Wealth Verses God
The Bible says you
cannot serve God and Mammon (Wealth)
By David J. Stewart | October 2013
Matthew 6:24, “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”
Jesus very clearly stated that no man (or woman) can serve God the Father and wealth (mammon). Proof of this is seen in the multitudes of so-called “Christian” singers and entertainers today who are supportive of homosexual rights. Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus all profess to know the Lord Jesus Christ; yet they openly promote homosexual rights and bring utter shame to the name of Christ. Brats! Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift dress publicly in all their concerts and videos as harlots (prostitutes). They are extremely promiscuous, risqué and evil. God hates immodesty because it promotes lasciviousness and leads to sexual immorality! Righteous living begins with righteous thinking and modest clothing.
It's disgusting that Justin Bieber recently had a tattoo of Psalms 119:105 put on his back shoulder, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Is that why Bieber openly says homosexuals should be allowed to get married? In fact, Bieber has posed in women's makeup in Todateen Star magazine (see photo to left), looking like he belongs on the pederast's magazine NAMBLA!
God hates cross-dressing, effeminacy and sissified behavior for men! Someone needs to wipe the eye-shadow off Bieber's eyes, get that lipstick off his mouth, give him a crew-cut and take him out to the football field for some toughing up in a gentleman's game of tackle. There's nothing more repulsive and disgusting than to see a masculine female or an effeminate male. Welcome to queer USA! You haven't seen anything yet America! Proverbs 14:34, “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.” America was exalted in times past because of righteousness within our churches and having the fear of God; but today in 2013 our country is a cesspool of wickedness and apostasy, Bible-believing churches are becoming scarce, and our sins have made us a reproach (disgrace and shame) around the world. Sin always undermines a nation!
It was in the news recently that a 6-year-old boy in Colorado won a court case against a local public school principle who wouldn't allow him to use the girl's bathroom. The boy's shameful mother claims that her son is transgendered, and therefore, is really a girl and has a right to use the girls' restroom. The Godless Colorado superior (inferior) court agreed! Where will this immoral mess take our nation? Well, ultimately the wicked are all going to be turned into Hell as Psalms 9:17 warns. Perhaps Bieber should have Psalms 9:17 tattooed on his other shoulder, “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.” The love and pursuit of wealth brings many sorrows the Bible warns...
1st Timothy 6:9-10, “But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”
Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift have erred from the Christian faith. They are all pulling on the same rope as the Devil. Miley Cyrus has been pushing her new contemptible public image to the edge of morality and decency. She looks these days like a dyke lesbian, impudent and arrogant, behaving like a promiscuous whore and spoiled brat who was raised with barnyard morality. Her parents keep making excuses for her shameful behavior. I wanted to vomit when I heard the Today Show diminish the awfulness and sinfulness of Miley's recent stunt on TV. To put it mildly, she simulated sexual intercourse on stage in front of millions of people (and the Godless newsmedia made sure that the world saw it a hundred times). The love of money is truly the root of all evil, just as the Bible warns in 1st Timothy 6:8-10.
It's sickening to see news reporter Anderson Cooper act conservative. His hair is not really white, it's died everyday to give him a conservative look. The media makes Cooper look right-wing and conservative; but in reality he's a left-wing, liberal, openly flaming homosexual who lives in a steady sexual relationship with another man. I'm not condemning Mr. Cooper, for we are all sinners. I am however, bringing attention to the fact that the wicked newsmedia and Hollywood television executives (many of whom are homosexuals themselves) are deliberately deceiving the American public, using subtle tactics to homosexualize the United States. This is why many of your favorite singers over the past decades are now coming out of the closet, announcing that they are homosexuals. Many gays profess to love God. Well, they may think they love God, but it is only the unholy false god in their head that doesn't exist in reality.
No One Can Serve God And Wealth
Jesus said that NO ONE can serve both God and wealthy (mammon). It's IMPOSSIBLE! Just as it is impossible to please God without faith, so also it is impossible to love God and money. It cannot be done! Luke 16:13, “No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” It is very interesting (and more than a mere coincidence) that God uses the words “serve” and “love” interchangeably in this Scripture verse.
No spy during wartime has ever served both nations with equal loyalty. One country must be served (loved) and the other betrayed (hated). To serve money is to betray God. You cannot serve the sinful world and simultaneously please a holy God (James 4:4). To love the world is to hate the Father (1st John 2:15-17). You'll either love God's Word and hate the sinful world; or you'll love the sinful world and despise the Bible. You either love self, sin and money and despise God; or else you love God, righteousness and integrity and despise money. The abortionists, adulterers and homosexual community despise a holy God and the Bible that He authored. Hollywood hates God (Jesus Christ) and the Bible! Hollywood movies are filled with occult messages to fellow members.
The Lord was very clear when He warned that pursuing money, wealth and worldly success is impossible if you truly want to serve God. Being poor is a blessing in disguise to many people. The poor may seem cursed in this world, but many of them will walk the streets of gold in Heaven. Likewise, the Lake of Fire will be overflowing with wealthy people who didn't heed the Gospel's warning to get saved. 2nd Thessalonians 1:8-9 warns that those people who fail to obey the Gospel will split Hell wide open.
