How Feminists Are Ruining It For Everyone

By David J. Stewart | December 2013 | Updated December 2021

“For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.
Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD...” —1st Samuel 15:23

       According to 1st Samuel 15:23, stubborn wives are as guilty in God's eyes as those who worship Satan! And God tells us why... because thou hast rejected the Word of the Lord! America has THE highest divorce rate in the world, and American women are TWICE as likely to file for divorce than men. The reason is because most of America's women have become feminists, rebelling against God's Word by not obeying their own husband, and stubbornly demanding to have their own way. 

More Women Are Rejecting Feminism
March 2013 | Return Of Kings

I recently walked into Whole Foods during my lunch hour. In between checking out the babes in sheer yoga pants, and trying to steal kimchi from the salad bar, I started to notice that the women, notably the white women in their late 20’s or 30’s, came in two types. Some were pleasant, vaguely feminine, and even vibrant with joy. They were strolling about the store with a pleasing energy, content to sample Gruyeres and Malbecs as they walked about.

Others were rushed, tense, even haggard. These women walked around as if they had the weight of the world on their shoulders; they held everyone in slight contempt, as if for not doing their part to keep civilization running. Why the difference?

That first, comely group were all mothers. Mothers of young children. It’s hard to miss the sheer joy these women experience, as mothers who spend their days pushing a stroller around farmers’ markets, driving a Range Rover to the yoga studio. All the while, their childless peers in middle management look on in disgust, as cowards and traitors to the cause. ...

SOURCE: Return Of Kings - More Women Are Rejecting Feminism

This CONFLICT of authority in the home creates a two-headed monster that usually ends in an ugly divorce. Listen to the words of the great man of God, and founder of the Sword of the Lord, Evangelist John R. Rice concerning the woman's role in marriage...

"Why does not the Bible limit a wife's obedience to her husband? Why does the Scripture not say, as many wish it did say, that a wife should be subject to her husband as long as he is right and true to the Bible? Or why does it not say, as Mrs. Goforth interprets it in How I Know God Answers Prayer, that a wife should be subject to her husband in all matters but spiritual matters? But that is not what the Bible commands. Rather the Bible says, "Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord," that is, as unto Jesus Christ, and so of course in complete submission. And again, "Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing" (Eph. 5:22,24).

SOURCE: (Success-Prone Christians, by Dr. John R. Rice; chapter 2; pg. 44,45).

Oh how right Dr. Rice is concerning this matter! Women are to obey their husbands, whether he is right and true to the Bible or not. This urgent Biblical truth desperately needs to be taught in our churches today, because divorce is epidemic in America!!!

Young men giving up on marriage: ‘Women aren’t women anymore’
While more young women say that having a successful marriage is important, fewer men share that goal.

by Hilary White |
January 10, 2013

Fewer young men in the US want to get married than ever, while the desire for marriage is rising among young women, according to the Pew Research Center. Pew recently found that the number of women 18-34 saying that having a successful marriage is one of the most important things rose from 28 percent to 37 percent since 1997. The number of young adult men saying the same thing dropped from 35 percent to 29 percent in the same time.

Pew’s findings have caught the attention of one US writer who maintains that feminism, deeply entrenched in every segment of the culture, has created an environment in which young men find it more beneficial to simply opt out of coupledom entirely.

Suzanne Venker’s article, "The War on Men," which appeared on the website of Fox News in late November, has become a lodestone for feminist writers who have attacked her position that the institution of marriage is threatened, not enhanced, by the supposed gains of the feminist movement over the last 50 years.

“Where have all the good (meaning marriageable) men gone?” is a question much talked about lately in the secular media, Venker says, but her answer, backed up by statistics, is not to the liking of mainstream commentators influenced by feminism. She points out that for the first time in US history, the number of women in the workforce has surpassed the number of men, while more women than men are acquiring university degrees.

“The problem? This new phenomenon has changed the dance between men and women,” Venker wrote. With feminism pushing them out of their traditional role of breadwinner, protector and provider – and divorce laws increasingly creating a dangerously precarious financial prospect for the men cut loose from marriage – men are simply no longer finding any benefit in it.

As a writer and researcher into the trends of marriage and relationships, Venker said, she has “accidentally stumbled upon a subculture” of men who say “in no uncertain terms, that they’re never getting married.”

