Many Prophets And Kings Have Desired

by David J. Stewart | October 2016

Luke 10:23-24, “And he turned him unto his disciples, and said privately, Blessed are the eyes which see the things that ye see: For I tell you, that many prophets and kings have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.”

       I was listening to Alexander Scourby read the King James Bible today and heard our wonderful text passage. The Bible says that ancient prophets and kings desired to see and hear the things which Jesus' disciples saw and heard. The prophets to whom the Scriptures were given often didn't understand the prophecies which they had been given by God to pen. Daniel 12:8-9, “And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things? And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.” It wasn't meant for Daniel to understand the prophecies which he had received from God. The Lord told Daniel that they were sealed until the end times. I believe we are living in those end times today in the 20th and 21st century. Thus, we can understand the writings of Daniel today. It makes sense to us today.

What a great time to be alive in today!!! We are witnessing the end times of world history. The New World Order was prophesied in Revelation 17:10-11. Jesus said in Luke 10:23-24 that prophets and kings desired to see the things that the disciples saw and heard. For millenniums of time, prophets and kings had desired to meet the coming Messiah. They wanted to see and hear what He had to say. Jesus was letting the disciples know just how blessed they were to behold the very Messiah. They saw His miracles. They heard His wisdom. They saw His goodness. They saw and heard the living only begotten Son of God, the Christ!

When I heard this passage of Scripture, I felt immediately blessed, realizing that history's prophets and kings didn't have the complete Word of God as we do today. From Genesis to Revelation, we have the complete Holy Bible. Most people take the precious Words of God for granted, failing to grasp just how blessed we are to have God's Word. Even born-again Christians often fail to comprehend how blessed we are to have God's printed Words in their hand. In ancient times, books didn't exist like we have today. Scriptures were originally written on sheep skins (called parchments). God gave Moses the Ten Commandments on stone. That is interesting that God gave His commandments written in stone. Stone cannot be bent, only broken. You cannot bend God's commandments, you can only break them. Also, once engraved in stone, writings cannot be changed. God's commandments cannot be changed, they are set in stone, literally.

Prophets and kings would gladly have traded everything they owned, to have the completed Word of God in their possession as we do today. We can study the complete Word of God, able to form a complete picture of Biblical prophecy. Old Testament saints could not do this. Nor could New Testament saints. The Holy Bible was finalized in 95 AD with the book of Revelation. The New Testament Church didn't have the complete Word of God yet. We are so blessed today to have it! We have the truth! We have the complete thoughts of God in the King James Bible!!! Oh, how wicked and foolish are people who neglect and reject such precious truth! No one has a right to scoff, reject and ignore the Words of God. What does the Holy Bible mean to you?

Whereas prophets and kings desired to see and hear the Messiah, we have an accurate and complete record in the four Gospels of Christ's life and ministry. We have His written biography, four of them from Matthew, Mark, Luke and John! What a masterful way in which God documented the life of His only begotten Son for us to learn from and behold. Men would not have written the Bible if they could have, and couldn't if they had wanted. There is only one Holy Bible (i.e., Holy Book)—the inspired Word of God. We have a beautiful record of the Lord's life and ministry, which prophets and kings desired to have, but didn't. We are so blessed by God. We are all accountable in lieu of the truth which we have set before us today.

No one has an excuse not to repent (change their mind) toward God and believe the Gospel to be saved. “The Gospel” is that Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay for our sins. He was buried. And then three days later Christ bodily resurrected from the dead. Anyone who receives Christ's sacrifice on the cross as payment for their sins, believing that Christ was buried and resurrected three days later from the dead, is immediately and permanently saved. John 11:25-26, “Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?”

We are so greatly blessed to have 20/20 vision concerning the Messiah's first coming. It's all documented in the Scriptures. WHAT A BLESSING!!! No one in Old or New Testament times had the book of Revelation as we do. Literally, Bible prophecy is history written in advance. The Bible contains 31% prophecy (as verses zero in the Koran). God has given us the future to study in writing, as if it were history. How awesome is that? I love the Holy Bible. Thank you dear God for your precious Words in the King James Bible!!!

“Every word in this Bible is inspired by God almighty!”
—Dr. Jack Hyles (a great quote from the classic sermon, “A Friend At Midnight.”)

Psalms 116:15, “Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.”

“The only inspired Words of God are in the King James Bible!”
—Dr. Jack Hyles (an awesome quote —Dr. Jack Hyles (THE REAL BATTLE!”)

BATTLE OF THE AGES (MP3 by Dr. Hyles, “The King James Bible crowd is going to come out on top!”)

Ye Must Be Born Again! | You Need HIS Righteousness! | Believe The Gospel