Today's preachers are producing mutated religious freaks who know neither Jesus as their Savior nor the Doctrine of Christ as taught in the Scriptures. You'll never hear Joel Osteen teach about the deity of Jesus Christ. It's not important to him. What does he care? Let me tell you, Biblical doctrine is critically important, for it composes the sentences (preaching) which convey the grammar of God (truth). Without the doctrine of Christ, God cannot be communicated to anyone. Love without doctrine is apostasy. True Biblical love centers around telling others THE TRUTH of the cross, eternal damnation in hellfire, and the sin-cleansing blood of Jesus Christ.
Ecumenical apostates disregard doctrine and instead promote love, cooperation and unity between religious denominations. Satan's deeper agenda is to bring all the religions into line to worship the Antichrist when he comes. Let's preach the doctrine of Christ... the virgin birth, Jesus' sinless life, the importance of Jesus' literal and physical blood sacrifice, Christ's bodily resurrection from the dead after three days, the literal and physical second coming of Christ, the Godhead (triune nature of God's existence) and the deity of Jesus Christ, et cetera. DOCTRINE IS IMPORTANT! Doctrine defines our beliefs as born-again Christians. Doctrine is VERY important!!! When doctrine slips, everything else follows!
Blake Shelton: The Man Who Sold His Soul To The Devil For Money
All this music is of the Devil nowadays. Pretty much everyone is obsessed with entertainment, so every demon knows where to put a lot of focus, that is, on music, movies, TV shows and video games. Country singer Blake Shelton openly admits that his job is to give the foolhardy public what they want, that is, an irresponsible, stupid, singing drunkard, which sadly has become the image of what it means to be a “Red-neck.”
“If I'm a country artist, my job is to lay my heart and soul on the line. And my heart and soul is being a red-neck, and drinking and being stupid. That's what I do!”
SOURCE: Blake Shelton, Why Country Music Is of The Devil! (video interview)
RED-NECK CRAZY!!! The legendary Country singer George Jones was infamous for his drunken exploits, DUI's and wicked lifestyle. The harsh reality is that Americans can't seem to get enough of that type of disgraceful, shameful and Godless lifestyle. The reason why is because they can relate to it. Woe unto the United States for our wickedness!!!
Here are the words of a total fool...
“I don't think I'm ever going to get serious. I'm never going to be political, or religious or anything that's going to get me in more trouble than being wasted all the time already gets me in. ... I drink alcohol and I always will until I die, and I don't care if you like it or not.”
SOURCE: Blake Shelton, Why Country Music Is of The Devil! (video interview)
What a sad testimony. Blake Shelton is influencing millions of young fans to drink alcohol and not care what anybody thinks. That's a sure recipe for disaster!!! I'll bet the afflicted wives and children care. I'll bet the victims of drunk drivers care. It's too bad that Blake Shelton doesn't care!
Concluding Remarks
My friend, you must decide! You must choose whom you will serve in life? You're either going to serve God, or you're going to spend your life pursuing money. The master whom you choose will affect every decision you make, ten thousand times over for the rest of your life. There's nothing more appalling than to be around someone who constantly thinks of ways to make more money. The reason why is because we ought to continually be thinking as Christians about more ways to get people saved, help others and please God. They are two very different mindsets! Completely different! If it weren't for the love of money, the sale of illegal drugs would end immediately. A common thing that drug-dealers say is that the money is too easy and too good to stop! Illegal drug-dealers can make anywhere from a couple thousands a day upwards to a million dollars (per day!). The love of money is the root of all evil. Money means wealth, pleasure and security in this earthly life.
Serving God requires a love for God that doesn't allow money into the equation. I make my decisions based upon what the Word of God teaches in the Bible. I'm not interested in making money, not even in the slightest way. That's why I preach as I do on my website. I don't stand to gain anything except God's praises, and that's all I need or want. Jack Van Impe was at one time a great man of God 40 years ago. But then he got the taste of the good life and saw that much of his financial support came from Roman Catholics. So Jack Van Impe began praising the Pope, literally saying that the Catholic doctrines were right on! Well, Jack Van Impe is right off!!! I do enjoy listening to Jack and Rexella, his wife. I like their show. However, I must expose anyone who praises the biggest satanic cult leader in the world... THE POPE! Catholicism is a prisonhouse of religion!!! Sacramental salvation is demonic! You cannot get to Heaven by keeping the Seven Sacraments! Water baptism will just get you wet! You must be born-again!!!
Jesus said that NO ONE can serve both God and wealthy (mammon). It's IMPOSSIBLE! Just as it is impossible to please God without faith, so also it is impossible to love God and money. It cannot be done! Luke 16:13, “No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” It is very interesting (and more than a mere coincidence) that God uses the words “serve” and “love” interchangeably in this Scripture verse. What do you love? What or whom do you serve? As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord (Joshua 24:15).