“When I ask them why, the answer is always the same: women aren’t women anymore.” Feminism, which teaches women to think of men as the enemy, has made women “angry” and “defensive, though often unknowingly.”

“Now the men have nowhere to go. It is precisely this dynamic – women good/men bad – that has destroyed the relationship between the sexes. Yet somehow, men are still to blame when love goes awry.”

“Men are tired,” Venker wrote. “Tired of being told there’s something fundamentally wrong with them. Tired of being told that if women aren’t happy, it’s men’s fault.”

Feminism and the sexual revolution have simply made marriage “obsolete” for women as a social and economic refuge, but this is a situation that should not be celebrated by feminists, Venker says.

“It’s the women who lose. Not only are they saddled with the consequences of sex, by dismissing male nature they’re forever seeking a balanced life. The fact is, women need men’s linear career goals – they need men to pick up the slack at the office – in order to live the balanced life they seek.”

A cross section of research data from the Pew Research Center for the last months of 2012 shows the alarming trends for marriage and child-bearing in the US. One report published in mid-December said that the latest census data showed “barely half” of all adults in the United States are currently married, a “record low”. Since 1960, the number of married adults has decreased from 72 percent to 51 today and the number of new marriages in the U.S. declined by five percent between 2009 and 2010.

Moreover, the median age at first marriage continues to rise with women getting married the first time at 26.5 years and men at 28.7. The declines in marriage are “most dramatic” among young adults. Just 20 percent of those aged 18 to 29 are married, compared with 59 percent in 1960.

“If current trends continue, the share of adults who are currently married will drop to below half within a few years,” the report said.

Moreover, the link between marriage and childrearing has become disconnected in the minds of the so-called Millennial generation, those between 18 and 29. While 52 percent of Millennials say being a good parent is “one of the most important things” in life, just 30 per cent say the same about having a successful marriage, an attitudinal survey found.

The gap, of 22 percentage points, between the value Millennials place on parenthood over marriage, was just 7 points in 1997. The research found that Millennials, many of whom are the children of divorce and single-parenthood themselves, are also less likely than their elders to say that a child needs both a father and mother at home, that single parenthood and unmarried couple parenthood are bad for society.

SOURCE: Young men giving up on marriage: ‘Women aren’t women anymore’

Read again the following reiteration of what you just read, because feminism is the rot of American society, churches, homes and marriages...

Where have all the good (meaning marriageable) men gone?is a question much talked about lately in the secular media, Venker says, but her answer, backed up by statistics, is not to the liking of mainstream commentators influenced by feminism. She points out that for the first time in US history, the number of women in the workforce has surpassed the number of men, while more women than men are acquiring university degrees.

“The problem? This new phenomenon has changed the dance between men and women,” Venker wrote. With feminism pushing them out of their traditional role of breadwinner, protector and provider – and divorce laws increasingly creating a dangerously precarious financial prospect for the men cut loose from marriage – men are simply no longer finding any benefit in it.

As a writer and researcher into the trends of marriage and relationships, Venker said, she has “accidentally stumbled upon a subculture” of men who say “in no uncertain terms, that they’re never getting married.” ...

SOURCE: Young men giving up on marriage: ‘Women aren’t women anymore’

Alex Jones is right on cue when he states...

“Our women are incredibly entitled, worldly and angry about everything.”

—Radio host Alex Jones, The Alex Jones Show, December 29, 2009

There's no way to deny that our dysfunctional U.S. culture portrays woman as victims and men as abusers. The feminist female group called, “FIFTH HARMONY” portrays themselves as victims, singing their self-sympathetic song titled, “MISS MOVING ON” ...

Lyrics to “FIFTH HARMONY” and their self-sympathetic song titled, “MISS MOVING ON” ...

I jumped the fence to the other side ([Normani:] The other side)
My whole world was electrified ([Normani:] Electrified)
Now I’m no longer afraid
It’s Independence Day
It's Independence Day

I’ll never be that girl again
I’ll never be that girl again

My innocence is wearing thin
But my heart is growing strong
So call me, call me, call me
[All (Lauren leads)]
Miss Movin’ On

Young women in America have been indoctrinated to fail! They've been programmed to steal, kill and destroy just like the Devil. They kill their child's life by abortion! They destroy their marriage by divorce! And they steal the happiness from a family they'll never have because they elevated a money-grabbing career over motherhood, homemaking and being a godly wife. FEMINISM IS EVIL!

