200 People Jumped To Their Death On 911
By David J. Stewart
March 2012
| Updated September 2012
I CARE! At least 200 Americans were forced to jump to their untimely death on 09-11-01 in desperation to escape the inferno of heat (most from the 101 to 105 floors). I care about those people and it makes me angry. I want to know what really happened. No one has ever been indicted for the 911 attacks. It's more than obvious that the Bush Administration did everything possible to block any investigation into the suspect 911 terrorists before 911.
Although 200 people jumped due to extreme heat from the fires burning on the floors below (heat rises), the New York Chief Medical Examiner has rightfully determined the cause of death as homicide (because they were forced to jump to escape being burned alive). Forty bodies fell on the roof of the Marriott hotel below.
The corrupt mainstream newsmedia has totally white-washed the 911 attacks, ignoring the preponderance of concrete evidence. There has been a massive media blackout! The 911 memorial plainly evidences who is behind 911. The Bush Administration got caught, but the haven't been brought to justice because of the power of the lying newsmedia. They're incredibly evil.
Those folks had no idea when they got ready for work that day that they'd be plunging over 1,000 feet to their death. Jesus warned that death is imminent for all of us, for the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). Since all men have sinned, all must die. Jesus said to repent, lest ye likewise perish (Luke 13:5). I wonder how many of those 200 people believed on Jesus Christ?
A person has to be willingly blind to deny that 911 was an inside job. Fox News (Fools) are some of the biggest deniers of 911 being an inside job. Interestingly they all seem to attack anyone who dares question the government's official 911 story. What is so bad about simply asking questions? To research, here's some 911 Resources.
The amount of energy required to completely destroy a skyscraper is simply not found in a plane filled with jet fuel, most of which is kerosene. And how do 2-planes bring down 3-buildings? The very fact that the government refuses to properly investigate the 911-attacks, nor allow anyone else to, shows that they're hiding the truth.
Metallurgical tests were not allowed and all the remains of the 911 ruins were shipped to China. No plane ever struck WTC building 7, yet it imploded completely to the ground in 6.5 seconds. That can only be caused by a controlled demolition, which is exactly what the 911-attacks were. The building's owner, Larry Silverstein later admittedly that New York's fire chief asked if they could “pull” the building. It requires months to plant enough explosives to pull a 47 story skyscraper!
Desperation forced a horrific decision
By Dennis Cauchon and Martha Moore, USA TODAY
At first, it seemed like debris. Large objects were falling from the top of the World Trade Center's north tower, just a few minutes after American Airlines Flight 11 hit. "It took three or four to realize: They were people," says James Logozzo, who had gathered with co-workers in a Morgan Stanley boardroom on the 72nd floor of the south tower, just 120 feet away from the north tower. "Then this one woman fell."
She fell closer to the south tower, he recalls. Logozzo saw her face. She had dark hair and olive skin, a white blouse and black skirt. She fell with her back to the ground, flat, staring up.
"The look on her face was shock. She wasn't screaming. It was slow motion. When she hit, there was nothing left," Logozzo says.
Logozzo cried, "Oh my God!" and raced for the stairs. When he got to the street 45 minutes later, he looked up. By then, his building had been struck by United Airlines Flight 175. From the ground, he saw two more people jump. This time, they were from his building.
The story of the victims who jumped to their deaths is the most sensitive aspect of the Sept. 11 tragedy. Photographs of people falling to their deaths shocked the nation. Most newspapers and magazines ran only one or two photos, then published no more. USA TODAY ran one photo Nov. 16.
Still, the images resonate. Many who survived or witnessed the attack say the sight of victims jumping is their most haunting memory of that day.
It was worse than people realize.
USA TODAY estimates that at least 200 people jumped to their deaths that morning, far more than can be seen in the photographs taken that morning. Nearly all were from the north tower, which was hit first and collapsed last. Fewer than a dozen were from the south tower.
The jumping started shortly after the first jet hit at 8:46 a.m. People jumped continuously during the 102 minutes that the north tower stood. Two people jumped as the north tower began to fall at 10:28 a.m., witnesses said.
