The Damnable 'English Standard Version'
By David J. Stewart | January 2009
| Updated February 2017
The English Standard Version (hereafter referred to as the ESV) is
deadly and needs to be exposed! The publishers mislead people when they
claim that the ESV is a “word-for-word translation”
of the original Greek.1
What they DON'T tell people is that there is a
raging debate over which
“original Greek” texts are trustworthy. The ESV is based upon an entirely
DIFFERENT Greek text than the precious King James Bible. The ESV is
based upon the Alexandrian texts
from Egypt. I wouldn't give you a dime for the ESV or any other modern
“version” of the Bible,
because they're all based upon the corrupt Greek work of heretics
Westcott and Hort. Thank God for the reliable King James Bible
New Feminist Change to “English Standard Version” (ESV says the
exact opposite of the KJB)
apostate and shameful Bob Jones University (BJU) Campus Store sells the satanic English
Standard Version (ESV). It is wickedness!!! I know Bob Jones College
graduates and affiliated churches which use the
satanic Easy-To-Read Version (ERV),
which is also translated from the corrupt Alexandrian texts. The
ERV is even
worse than the despicable New International Version (NIV), removing the word
“virgin” from Isaiah 7:14. God's curse is upon the Alexandrian texts and all
of the modern Bible revisions translated from them. Apostate Anglican
ministers and occult members, Brooke Westcott and Fenton Hort are the modern
perpetrators of the perverse Alexandrian Greek text. Both Westcott and Hort
rejected Jesus' Deity. All of the
modern Bible versions
attack Christ's Deity and remove the word “Godhead” completely from
Romans 1:20, Acts 17:29 and Colossians 2:9 (the only three mentions of this
important word in the precious King James Bible). Clearly, Satan is the
author of the Alexandrian texts.
Lineage of the Modern Corrupt Bible
Revisions | Chart (Larger)
The Bible teaches in John 8:44 that the
Devil is a LIAR and the father of all liars. The Bible also teaches in 2nd
Corinthians 11:13-14 that Satan masquerades himself as an Angel of Light
who relentlessly works to pervert, corrupt and deceive. Satan's teachers
are everywhere.
In today's apostate world, few people can
distinguish between truth and error. Jesus said that the
tares are
sown alongside the wheat, and only the angels know who the tares and
wheat are. The Word of God is our only defense.
This is why Jesus commanded in John 5:39... SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES!!!
Is it any wonder why Satan is corrupting the Scriptures to prevent people
from obeying Jesus' command in John 5:39? Not at all. The ESV is just
another attempt of Satan to malign and twist the Word of God into a lie.
The ESV Corrupts 1st John 5:7
Here's 1st John 5:7 from the ESV...
“For there are
three that testify.”
Now here's the trustworthy King James Bible...
"For there are three that bear record in
heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are
Obviously, the ESV is not anywhere near
accurate and is a lie of the Devil. Like all other corrupt modern versions
of God's Word, the ESV removes the GODHEAD.
The Damnable
English Standard Version!
The ESV Corrupts Philippians 2:6
Now here's Philippians 2:6 from the ESV...
“who, though he
was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be
Now here's the trustworthy King James Bible...
“Who, being in
the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God”
Clearly, the ESV robs Jesus Christ of His
deity, claiming that He couldn't grasp being equal with God. Yet the King
James Bible proclaims that
Jesus is
Almighty God (Revelation 1:8). God deliver us from the apostasy of our
day, from all the Bible-corrupters and Christ-rejecters.
There are THOUSANDS of similar problems with
the ESV and a large book could be written exposing it's deceptions and lies.
I beseech you my friend, use only the King James Bible (and NOT the New
King James Version either, it's corrupted too). Here's
a compelling article exposing the numerous
problems with the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible. By
close comparison, you'll find that the SAME perversions are similar in the
ESV and NIV, because they both originate in the same corrupt Greek text of
heretics Westcott and Hort.
ESV Translators Say Final Changes Made in 2016... Wait A Minute!
They CHANGED Their Mind AGAIN!