“Feminist ideology about the goal of gender-neutrality and the absence of innate differences between males and females goes out the window when it comes to the subject of domestic violence. Feminist dogma is that the law should assume men are batterers and women are victims.”

SOURCE: Feminist Abuse of Domestic Violence Laws, by Phyllis Schlafly

"For some are already turned aside after Satan." —1st Timothy 5:15

Listen to the mighty preacher, Dr. R.G. Lee, preaching about the role of women in society in his classic sermon, PAYDAY SOMEDAY...

“Search the pages of the Bible all you will; study history all you please. And you will find one truth that stands out above some other truths. What is that truth? The truth that the spiritual life of a nation, city, town, school, church, or home never rises any higher than the spiritual life of women. When women sag morally and spiritually, men sag morally and spiritually. When women slump morally and spiritually, men slip morally and spiritually. When women take the downward road men travel with them. When women are lame morally and spiritually, men limp morally and spiritually. The degeneracy of womanhood helps the decay of manhood.”

SOURCE: R.G. Lee, the needful sermon PAYDAY SOMEDAY!

That's the typical quitter's attitude of feminists today, that is, I'M LEAVING! I'M OUTTA HERE! I'M FINDING GREENER GRASS! SEE YE! No one should rejoice in quitting! It is a sin to divorce! A lot of people have the sinful mindset that it's ok to have premarital sex. It's not ok! I'm not advocating domestic abuse or violence, but divorce is never an answer. Too many Americans are spoiled brats who pursue divorce as an answer to their troubles. The God-ordained institution of marriage is taken far too lightly these days. As with all evildoers, feminists are in denial about their wickedness. Feminists prefer to call their sinful rebellion “rights.”

Furthermore, we are living in a hook-up culture of “relationships” nowadays, where people fornicate together instead of getting married. It's much easier to quit and move on outside of a marriage commitment. A godly woman saves her virtue until she is legally married.

The Bible foretells that in the end times the world will once again return as it was in the time of Noah (Matthew 24:37-39). The Lord prophesied that people would live only to eat, drink, marry and be given in marriage. That is, it will be a sinful time of going from one failed marriage to another, divorcing and remarrying, divorcing and remarrying in adultery. People won't even try to work things out, they'll just quit and move on! That's the popular sinful attitude these days... THE QUITTER'S ATTITUDE!

Many Christian women don't even realize that they have been caught up into feminism. If you think that you ought to have equal say with your husband, you're a feminist! If you think that abortion is acceptable, you're a feminist! If you think divorce is ok, you're a feminist! If you advise women in troubled marriages to “get out now while you still can,” you're a feminist!

Country singing celebrity, Reba McEntire, loves to sing about leaving, quitting and moving on. McEntire's a Godless heathen who promotes feminist rebellion in America's homes...

“Just as Loretta Lynn had spoken for pre-feminist women in the 1960s, McEntire had begun to address the emotional and empowering concerns of women in the 1980s.”

SOURCE: Reba McEntire: Biography and Much More from

Photo to Right: The divorce rate in the United States!

Faith Hill attributes Reba McEntire as one one of her mentors. Miss Hill was shamefully featured in Playboy magazine in 1994 and 2000. Feminism is synonymous with nudity, lewdness and sexual immorality. Reba McEntire is one of the biggest feminists alive today, and she has produced some of the most malicious feminist propaganda contradicting the teachings of the Word of God. Here's some lyrics from Reba's “YOU'RE NO GOOD” lyrics ...

You're no good... baby you're no good
I'm tellin' you now baby
That I'm going my way
Forget about you baby
'Cause I'm leaving today

Here's another song by Reba, “SOMEONE SHOULD LEAVE”...

Somebody should leave
But which one should it be
You need the kids
And they need me
Somebody should leave

Reba has done much to promote divorce in America by pushing feminist rebellion through her music and videos. She represents the sinful PRIDE of the reprobate feminist movement. The Bible confirms our human nature in Acts 4:20, “For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.” Today's youth are being taught by INDOCTRINATION to quit, hate and be selfish. The same sicko heathen world which propagates a message of unified love for one another, doesn't consider the murderous business of aborting a child as an act of hatred.