For those who jumped, the fall lasted 10 seconds. They struck the ground at just less than 150 miles per hour — not fast enough to cause unconsciousness while falling, but fast enough to ensure instant death on impact. People jumped from all four sides of the north tower. They jumped alone, in pairs and in groups.
Most came from the north tower's 101st to 105th floors, where the Cantor Fitzgerald bond firm had offices, and the 106th and 107th floors, where a conference was underway at the Windows on the World restaurant. Others leaped from the 93rd through 100th floor offices of Marsh & McLennan insurance company.
Intense smoke and heat, rather than flames, pushed people into this horrific choice. Flight 11 struck the 94th through 98th floors of the north tower, shooting heat and smoke up elevator shafts and stairways in the center of the building. Within minutes, it would have been very difficult to breathe. That drove people to the windows 1,100 to 1,300 feet above ground.
There were several reasons more people jumped from the north tower than from the south. The fire was more intense and compact in the north tower. The jet hit higher, so smoke was concentrated in 15 floors compared with 30 floors in the south tower, which was hit on the 78th through 84th floors. The north tower also stood longer: 102 minutes vs. 56 minutes. And twice as many people were trapped on the north tower's upper floors than in the south tower, where occupants had 161/2 minutes to evacuate before the second jet hit.
The New York medical examiner's office says it does not classify the people who fell to their deaths on Sept. 11 as "jumpers."
"A 'jumper' is somebody who goes to the office in the morning knowing that they will commit suicide," says Ellen Borakove, spokeswoman for the medical examiner's office. "These people were forced out by the smoke and flames or blown out."
She says the medical examiner's office couldn't determine who jumped because the injuries were similar to those suffered by the people killed in the collapse of the towers. The manner of death for all those who died was listed as homicide on death certificates.
To make its estimate of the number of people who plunged from the Trade Center, USA TODAY reviewed videos and photographs, interviewed witnesses and analyzed the time and location of the jumping. The newspaper discussed its conclusion with officials in the fire department and medical examiner's office who, while not making calculations of their own, deemed an estimate of 200 jumpers as accurate.
The New York Times counted 50 different jumpers in a review of photographs and videotapes. USA TODAY's estimate attempts to include people whose falls were not documented. Nearly all photos were of the north tower's north and east faces, which were more accessible to photographers coming from uptown Manhattan. But witnesses reported that numerous people leapt from the north tower's south and west sides as well.
On the south side, firefighters reported 30 to 40 bodies on the roof of the 22-floor Marriott Hotel, adjacent to the north tower.
On the west side, falling bodies crashed onto the awning covering the circular VIP driveway. The thudding of bodies at this entrance can be heard on a video taken near there by French cameraman Jules Naudet, whose footage was broadcast on CBS on March 11. ...
USATODAY.com - Desperation forced a horrific decisionThe official 911 story has been proven a fraud! Why People Won't Believe 911 Was an Inside Job. What if that were your loved ones jumping to their deaths from the 88th floor of WTC's one and two? Would you care then? There has been a total media blackout concerning the truth behind the 911 attacks. The firefighters who were there on 911, who saw and heard the bombs going off in the buildings (bombs that were planted in the 2 years leading up to 911), have been silenced by a New York judge (threatened with imprisonment).
PBS: Watch
“The Man Who Knew” Online
(John O'Neill murdered by
Illuminati globalists on 911)
Marvin Bush (former President George W. Bush's younger brother) administered the electronics security firm handling the World Trade Centers for the 2 years leading up to the 911 attacks. That's how they planted the bombs. Truly, the Bush family is the most wickedest family in the world, just as was satanist Aleister Crowley, THE MOST WICKED MAN IN THE WORLD (former President George H. Bush's father-in-law).
The mock terror attacks exercised by the government on the morning of 911 was a convenient cover for the real terrorist attacks. Yet, no national day of testing was ever announced. NORAD was ordered to stand down by the Vice President. The only flight allowed on 911 were the departure of over 150 members of the Bin Laden family from U.S. soil. Top government officials had been warned prior to 911 not to fly that day. Consider the facts.
