I Made Bob Jones University Change 'Statement Of Faith'
by David J. Stewart | November 2020
Matthew 4:4, “But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” Proverbs 30:5-6, “Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.”
Bob Jones University (BJU) define religious hypocrisy. I say that in love (Ephesians 4:15). Please read the following hypocritical BJU Statement of Faith from 2017 regarding the Bible:
“Although Bob Jones University does not hold to a King James Only position, we continue to hold the widely-used King James Version (KJV) as the campus standard in the classroom and in the chapel pulpit. The position of the University on the translation issue has not changed since the founding of the school in 1927.We believe in the verbal, plenary inspiration of the Bible in the original manuscripts, and we believe that God has supernaturally preserved every one of His inspired words for us today. However, from the founder to the present administration, we have never taken the position that there can be only one good translation in the English language.” [emphasis added]
What a blatant contradiction! BJU are claiming that God has kept His solemn promise in Psalms 12:6-7 to supernaturally PRESERVE “EVERY ONE” OF HIS INSPIRED WORDS FOREVER. And I fully agree with that statement—that God has preserved “EVERY ONE” of His inspired Words for today. But BJU horribly and utterly contradict themselves when they bid Godspeed to having MULTIPLE Bible versions! In fact, BJU uses, sells, sanctions and promotes multiple different Bible revisions, which contradict each other in thousands of places. Take a look at how corrupt the English Standard Version (ESV) is that BJU relentlessly uses, sells and promotes. How can we have “EVERY ONE” of God's preserved inspired Words today, if we have multiple Bible versions in any particular language?
For this obvious reason, I caused Bob Jones University to change their Statement of Faith on the Bible, which in 2020 now instead reads:
“Bob Jones University holds to the verbal, plenary inspiration of the Bible in the original manuscripts and that God has supernaturally preserved His inspired words in the totality of extant manuscript evidence.
The position of the University on biblical translations has not changed since the founding of the school in 1927. Although Bob Jones University does not hold to a King James Only position, and from the founder to the present administration, we have never taken the position that there can be only one good translation in the English language, we continue to use the King James Version (KJV) as the campus standard in the undergraduate classroom and chapel pulpit.” [emphasis added]SOURCE: BJU Position Statements
Do you see what BJU changed? They remove the phrase “EVERY ONE.” Gotcha! By changing their Statement of Faith, BJU clearly evidences that THEY KNOW they're in error on the Holy Bible. How can we have “EVERY ONE” of God's inspired Words preserved for us today, unless we have an EVERY WORD Bible? BJU just told on themselves!
What saith the Scripture? Matthew 4:4, “But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” Proverbs 30:5-6, “Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.” Do you see how hypocritical BJU are to deny that we have EVERY WORD of God today? They had to change their story, because saying that we have “EVERY WORD” inspired by God today means that we can only have ONE BIBLE!!! Since BJU sells, uses and supports multiple Bible versions, they had to correct an obvious problem in their Statement of Faith, which revealed their utter hypocrisy. I am not trying to be cute or mean, I am obeying God to “earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” (Jude 1:3).
In case I wasn't clear enough, here is a comparison of BJU's doctrinal position on the Bible between 2017 and now in 2020. Please notice that they have removed the phrase “EVERY ONE” from their Statement of Faith:
2017 BJU Statement of Faith...
We believe in the verbal, plenary inspiration of the Bible in the original manuscripts, and we believe that God has supernaturally preserved every one of His inspired words for us today. However, from the founder to the present administration, we have never taken the position that there can be only one good translation in the English language.” [emphasis added]2020 BJU Statement of Faith...“Bob Jones University holds to the verbal, plenary inspiration of the Bible in the original manuscripts and that God has supernaturally preserved His inspired words in the totality of extant manuscript evidence. [emphasis added]
SOURCE: BJU Position Statements
They deceitfully removed the phrase “EVERY ONE.” Why did BJU remove those words from their Statement of Faith? The reason is obvious—because they are in error. The reason is because BJU in fact do not believe that we have EVERY WORD inspired by God today. It is gross theological incompetence and hypocrisy to claim that we have “EVERY ONE” of God's preserved inspired Words today, while supporting umpteen different English Bible revisions (which all disagree with each other in thousands of places). That is why BJU changed their Statement of Faith (which I am humbly glad to say I made them change through my unapologetic Bible preaching, to God alone be the praise and glory).
Every police detective knows that if someone is lying, all you have to do to expose them is to keep asking questions. If someone is lying, at some point they will have to CHANGE THEIR STORY. But if someone is telling THE TRUTH, you can ask them questions for months and their story will NEVER CHANGE. BJU changed their story on the Bible, to cover their theological lies! My preaching has never changed. Why has BJU's Statement of Faith changed? It is because they had to change their story to cover-up their theological lies about the Bible.
BJU deceitfully claims that their position on the Bible has never changed since 1927, which is horribly untrue. Dr. Bob Jones Sr. (1883-1968) only used the inspired King James Bible!!! That is all he faithfully preached from—the inspired King James Bible. I dare you to show me otherwise! Good luck trying! BJU has sat sinfully idle, going along with the apostate Devil's crowd who keep changing the Holy Bible. There is no honor in going along with those who corrupt the Holy Bible. In other words, by not changing BJU has changed.
For example: If you are close friends with someone, but then one day they start committing a crime (let's say using and selling illegal drugs), you have to make a decision to either dissociate with them, or become complicit to their evil deeds. When the police come to arrest your friend for selling drugs, and you are sitting in their living room surrounded by piles of illegal drugs, you won't be able to say that you've never changed from being an honest person. You will be arrested as an accomplice! That may be a crude illustration, but it makes a good valid point. I think it is a good illustration. 2nd John 1:11, “For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.” A true Bible Fundamentalist has to continually change, by separating from those who change! So, by not separating from the deteriorating religious scene in America, BJU has changed big time!
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