Americans are mentally-ill, warped in their thinking by decades of Hollywood perversion. The same hypocritical Americans who despise and look with contempt upon Muslim women for wearing head-coverings, see no harm with the disgusting Playboy philosophy in America. Americans have justly earned the Islamic label of being “THE GREAT SATAN” of the world. American women today are a major embarrassment to our country's traditional Christian history.

We live in a retarded and hypocritical nation in the United States. In December 2013, when Grizzlies Forward Zach Randolph took off his warm-up shirt and gave it to a special needs child in the audience, it made headlines and Fox News turned him into a hero (even calling him a “hero”). Being called “a hero” by Fox News doesn't mean anything, because they carelessly throw that term around so much. They invited Mr. Randolph onto the show. Big deal, he gave away a shirt! The guy makes millions of dollars a year playing sports! There are gospel missionaries all across the world who sacrificially give everything they own to the Lord, and yet no one ever recognizes their charity, love and sacrifice.

The War On Men
by Suzanne Venker

Over the last four decades, America has witnessed a profound change in marriage and gender relations. This was, of course, inevitable. Women today live longer lives than ever and simultaneously have fewer children. As a result, they pursue independence in a way that was previously unimaginable. In addition, technological advances and an economic boom (recent years notwithstanding) have changed the way people live, work, and communicate.

But of all the changes that have occurred, it is modern feminism—with its relentless talk of hapless housewives, female empowerment, and gender role reversal—that has severed the bond between the sexes, pitting men and women against one another.

It’s time to say what no one else will: the sexual revolution was a disaster. Men today have no respect for women and vice versa. Marriage has turned into a competition rather than a partnership. Dating is defunct and any reference to gender differences it met with skepticism or outright derision.

To end the war on men, women must stop clamoring for something we already have—and have had for quite some time: equality. They must adopt the mantra “equal, but different.” Men and women have been equally blessed with amazing and unique qualities that each brings to the table.

Isn’t it time we stopped fussing about who brought what and just enjoy the feast?

SOURCE: “The War on Men” by Suzanne Venker — eBook introduction

Did you read that? Here it is again...

But of all the changes that have occurred, it is modern feminism—with its relentless talk of hapless housewives, female empowerment, and gender role reversal—that has severed the bond between the sexes, pitting men and women against one another.

It’s time to say what no one else will: the sexual revolution was a disaster. Men today have no respect for women and vice versa. Marriage has turned into a competition rather than a partnership. Dating is defunct and any reference to gender differences it met with skepticism or outright derision.

SOURCE: “The War on Men” by Suzanne Venker — eBook introduction

America has become the sewer of the planet. We are a cesspool of iniquity! Americans are amongst the rudest, weirdest and most ungrateful people on the planet!

I heard on the news today that property owners in Miami, Florida are collecting and sending dog crap to labs for DNA analysis, so they can fine the dog's owner $150 for each offense if their dog defecates on their neighbor's property. How crazy is that? I mean, what has our society deteriorated into when landlords are collecting and sending dog crap to laboratories for DNA analysis? As strange as it sounds, I can understand why landlords are going to such extremes, because Americans are some of the most selfish, cutthroat and rotten people in existence. Unless another law is passed to force them to do the right thing, Americans won't do right! That's why another 109 gun laws have been passed since Sandyhook shootings one year ago.

“Feminist ideology about the goal of gender-neutrality and the absence of innate differences between males and females goes out the window when it comes to the subject of domestic violence. Feminist dogma is that the law should assume men are batterers and women are victims.”

SOURCE: Feminist Abuse of Domestic Violence Laws, by Phyllis Schlafly

Cody Simpson sings an enticing song, seducing a woman to abandon her lover (husband)...

CODY SIMPSON” and his selfish and adulterous song titled, “IF YOU LEFT HIM FOR ME” ...

