The Modern Apostate Ecumenical Movement
Yoking with Satan in Jesus' name!
There is great emphasis in the church today on uniting professing Christians of all denominations and beliefs. The message is that we're not so different after all... we can work together. 2nd Corinthians 6:14-17 forbids this!
Setting aside theological differences, we can help each other in the things we all agree upon. That effort is commonly referred to as "ecumenism," which is defined as "the organized attempt to bring about the cooperation and unity of all believers in Christ."
The foundation for this ecumenical trend has been laid and built upon over many years. We saw the beginning of institutional ecumenism in the 1960's, with The World Council of Churches, mostly liberal mainline Protestant denominations who denied such essential doctrines as the inerrancy of Scripture and a literal, bodily resurrection of Christ. For years, Evangelicals distanced themselves from this institutional ecumenism because of the unsound theology of the groups involved.
Today, however, that spirit of compromise has invaded Evangelicalism. The recent Catholic-Evangelical accord is an example of such compromise. In this accord, Evangelicals compromised essential doctrines such as justification by faith alone and the sufficiency of Scripture in order to unite with Roman Catholics on issues such as abortion and school prayer.
NOTE: All Scriptures are quoted only from the trustworthy and inspired King James Bible! The perverted Ecumenical Movement was given birth to by modern corrupt mistranslated Bibles; like the Living Bible, Good News for Modern Man, the New King James Bible, the English Standard Version and the New International Version. Woe unto them who have corrupted God's Words for greedy gain! The NIV2011 will be evil and ecumenical, just as is the 1984 NIV. The Homosexual Community is Excited About the Upcoming NIV 2011 Perversion of the Bible! That's tells you everything right there!
Compromising the Truth
The undiluted preaching from God's Word and an authoritative stand on truth seem to be on the decline. What we're seeing instead is a broadening of the gospel, a redefining of what it means to be a Christian, and a growing emphasis on inclusion and tolerance. Ecumenism has come to mean "reducing all elements of faith to the lowest common denominator. God's Word is neglected, experience is valued above truth, a false and selfish "faith" is promoted, and sound doctrine and correction are despised as "divisive" and "unloving."
Ignoring the Scriptures, numerous evangelical leaders today claim that a concern for doctrine causes division and therefore should be avoided for the sake of love and unity among the brethren. The Scriptures, however, couldn't be more specific in its opposition to such a teaching.
Romans 16:17, Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.”
Divisions are created by teachings that are contrary to sound doctrine.
2nd John 1:9, “Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.”
Unity in the faith is impossible without the doctrine of Christ. Without such a foundation we have no basis for the faith, for the gospel, for knowing Jesus, or for knowing anything pertinent to the Truth.
The glittering terminology of ecumenical is seen, on close examination, to be as hollow as a soap bubble and just as slippery and hard to hold onto. Where is the "common ground" between belief and unbelief? A believer cannot ignore the "major theological differences" between him and an unbeliever. Instead, he should be cutting through those differences with the Sword of the Word to win the unbeliever to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. I cannot agree to ignore an unbeliever's condition without, by that very act, compromising my beliefs. For my beliefs include the Great Commission, which requires me to tell the world of the gospel of Jesus.
Modern Christian Ecumenical Movements
Even a cursory review of what has taken place in the Church during the last 25 years will reveal a fierce undermining of the faith. Precisely as the Bible warns (Mt. 7:21-23; 24:4,11,24; 2 Thessalonians 2:3; etc.), today's most effective enemies of Christ are those who claim to be Christians and call mankind not just to any old false religion but to a counterfeit Christianity.
(ECT) Evangelicals and Catholics Together On March 29, 1994, leading evangelicals
and Catholics signed a joint declaration, "Evangelicals and
Catholics Together: The Christian Mission in the 3rd. Millennium."
Contained within the document, which attempts to bring ecumenical
unity, are some seriously compromising agreements regarding
proselytizing and doctrinal distinctions.
Subsequent Developments
You can't believe Christ obtained
redemption through His blood and also
believe redemption is being accomplished through Catholic liturgy.
Pro-Life Movement |
John 14:6, “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
In Carl Claudy's book, "Introduction to Freemasonry" (1931), he
writes, "In his private petitions a man may petition God or Jehovah,
Allah or Buddha, Mohammed or Jesus; he may call upon the God of
Israel or the Great First Cause. In the Masonic Lodge he hears
petition to the Great architect of the Universes, finding his own
deity under that name. A hundred paths may wind upward around a
mountain; at the top they meet." This tolerance of all religions is
further clarified, "Masonry does not specify any God of any creed;
she requires merely that you believe in some Deity, give him what
name you will ... any god will do ..." Albert Pike, former Supreme
Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry, likewise exults: "Masonry [is that
religion] around whose altars the Christian, the Hebrew, the Moslem,
the Brahman [Hindu], the followers of Confucius and Zoroaster, can
assemble as brethren and unite in prayer..." (Albert Pike, Morals
and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
(Charleston, SC, The Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree for the
Southern Jurisdiction of the United Stated, 1906), pg. 226.)
