Ask For The Old Paths And Walk Therein

By David J. Stewart | March 2015

Jeremiah 6:16, “Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.”

       What a beautiful passage of Scripture. Notice that the Bible says to ask for the OLD PATHS. By “path” the Bible implies a known route which had been previously traveled and; therefore, can be trusted. May I share with you two proven OLD PATHS that we can trust:

  1. THE INSPIRED KING JAMES BIBLE. There was only one English Bible for centuries, until the occult groups of the late 19th century got their hands upon the Bible and butchered it, in an attempt to infiltrate the churches with a watered-down, corrupted, diminished and spiritualized counterfeit lacking the theological integrity of the beloved 1611 King James Bible. There is no other Bible that I would recommend to you. The precious King James Bible (not a version) has stood the test of time.

    All of the new, modern, Bible versions are corrupted by Satan. They all remove hundreds of key theological terms, consequently rendering the new Bible versions as doctrinally UNsound. The new corrupt versions are teaching corrupt religious doctrines, confusing and misleading the churches. I'm talking about evangelical Independent Baptist churches too. Many of the churches have invited the Devil right in the side door with his so-called “easier-to-read” Bible versions, which are utterly impossible to comprehend. There is NOTHING in this world or universe more important than the Words of God. Psalms 138:2 declares that God magnifies His Word above all His holy name. That means even above the name above every other name, which is JESUS (Philippians 2:9-10). The reason why is obvious, because God's name is only as trustworthy as His Word.

  2. THE SIMPLICITY THAT IS IN JESUS CHRIST. The faithful Apostle Paul warns us in 2nd Corinthians 11:3-4 that he is afraid Satan, just as he deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden, may also deceive us into believing Another Jesus, Another Gospel or Another Spirit. These are remarkable truths in the Word of God. There are literally thousands of different religions in the world, but about five major religions that they fall under: Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity and New Age. May I say, Biblically, that salvation is not found in any religion; but rather, in a person—the precious Lord Jesus Christ! Jesus adamantly stated in John 3:3 that A MAN MUST BE BORN-AGAIN to enter into God's Kingdom.

    The “simplicity” which the Bible speaks of means that to be saved you simply need to BELIEVE the Gospel (good news) that Christ DIED on the cross for your sins, He was BURIED, and He bodily RESURRECTED three days later (1st Corinthians 15:1-4). You must know that you're a sinner to be saved, but you don't have to forsake sinful bad habits to be saved. Eternal life is a free gift, which you simply take to have (Romans 6:23; Ephesians 2:8-9). Salvation is a TAKE proposition, not a GIVE proposition. God is giving it to you, and you simply receive it through faith in Jesus Christ. Salvation is received, not achieved. We are saved by TRUSTING, not by TRYING.

    If you see yourself as a guilty sinner in God's holy eyes, for breaking His holy commandments in the Bible (Romans 3:19), and receive the Gospel as payment for your sins, you are saved immediately, permanently and irrevocably! Remember, you can never lose what was not yours to give in the first place. We cannot be saved by good works, nor can we lose our salvation by bad works. We are saved by God's imputed righteousness through faith in Christ Jesus! Philippians 3:9, “And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith.” We are saved by HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS!!! (Matthew 6:33). We have no righteousness to offer God (Isaiah 64:6). Thus, we need God's imputed (transferred) righteousness placed upon us, just as God the Father transferred our sins upon His only begotten Son on the cross (Romans 4:5-6).

Why the Old Paths?

The reason why God tells us to ask for the “old paths” is because everything in life tends to go from good to evil. Everything deteriorates. America was half-way decent in the old days. Today our nation is a hellhole. What happened? How did our nation go from a nice play to live in 1850 to a Satanic cesspool of iniquity in 2015? Although there are many factors involved, my opinion is that no other factor has damned the United States as much as removing God's holy Word and prayer from the public school system in 1963. That was the mails in our coffin.

Certainly, our nation was already progressing down a very wrong path with the legalization of the liquor industry after the Prohibition Era between 1919 and 1933. Booze has soaked up and ruined America!

But going even further back we find the diabolical Federal Reserve Act of 1913, the most treasonous and ungodly piece of legislation ever passed into law. The Federal Reserve Act took the control of money away from Congress and handed it over to wicked and ruthless private bankers, who've plundered Americans into utter debt since. It is this heinous banking fraud that has forced women into the secular workplace, robbing children of a home, reducing the size of families due to the stress of working women. Women simply don't have the time to cook over a hot stove for 3 hours anymore (the time it takes to really make a great homemade meal). Instead, families eat microwave junk and food from a can, or fast-food garbage.

