Banjo “Ben” Clark Is An Ungodly Baptist Hypocrite

by David J. Stewart | July 2024

1st Thessalonians 4:6, “That no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter: because that the Lord is the avenger of all such, as we also have forewarned you and testified.”

       Kindly said, in July of 2024 I was cheated out of $619.20 because of Banjo Ben Clark's General Store.

I had received an advertisement that they emailed me, about an upcoming Banjo Camp in Bigfork, Montana, on August 15, 16 and 17 of 2024. I really wanted to attend the event, but it was only 6 weeks away. So, on July 6th, 2024, I kindly contacted Ben Clark's General Store to inquire if there were any openings left. Amy at Ben Clark's Store replied to my inquiry. All she sent me was a signup website, which showed that there were still openings. I was so happy and excited, so I gladly paid the $899. I signed-up and received a confirmation email showing that I had purchased my spot to attend the Banjo Camp. I had made it very clear to Amy that I would be bringing my Deering Goodtime Special banjo with me to the Banjo Camp.

I do not like to put off until tomorrow what I can do today. So, I used Priceline on July 6th to purchase my reservations. I had planned to stay in Kalispell and drive 35 minutes down to Bigfork for the Banjo Camp. The entire travel package cost me $2,077.25 total. Great, I thought, I'm all set.

To my horror, Amy emailed me 2 days later on Monday, August 8th, to let me know that all of the banjo spots were already filled. I immediately contacted her to let her know that I had already purchased my spot, and had a confirmation number that they billed my credit card for $899. She said that I had signed up for guitar lessons, not banjo. I was sickened and disgusted, because I have no interest in guitar lessons. I had plainly told Amy that I am bringing my Deering banjo and want to attend the Banjo Camp. I'd like to make some factual observations:

  1. Amy foolishly ass-u-med that I understood how their website works, but I sincerely didn't.
  2. Amy never mentioned in her first email to me that the banjo spots were all gone, which is her fault.
  3. Their website defaults for guitar lessons, which is insane when everything about Ben's name is associated with the banjo. How the hell was I supposed to know that I was signing up for guitar lessons?
  4. Why in the world would Amy send me a sign-up page for the guitar, when I had plainly said that I wanted to come to their “Banjo Camp” in Montana, with my Deering Goodtime Special “banjo”? Amy is 100% to blame!

Ben Clark's incompetent employees created a hellish nightmare for me in the weeks to follow. I called Priceline on July 8th (36 hours after making my reservations) to cancel my travel reservations. I was able to obtain a full refund from United and American Airline, and the Travelodge by Wyndham hotel. But Alamo car rental were greedy thieves who refused to refund a single penny of my $619.20 that they stole from me. When you cause somebody to lose money (especially a substantial amount as I did), and you refuse to make things right, you are a dirty thief!!! How greedy can they be at Ben Clark's store?

I have contacted Ben Clark's General Store in Exeter, Missouri, about this matter, but they have horribly chosen to completely ignore me. Well, I won't shut up about it! I kindly requested that Ben Clark's General Store allow me to attend a future Banjo Camp at a reduced cost of $279 instead of the usual $899, so I can recoup the $619 that I lot because Amy didn't explain anything to me. She is 100% to blame for this misunderstanding. I've always paid for my mistakes, I shouldn't have to pay for Amy's too.

I have already filed a complaint with Consumer Affairs against Ben Clark's General Store for defrauding me.

I have also filed complaints at Consumer Affairs against both Priceline and Alamo for their greed, but neither company cares. They're dirty thieves, greedy sharks! They haven't even responded. They are all ungodly. Evidently Ben Clark's Store is no better, because they don't care either and they caused this nightmare. What the hell has our nation become? Does anybody fear God anymore? Companies just bilk other people with impunity.

I found this disgusting information on their website about Ben Clark...

Since launching in 2011, has undergone several upgrades and facelifts, with the latest in summer of 2017. Though many changes have come to the design and navigation of the site, one thing remains the same: Ben’s commitment to his students’ learning and his passion to see them grow!