Larry Silverstein, owner of the WTC buildings, secured an insurance policy prior to 911 worth billions of dollars. Silverstein publicly admitted that the Fire Commissioner asked if they could “pull” WTC 7 (a common term used in the demolition industry for imploding a building by controlled demolition). There are over a thousand bits of concrete evidence indicating that the 911-attacks were an inside job, i.e., that The White House and other key members of the U.S. government orchestrated the attacks.
President George W. Bush's younger brother, Marvin Bush, was on the board of directors of the electronics security company that monitored the WTC towers in the 2-years preceding the 911-attacks. Coincidence? That would have been a perfect cover to plant all the necessary explosives to bring down 3 WTC buildings. Planting explosives (thermite charges) to bring down 3-sjyscrapers would require months of preparation, which they had. I cannot say for certain what happened on 911, obviously, because I wasn't there. However, hundreds of firefighters and rescue workers who were there have testified that they heard multiple explosions before the buildings came down. There were bombs in the buildings.
One survivor even claimed they heard an official counting down on his cellphone before a building collapsed. Hundreds of books have already been written concerning the 911-attacks and the truth is already becoming self-evident. The average person is afraid to study the existing evidence or ask questions. Unfortunately, it may never be possible to prove anything, because all the evidence has been removed. However, there are so many people that were involved in the attacks that the truth simply cannot be suppressed forever. Everyday new evidence is coming forth. Already, nearly 1,000 engineers and architects have signed a petition demanding a proper investigation into the 911-attacks.
The bogus story that radical Muslims caused the 911-attacks simply doesn't add up. Most of the provided names of the 911 attackers onboard the airplanes that crashed into the Trade Towers have been found alive and well. It's all lies and more lies. Of all people, the 911 Commission appointed Henry Kissinger (a warmonger and eugenicist) to lead the investigation. The public outcry was so great that they picked someone else. Of course, the 911 Commission was spearheaded by The Council On Foreign Relations (CFR), which is like having the fox investigate the disappearance of chickens from the hen house. Here are 500 questions concerning the suspicious 911-attacks.
911 victim jumps to escape towering inferno
As far as I'm concerned, those were my family members who were murdered in the 911-attacks. Over 200 brave firefighters died when those buildings collapsed. Doesn't it seem strange to you that Fox News attacks anyone who dares to even question the official 911 story? Sure it does. It shows that there's a massive cover-up, involving the highest level of government and the corporate-controlled newsmedia. I am not anti-government; but rather, anti-corruption and anti-evil. The biggest conspiracy theory of all is that a group of Muslims hijacked 2-jumbo jets and flew them into 2-buildings, thus causing 3-buildings to perfectly implode to the ground in just seconds.
And what about presidential directive w199-eye signed by president George W. Bush prior to 911, blocking all investigation by the FBI and the Justice Department of the suspect Saudi terrorists prior to 911? It's the smoking gun of the 911 attacks. Only a dishonest person, or a coward, would deny all the blatant evidence and blindly claim that 911 wasn't an inside job. At a minimum an honest person would consider the evidence and listen to the thousands of people who WERE THERE on 911, and said they think 911 was an inside job. Earthquake seismographs have also shown multiple tremors as the buildings collapsed, showing multiple explosions were used to bring down the Trade Towers.
As shocking as it may seem, the newsmedia were even reporting that WTC 7 had fallen, while the building was still in plain view for another 20-minutes in the background. This is how blatant these New World Order liars are, and also shows how sold out to Satan the newsmedia is. The media are so evil that they'll devour their own children. They're total scum, plain and simple. That's why newsmedia women dress like whores and their men cover for criminals. There's a lot of scum in America's so-called professional society. Don't think that God has missed anything. Even the words out of everyone's mouth is going to be judged by God on Judgment Day (Matthew 12:36). Blessed by the name of the Lord.