The New Age Movement
Al Gore's Unsaved Views
Baha'i World Faith
Pop-Psychology |
Promise Keepers "The book, written to help 'provide directions for a man's life so that he doesn't get lost along the way,' is mainly psychologically biased conjecture centering around six Hebrew words. In chapter after chapter, subjective insights into manhood are offered through quotes by a host of secular authors with a psychological bent, including Carl Jung, inner-healing therapist Leanne Payne, transpersonal psychiatrist/spiritualist Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, and Sam Keen, former theologian in residence at Esalen, the New Age/Eastern mystical therapeutic center south of San Francisco.
The Promise Keepers' movement is part of
an ecumenical trend of down-playing doctrine for unity that puts
aside essential theological issues in order to promote a unity which
is not biblical unity. Are false doctrines being addressed? Are the
people in these churches challenged to flee their false religious
systems? The answer is "No." Key foundational issues have been
dropped, all for the sake of supposed unity.
They are even being encouraged to accept
apostate denominations as genuine expressions of Christianity. There
is so much theological diversity among those involved with Promise
Keepers that no in-depth discussion of Scripture or what it means to
be a Christian could take place without tearing the movement apart.
If one followed the doctrines of some of the groups involved in this
movement, one could not even be a Christian. And if one is not a
Christian, nothing that person does will enable him or her to be
God graciously displayed His supernatural
power and performed a miracle in the presence of the entire
assembly. Yet, did God approve of Moses' methods? Did the visible
result of water coming out in abundance demonstrate God's hand of
blessing was upon Moses' work? No, his disobedience was noted and as
punishment, he was forbidden to enter the Promised Land. "The good
results that were publicly displayed did not justify the wrong way
in which God's will was carried out" (Axioms of Separation, p. 14).
The same is true about Promise Keepers.
The Christian Response to Ecumenism John 8:21-32, “Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
For the sake of our growth in the faith
and our development of discernment, we must "hold to" the teachings
of God's word. "Hold to," or "continue" (KJV) means to submit
to Christ's teachings, to abide in them (i.e., to let our
mental, physical and spiritual life be governed by them), and to
remain in them, becoming steadfast in the faith. If we do this,
then we are His disciples, we will know the truth, and will be set
free by the truth.
People who love the
truth will divide from people who love lies.
The word "love" (or a related form) whether human or divine is mentioned only 546 times. Although no attribute of God is mentioned more frequently in the Bible than that of holiness, there is perhaps no other characteristic so ignored and misunderstood as this one. Many seem to view holiness and love as being contradictory: holiness is too negative and divisive while love seems to be positive and accepting. But contrary to God's nature is the notion that love must tolerate or even refuse to expose error. God's love is compatible with His holiness. As believers follow the command to exemplify their God (Ephesians 5:1), they are not free to pick and choose which characteristics to copy. The modern day definition of love largely sets aside God's demand to His children for holiness and justice.
1st Peter 1:15-16, “But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.”
Holiness is the hub of the wheel from
which all other divine attributes radiate. Anything that is
genuinely at the heart of God should primarily reflect that same
characteristic of holiness. With the blatant rejection of the Bible
doctrine of separation (which finds its foundation in the holiness
of God), Promise Keepers cannot be legitimately considered "at the
very heart of God." Whenever a movement becomes engrossed in
compromise with error, it ceases to reflect that core attribute
which God has chosen as His name (Isaiah 57:15).
He then continues with these comments:
Behold the emergence of the ecumenical apostate church, the bride of Antichrist! "Positive Christianity" is the enemy of the cross.
The truth offends those who don't want to
hear it. Yet to speak anything less is to trifle with the eternal
destiny of souls. Ecumenism's promise of "unity" is tempting, but it
denies Christ and paves the way for the Antichrist and his new world
religion. It is a unification that will ultimately lead to
"You are not going to
be what you decide to be; you are going to be |
The Ecumenical Movement is a Vehicle Going to a One World Religion
The United Nations, which was created and is controlled by The Council On Foreign Relations, is highly involved in bringing to fruition a One World Religion, as part of a New World Order, which is the Beast system of the coming Antichrist . . .
U.N. plans to bring together 1,000 world religious leaders
By Larry Witham, THE WASHINGTON TIMES, July 14, 2000
A global summit bringing 1,000 religious leaders to the United Nations will disclose some participants next week, good news to U.N. officials eager to plan security and protocol for the unprecedented Aug. 28-29 event. The "working list" to be issued Tuesday will not include personages such as Pope John Paul II and probably not the Dalai Lama, who reports no invitation. But the Vatican's Cardinal Francis Arinze, a Nigerian, will make the trek to New York City as will spiritual leaders from countries such as Peru who have never before left their native soils.