In his spare time Ben enjoys taking road trips with his family, hunting (especially archery elk), fishing, flying any plane he can get into, and eating authentic Mexican food. Ben was called by the Lord into ministry in 2012 and serves bi-vocationally as pastor of young adults/families at Tulip Grove Baptist Church in Hermitage, TN. He has taken seminary classes from Union University and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (Louisville, KY) and plans to pursue graduate work more in the future. Ben’s mission and hope for the website is to glorify God and be used by the Lord to make disciples.

What a shady redneck scumbag! Ben Clark is a self-righteous hypocrite! He sure as hell doesn't give a damn about being an honesty man, or treating people the way he wants to be treated (Matthew 7:12). I lost $619.20 because of the ungodly brats at Ben Clark's store. When I kindly reached out to them multiple times to seek reconciliation, they decided to totally ignore me. I actually lost $ on my credit card, but it wouldn't have cost them anything to let me attend a Banjo Camp at a discounted rate. But instead of doing the Christian thing and making up for the nightmare that they caused, because Amy doesn't know what she is doing, they took the low path and chose to be jerks and do nothing. And so now I am exposing them for the rotten scumbags that they are, and that definitely includes Ben Clark, because it is his business.

If that jerk is saved, Ben Clark is a phony Christian, a disgrace to the cause of Christ, and a shameful Baptist. I was sickened to learn that Ben is a Baptist pastor, when his business craps on customers and mistreats them. A man's name is only as good as his behavior. Ben did me wrong! Ben should be ashamed of himself for allowing this injustice to happen and go unresolved. All I wanted was to recoup my financial losses that THEY CAUSED. Amy is a damn fool and a spoiled little brat, and Jake and Ben are no better for choosing to ignore me in this matter. Well, I won't go away! I am a firm believer in Word of Mouth. I was defrauded by the Ben Clark General Store.

Ben Clark travels the country boasting that he plays banjo for Taylor Swift. Take a look at the degenerate Sodomite woman, Taylor Swift, that Ben Clark wickedly bids Godspeed to!!! Taylor Swift is a devil, and so is Ben Clark for supporting that witch! What kind of a Baptist preacher bids Godspeed to a sexual pervert like Taylor Swift? Ben Clark is a wolf in sheep's clothing!!! That dung-filled religious Baptist college that he graduated from in Kentucky teaches the Devil's Calvinist lie of Lordship Salvation, not a free grace Gospel. I seriously doubt if Ben is a born-again Christian!

In hindsight, it is clear to me that Ben Clark and crew only love money, and don't give a damn about people. Jake Stogdill brushed me off the first time I contacted him about buying a professional banjo. He didn't tell me what banjos they had in stock, he didn't recommend any banjos, and just mistreated me. What a jerk! Then they misled me about an upcoming Banjo Camp in Montana, because Amy is an idiot. Then when I lose $ because of her, Jake and Amy totally ignored me, trying to sweep the matter under the carpet.

I have complained umpteen times and Ben Clark has also ignored me, hiding behind his hired employees like a coward. I'm just getting started warning others about Ben Clark and his ungodly business. If this is how they mistreat people, like crap, then they deserve all the negative reviews they get. 2nd Timothy 4:14, “Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil: the Lord reward him according to his works.”


“Faith is the only righteous thing that I can do!”
—Pastor Jack Hyles, a quote from the MP3 sermon titled: God's Reversal Of Psalm 51

1st Corinthians 16:24, “My love be with you all in Christ Jesus. Amen.”

Eternal Security


Confession Is Never A Requirement For Salvation

'The Gospel' In Just One Minute (by Pastor Max D. Younce)

John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

“As a blind man has no idea of colors, so we have no idea of the manner by
which the all-wise God perceives and understands all things.”
—Isaac Newton (1642-1727)

Another Gospel Which Is Not Another (a red-hot MP3 by Dr. Curtis Hutson exposing Lordship Salvation)

Psalm 34:8, “O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.”

“If you have to look at your life to prove that you are saved, it proves that you're not!”
—Pastor Ralph Yankee Arnold; an excellent quote from the awesome YouTube sermon titled, “Why Lordship Salvation is WRONG! | MP3.”

Ye Must Be Born Again!

You Need HIS Righteousness!

Believe The Gospel