The New World Order criminal gang has used the 911-attacks to take away the freedom's of Americans, and we're stupid enough to tolerate this removal of our legal Bill of Rights. If enough American's got upset, they couldn't get away with this. Sadly, most people are willing to sell their soul for so-called “security,” from a boogieman that the government created to spook us. The War On Terror is bogus. It is a false War On Terror, a rotten scam to enslave the world. The Public School System has dumbed-down America's children, to where they think like morons, believing that voting is the most powerful thing they can do. No, dissent is the most powerful weapon we have against tyranny. It is a vile crime what is happening in America's airports against the American people. We are surviving today in Nazi-Amerika.
The U.S. invaded Afghanistan and Iraq on the premise of the 911-attacks, which turned out to be a pack of lies. Over 1,300,000 Iraqis and thousands of U.S. soldiers have needlessly been murdered as a consequence. The profits from the stolen oil in Iraq have gone straight into a Federal Reserve Bank in New York (which is privately owned by the Banksters). Meanwhile Americans have been stuck with a billion dollar bill from the Iraqi War. 35,000,000 Americans are on Food Stamps and welfare, unable to find a decent job, and tens-of-millions have either lost, or are about to lose, their homes. All the while the government speaks of a “jobless recovery” (what a lie). Where are the jobs going to come from? Most of America's corporations have outsourced American jobs to foreign slave labor.
As former Governor Jesse Ventura said concerning Martha Stewart... “When we lie, we go to prison; when the government lies, we go to war.” There needs to be an investigation into the mysterious 911-attacks and the unprovoked Iraqi War that has needlessly cost so many innocent lives. To no surprise, no one was ever fired because of the 911-attacks. If the official 911 story is correct (which it's not), then there was a massive communications failure in government and someone should have been fired; but no one was (because that would open a legitimate investigation, which is the last thing the culprits behind the 911-attacks want). Lies have to be fabricated; the truth is self-evident.
I also agree with the former governor that Jesus would vomit if He came back today. God is very angry over the wickedness of the world today (Psalm 7:11). God is long-suffering and patient in His love; but God will not be mocked (Galatians 6:7).
I am wearied with listening to sermons by woefully ignorant preachers concerning what happened surrounding the 911 attacks. So many blinded preachers still think that some zealous Muslims pulled off 911. Islam has nothing to do with the 911 attacks. It was the elite globalists... the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, and other architects of the Illuminati (the criminal gang behind the forming New World Order, the hidden financial powers that control Washington D.C., rooted in Luciferian Freemasonry and the occult.
These evil people control the mainstream newsmedia (the whorish presstitutes). The average person is so dumbed down that it's frustrating to think about it. Still, I'm doing my darndest to wake people up. The entire reason for Christ's coming into this world, besides redeeming humanity, was to bear witness unto the truth. John 18:37, “...To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.” The truth is important my friend, the truth about everything. The very preacher who i blind to the workings of the New World Order, fails to understand the meaning of the very Masonic Pyramid on the U.S. dollars in his billfold. They mock us, putting their occult symbols in plain sight for all to see. This is plainly evidence by the 911 Memorial constructed at Ground Zero to mock us. Are you listening to me? Are you awake to the truth?
There's nothing worse than an ignorant preacher who preaches falsehood with zeal. Please stop blaming Bin Laden for 911. Bin Laden is a face, nothing more. Do you understand that? The true criminals behind 911 needed a villain, a face to associate with the attacks. They needed to give the public and victim's families someone to blame and hate; thus, the evasive Bin Laden (at least he was until 2011 when they faked his capture and burial at sea... and then allegedly murdered all 20 members of Navy seal team 6 just months later to bury all evidence). Think about it... fake capture, fake burial, fake helicopter bombing... no evidence to confirm anything! How convenient. It's basic mind-programming 101. After 911, it was common to see Bin Laden's face in urinals, dartboards and gun ranges. The public fell for it, gullible as can be... those evil Muslims! If you want the truth, you'd better turn off the box (TV) and start researching. Here's the truth...