Does he call you gorgeous
Even in the morning
Cause I would, I would
Does he make you laugh
When he's texting you in class, girl
Cause I would, I would

Don't need no money
Oh honey, I just need you
It drives me crazy
Oh maybe, you need me too
Let's hit the city
Come meet me
Yeah I'll show you
A thing or two

I would love you longer
I would kiss you softer
I could give you everything you need
I would hold you tighter
Make you smile wider
If you just left him for me

Girl you can't deny
That we're two of a kind
I swear that I'll be worth it
Don't you see how perfect it would be
If you left him for me
If you left him for me
If you left him for me

This is the garbage lyrics that are being indoctrinated into our youth today... quit, leave, move on, find another!

The Dangerous Rise Of Sexual Politics

Feminism is one of the evil children of Communism, intended to subvert American women into aborting (murdering) their babies, proclaiming Sexual Liberation, and divorcing their husbands. No wonder lesbianism is skyrocketing!!! If you think there's not a satanic agenda in America at work trying to destroy your marriage, home and children... WAKE UP!!! Read what mega-criminal Henry Kissinger said in his 2004 report...

The Plot Against Mothers

The powers behind the scenes controlling everything deliberately want women to pursue careers so they WON'T have more than a child or two at most. It has worked well. Families are rapidly decreasing in number in Russia, Japan and the United States! In China, some cities have a surplus of 30,000,000 men more than women because of brutal one-child policies. It started decades ago as a mere tax, which is how it will start in America. Then one day soldiers will drown your second child in a pool of rain water just as they do in China today.

"Those who want to destroy the family will continue to urge mothers to leave the home and 'become fulfilled in the workplace.' When the mother goes into the workplace to become 'fulfilled,' or to increase the family's income, she leaves the care of the children to others. Those who warn against such practices will continue to be scorned by the feminists and others who have a hidden agenda: they want to destroy the family."

SOURCE: The New World Order, pg. 245-246, by Ralph A. Epperson; 1990; ISBN: 0-9614135-1-4; publisher: PUBLIUS PRESS, Tucson, Arizona.

I'm your friend ladies. Don't think of me as your enemy. I'm not a bigot; but rather, I'm old enough to have seen where rebellion leads a mother. Satan will steal, kill and destroy everything you hold near and dear in life, and make you think he's doing you a favor in the process.

Each Generation Is Becoming More Godless!

There's not a bigger shame than the whorish manner in which women reporters dress on Fox News. What a pathetic joke that Sean Hannity, Elizabeth Hasselbeck and Bill O'Reilly pretend to be right-wing conservatives. Fox News is as liberal and worldly as can be! They play ACDC's hellish music. The women all dress immodestly in slutty clothing, which the Bible calls “the attire of an harlot” (Proverbs 7:10).

The sad reality is that Fox News represents the average American these days. We have deteriorated spiritually as a nation over the past 20-years. The ACDC generation of youth are now parents and some grandparents! The Rock band Foreigner's song, “Dirty White Boy” has virtually become our national anthem! Fox News aired ACDC's song, “She'll be All Night Long” last week. Can you imagine what today's Miley Cyrus lesbian generation will be like as adults in 15-25 years? Fox News won't be wearing any clothes at all! They'll be clothed like on the hellish show Naked Vegas, having their so-called “clothes” painted on. Those aren't clothes at all! Do you see how the Devil tricks people's minds? They're 100% sinfully naked in public, but they deceive the viewer by telling you that it's clothing!!! Where is all this gross immorality headed in America?

Feminists are ruining their own futures. How can any woman feel liberated by having an abortion? That's flesh of your flesh, and bone of your bone, and blood of your blood. How can any woman feel a sense of pride for quitting her marriage? What accomplishment is there in forfeiting motherhood? Television is saturated with feminism. TV commercials often portray men as being dumb, unaware and not as smart as women. In a mythical feminist stereotype that women have been oppressed by men for generations, a malicious attempt is constantly being made by the liberal media to degrade, insult and reduce men to vent contempt and hatred toward them. In reality, men cannot defend themselves against a mythical stereotype that never existed to begin with.

The truth is that feminism is a cleverly fabricated agenda of Communism, intended to subvert American culture and destroy the traditional home unit. AMERICA GET RIGHT WITH GOD!

“Education is a weapon, whose effect depends on who holds it in his
hands and at whom it is aimed.”
—Communist dictator, Joseph Stalin (1934)

Marriage And The Character Of A Martyr
(a needful MP3 sermon by Pastor Jeff Owens)

Ladies Against Feminism

Women's Page

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