"The leaders we've met in Africa, and Europe and Asia and Russia understand the opportunity," said Dena Merriam, a vice chairman of the summit. "The challenge is to have so many top leaders, and they all have something to say," she said. Miss Merriam, who has traveled with the summit's Secretary-General Bawa Jain to enlist participants, noted that even heads of state are given no more than five minutes to make remarks at the United Nations.
The Millennium World Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders is organized by an "independent coalition" of interfaith leaders, and is being held in a year when nongovernmental organizations, or NGOs, are seeking use of the General Assembly chamber more than usual.
"We're hoping in the next two weeks that their program will begin to gel," a U.N. official said.
"Any event that takes place in the General Assembly room requires major concern for security, protocol, the political [aspects], and making sure the program is compatible with the work of the United Nations," he said.NGO use of the chamber averages about four times a year, but this year it will be roughly 10 times.
The Millennium World Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders opens Aug. 28 with an afternoon procession into the General Assembly and sessions all the next day. It moves for two more days to the nearby Waldorf Astoria hotel. The summit was announced last October after "conversations" between media mogul Ted Turner and U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan, who will address the session of "the world's pre-eminent" spiritual leaders.One casualty of the inevitable political delicacies may be the Dalai Lama, spiritual leader of Tibet. China holds one of five permanent seats on the U.N. Security Council and long has opposed his speaking at the United Nations. "His Holiness has not been invited to the summit," an Office of Tibet spokeswoman in New York said Thursday.
The religious leaders are expected to issue a Declaration for World Peace and agree to some form of a permanent International Advisory Council of Religious and Spiritual Leaders. Mr. Turner, the summit's honorary chairman, has promised full live coverage by CNN. The chairman of the top advisory board is Canadian businessman Maurice Strong, who ran the U.N. Earth Summit in 1992, and a vice president of the summit's executive counsel is former Sen. Timothy Wirth, Colorado Democrat, who now heads Mr. Turner's grant-giving United Nations Foundation.
Other vice presidents are Gillian Sorenson, assistant to Mr. Annan, and the Rev. James Morton, an Episcopal priest with the Interfaith Center of New York. A midtown Manhattan office near the United Nations has been the hub of the yearlong effort inviting notable people from 12 world traditions, from the monotheistic faiths to Zoroastrianism, indigenous religions and Confucianism. Funding comes from 11 sponsors, which include the Better World Fund of Mr. Turner and the Templeton, Carnegie and Rockefeller Brothers foundations. Summit organizers would not yet disclose a budget.
Freemasonry and False Religion
Alice Bailey, a leading spokesperson of the occultic Theosophical Society and member of Co-Masonry confirmed the occultic and Luciferian nature of Freemasonry, stated...
"The Masonic Movement is the custodian of the Law, the holder of the Mysteries, and the seat of initiation… a far more occult organization than can be realized… intended to be the training school for coming advanced occultists."
SOURCE: "President Clinton Will Continue The New World Order"; Dennis L. Cuddy, RESEARCH MANUAL: AMERICA 2000/GOALS 2000, MOVING THE NATION EDUCATIONALLY TO A "NEW WORLD ORDER" Editor: James R. Patrick Citizens for Academic Excellence, 1994, 28-48.
It is tragic that many professed "Christians" fail to recognize the occult nature of Freemasonry; while the occultists themselves, who blaspheme the name of Jesus Christ, openly admit the diabolical nature of Freemasonry.
Alice Bailey states the evil agenda of Freemasonry...
"There is no question therefore that the work to be done in familiarizing the general public with the nature of the Mysteries is of paramount importance at this time. These mysteries will be restored to outer expression through the medium of the Church [false church] and the Masonic Fraternity… When the Great One [Antichrist] comes with his disciples and initiates we shall have the restoration of the Mysteries and their exoteric presentation as a consequence of the first initiation."
SOURCE: "President Clinton Will Continue The New World Order"; Dennis L. Cuddy, RESEARCH MANUAL: AMERICA 2000/GOALS 2000, MOVING THE NATION EDUCATIONALLY TO A "NEW WORLD ORDER" Editor: James R. Patrick Citizens for Academic Excellence, 1994, 28-48.
Alice Bailey plainly stated that Satan would infiltrate the church with Freemasonry, which is the training school for coming advanced occultists who will play their part in the establishment of the New World Order of the antichrist. In lieu of such damning evidence, it's hard to imagine that 26% of all Southern Baptist men are Freemasons.
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