Lies, Lies and More Lies!
The following is quoted from the official
website of the English Standard Version of the Bible...
“The English Standard Version (ESV)
Bible is a new, essentially literal Bible translation that
combines word-for-word precision and accuracy with literary
excellence, beauty, and depth of meaning...”
Introduction to the
ESV Bible
What they
DON'T tell you is that they are using the CORRUPTED Greek texts
of heretics Westcott and Hort, two
unsaved men who hated the Word of God. The King James Bible
came from an entirely different Greek text (the Textus
Receptus) which originated from Antioch, Rome, where believers
were first called "Christians" (Acts 11:26). The corrupted Greek
text which Westcott and Hort used originated from Egypt.
the ESV is special because it is a “word-for-word”
translation. The Bible says every word was
“breathed out by God” (2 Timothy 3:16). For this reason, the
ESV seeks to translate the original Greek and Hebrew words
with the greatest possible accuracy and precision.
Introduction to the
ESV Bible
How can
you have "accuracy and precession" if you have a perverted
manuscript to begin with?
Third, the
ESV is special because it carries forward the great historic
stream of Bible versions in English—with literary
excellence, beauty, and depth of meaning, in a
fresh and compelling way.
Introduction to the
ESV Bible
The ESV is a piece of garbage, containing the
same lame mumbo-jumbo of the New International Version (NIV). All
modern bibles are corrupt because they are all translated from the corrupt
Greek texts of Westcott and Hort.
The ESV website further states...
Would you
believe it took nearly 500 years to translate the ESV Bible?
That’s because the ESV builds on the great translations of
the past—including William Tyndale’s New Testament of 1526
and the King James Version (KJV) of 1611.
But the ESV Bible also builds
on the best Christian scholarship of the last 100 years. The
result is a fresh and compelling Bible translation with a
timeless quality, that’s trustworthy and true ...
The result is a Bible that
conveys the timeless quality of God’s Word
and that remains trustworthy and true to
the original words breathed out by God. As Moses wrote more
than 3,000 years ago, the words of God are “your very life,
and by this word you shall live” (Deuteronomy 32:47).
Introduction to the
ESV Bible
What a bunch of rubbish! Please don't be
deceived by the rhetoric, the ESV is no better than the perverted NIV.
They've even stooped as far as to exploit the scholarship King James
“With the greatest
respect for the KJV and deep gratitude to its translators for their
work, the English Standard Version Translation Team endeavored to carry
on the KJV’s historic translation legacy in a way that is fresh and
compelling for today and that will endure for generations to come.”
From KJV to ESV: A
Historical Legacy
It may all sound good on the surface (and I'm
sure a lot of naive people will buy into the lie); but the ESV translators
butchered the Word of God, even denying the Lord's deity in Philippians 2:6.
Just as with the NIV, the ESV removes the word "worshipped" in Matthew 8:2,
replacing it with the weaker word "knelt." Just
as with the NIV perversion, the ESV removes important Biblical terms such
as: Godhead, Calvary, Lucifer, sodomite, et cetera. I challenge you to
compare all the problems with the NIV to the ESV
and you'll find a striking similarity.
Examine all the corruptions to the
New International Version (NIV) and the
Easy-To-Read Version (ERV), and
then compare those corruptions to the
English Standard Version (ESV)... THEY'RE ALL THE SAME!!!
Beware of the ESV!
The English Standard Version is of the
Devil. There's not a more trustworthy Bible available today in English than
the precious King James Bible.
Homosexuals, Christ-rejecters, sin-lovers, apostates, liberals, ecumenicals,
false teachers who teach false gospels, the self-righteous and sinister
ministers will love the ESV.
The King James Bible Defended!
The Apostasy of Bob Jones University
Westcott and Hort:
Translator's Beliefs
“The mark
of the child of God is that he loves everybody!”
(a quote from Pastor Jack
Hyles' classic MP3 sermon, “FORGIVENESS”
Ye Must Be Born Again!
You Need HIS Righteousness!
Believe The Gospel