The criminals behind 911 are not forgotten! Just as the victims will never be forgotten, neither will the perpetrators who orchestrated and carried out 911. The Bush administration orchestrated the 911 attacks, which were carried out by Saudi Arabian terrorists connected with the Bin Laden family and the Carlyle Group. The evidence is irrefutable. They Murdered John O'Neill on 911.
We live in a Bible-rejecting religious society today, go figure. I don't care what you believe, if it's not 100% in agreement with the Bible, then you're going against God. I'm as narrow-minded as the Word of God. It's amazing how many religious people get upset with me, because I simply take a Biblical stand for the truth. They are the fools. Apostasy can only lead to political enslavement.
911 victim jumps to escape towering inferno
You can't even go through an airport these days without feeling like you're in Nazi-Germany. They take away your toothpaste, shaving crème, a baby's milk bottle, and whatever else they feel like confiscating, and then mock you by handing you a metal knife on the airplane to eat with. It's rotten to the core. We are dwelling in a Police State today, it just hasn't taken full-force yet, but it will soon. Everyday more freedoms are disappearing in America. People are being turned against each other in society, being arrested and ticketed for everything, being monitored on video cameras everywhere they go, and being treated like criminals by thug-trained law enforcement.
In the 1995 movie, Independence Day, Jeff Goldblum's laptop computer on the president's escaping Air Force One plane shows “9:11,” just before The White House and other major targets are completely destroyed by an alien enemy. Coincidence? If you think so, consider CFR Chairman David Rockefeller's statement made just a year before in 1994 . . .
“This present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for too long - We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.” —David Rockefeller speaking at the UN, Sept. 14, 1994.
And so it came, on September 11, 2001.
Most people don't care about what happened on 911; but I do, very much, and it bothers me greatly. I want to know the truth. My heart goes out to the victims, each and every one of them. I know God cares, and He DOES know the truth.
The evil people behind the 911-attacks may escape justice in this earthly life; but they will stand trial in eternity and be punished for their evils against the innocent. Isaiah 13:11, “And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.”
God hates pride, arrogance and the evil way (Proverb 8:13). Many people are arrogant today, despising others and being inconsiderate of the feelings of others. Their day of judgment is fast approaching. God will deal with them cold-heartedly, just as they have dealt cold-heartedly with others. Everyone will reap what they have sown, and God will render the same treatment toward mean people, as they have inflicted upon those hurt by them. Jesus said that men will give account for every idle word spoken (Matthew 12:36). How much more shall the liars, crooks, bullies, swindlers, murders, tyrants, abusers and corrupters of society be held accountable by God on Judgment Day?
911 was an inside job, no question about it. The overwhelming evidence is irrefutable. Bush has been sued over 911. The victims and their families have been completely ignored. A New York judge placed a gag-order on all the firemen who believe 911 was an inside job, forbidding them from speaking out. It's a violation of their Bill of Rights. No plane ever hit the Pentagon. Former FBI Deputy Director, John O'Neil, was mysteriously murdered on 911 in the attacks (his first day on the job as new Security Director at the Trade Towers). You couldn't make this stuff up. Truth is stranger than fiction.
“On moral matters where right and wrong are involved, and where the Bible clearly speaks, many preachers have so compromised and sold out, and are so afraid of their congregations, that they cannot give the clear Word of God. God pity the preacher who is afraid to preach against sin just because somebody will cry 'politics'!”
SOURCE: Dr. Rice... Here Are More Questions; Question: Should politics and religion be mixed?; by Dr. John R. Rice, pg. 250, Sword of the Lord Publishers; 1973, ISBN: 0-87398-157-X
“As an honest Bible preacher, obeying the plain commands of God, I must speak out against corruption and immorality. Waste, corruption, the taking of men's freedom and the seizing of men's property, these sins every honest preacher must condemn and every honest Christian must disavow.”
SOURCE: Dr. Rice... Here Are More Questions, by John R. Rice, pg. 249, Sword Of The Lord Publishers (1973)