’s waiting to catch you on the net. Using your imagination is the better tool here. Most men require a release every few days. If you can push back the need to do it further, great, but don’t wait to explode. Once or twice every day or up to once in 3 days is a good rule of thumb. The main point is avoiding nudity and filthy content. There’s already enough visual stimuli that isn’t porn, you don’t need any more. In the good old days, without the internet filth, men had to use their imagination and they only had clothing magazines. The internet filth causes memory problems and erectile disfunction (which can be almost permanent depending on the level of your addiction). Also you will never enjoy the natural beauty of women as much as before if you go into the deeper levels.

If you can quit cold turkey, that’s the best way to do it. It will be a real struggle for the first week, then the first month, then the first half of the year, but if you can reach a year without it, you will be very proud of yourself. As with cigarettes : you better abstain from any of it, and if you're on an addiction, the Lord might make you hit some walls that will make you stop - but it won't be pleasant. The only durable solution is to get married or wait for your sex drive to decrease over time.

Society’s norms are not God’s norms. The cesspool of iniquity will only increase, so remember : 1- stop, 2-run, 3- don’t turn back, 4-Keep yourself busy and pray ''that ye enter not into temptation''. Give yourself all the means to avoid it- and avoid it like the plague. Sin is always more serious than you think. Fools make a mock of sin.

If you've fallen into sin, know that the consequences will remain, but you can be restored in part (some things will fade away with time, however, stains of the sin will always remain -i.e., especially memories). The reason porn is so bad is because it affects your mind for a lifetime, and its severity depends on how long you've been into it and what you've been exposed to. Know that you are not alone in this struggle, and that the Lord can help you remain sober if you keep yourself busy and distanciating yourself from the negative influences. Society has pushed it as ''a need'', but in reality it is only a craving, or an addiction that has replaced marriage. It is a communist goal to pervert the minds of the youth and the medias (such as TV and the internet) do just that.


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