We need to go back to the good old days when mothers stayed at home and were homemakers, not cocktail waitresses, strippers and businesswomen. Women's liberation and feminism have destroy our nation. Notice that God tells us in Jeremiah 6:16 to not only ASK for the old paths, but to also WALK IN THEM! We need to go back to what worked! Look at the street-gangs today, most of whom grew up in a single parent fatherless home (if you dare to call that a home). Instead of being on a farm where boys can bale hay, swap the pigs, milk the cows, help dad fix the tractor, plow the field, and a bunch of other labor; kids today sit in front of the Devil's television for several hours a day, playing video games, or glue to their computer screen all afternoon and evening. No wonder our youth have no good character anymore. Instead, they are characters! 

I could go on-and-on about this subject. In the old days, youth had hobbies and things to stay out of trouble. They played sports. They had the Boy Scouts (when they weren't queer). They had paper delivery routes, shoveled snow, raked leaves, had lemonade stands and worked at the local store delivering groceries in the neighborhood. Today, trouble comes to our youth in the form of drugs, sex and worldly music. Youth are covered in tattoos, use dope, have criminal records and are parents before age 15. Where are the parents? Many have divorced and a single parent mother is at work. The U.S. courts sanction and encourage this type of scenario. The lawyers and judges in America are as evil as Satan himself, prioritizing greed above all else.

We need to get back to the old-time tent revivals in America. We need some more Billy Sundays, Dwight L. Moodys and John R. Rices with their nationwide tent revivals. If I could, I'd get rid of every television and burn Hollywood to the ground. Families would come outside of their homes once again and socialize with each other like in the old days—playing softball at the local parks, having local fairs, pigs races, pie contests, go-cart racing, flying kites, fishing derbies, church barbeques and picnicking together. Today, everyone is inside their homes glued to the television, corrupting their souls with sexual immorality, violence, covetousness and every form of Godless filth. The internet is plagued with pornography and perverts and there are no government regulations in place to protect the innocent. The internet is a dangerous place to be for anyone!

Oh be careful little eyes what you see,
for the Father up above is looking down in love,
oh be careful little eyes what you see.

Kids spent their time staying active in the old days. Girls used to learn to cook, practice behaving ladylike, play piano, sew and make clothing. They did chores. They did homework. Families sat around the fireplace telling stories and drinking hot tea. Boys learned to hunt deer and girls learned how to cook them.

Today, boys and girls sit 4-6 hours each day in front of the TV, playing video games and watching demonic junk intended to warp their minds. Then they hang-out on the internet for hours more, polluting their innocent minds. They watch the demonic porn music videos by VH1, Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry, Taylor Swift and Carried Underwood (to name a few of thousands). Many kids today are obese, leading inactive lives, spending most of their time watching TV, playing video games and using the internet. No wonder they lack character, are spoiled brats, totally disrespect authority and grow up to shame their parents.

I Miss The Good Ole 1970's

I have some fond memories of the 1970's. Back then people repaired their own televisions. I enjoyed watching my father repair the old TV sets and radios. The vacuum tube TV sets and solid state transistors radios were amazing for their time. The 1970's were a beautiful time in music. There were no credit cards then. There were no microwaves. All TV dinners came in foil for the oven (like Swanson). My favorite was John's Pizzas (which came in a box). Society was very different. Music was sold on 8-tracks and vinyl records. There were no personal home computers.

Aluminum cans weren't being used yet. Back then the lid detached from metal soda cans and we collected them to make things. The soda cans were much thicker than today. VCR's cost $1,500 when they first came out. You never heard about any street gang drive-by-shootings back then. You didn't need a city license to go to garage sales. All cars were rear-wheel drive and got stuck in the winter snow often. There wasn't an overwhelming, paranoid, feeling of fear across America like there is today. There was no sex-offender registry list. There were no laws and warning signs posted in playgrounds, prohibiting adults without young children from entering the playground for fear of pedophiles. New York today has these signs everywhere! Woe unto America!!!

Muscle cars were still popular in the 1960's and 1970's. The arcade video games of the 1970's were a novelty: Space Invaders, Galaxian, Pac Man, Missile Command, Asteroids, Dig Dug, Mrs. Pac Man, and many others. It was fun to be a kid back then! We didn't live in a paranoid society of distrust and fear back in the 1970's. Boys could still play cops and robbers with toy cap guns from Ben Franklin's Store without fear of accidentally being shot by a real cop. You never saw gory scenes on TV, with blood and guts sprayed all over walls like are seen in today's reality crime programs. Hardly anyone had a fence where I grew up in the 1970's. Rock 'N' Roll was not commonplace on television in the 1970's. Today, Rock music is synonymous with television and the newsmedia. Homosexuals were still ashamed to come out of the closet then, but not today. Although Hollywood has always been notoriously homosexual. Rock Hutson, Ronald Reagan (aka, Rainbow Ronnie), Paul Newman and Robert Reed (Mike Brady on The Brady Bunch) were some famous closet homos of the 1960's. It was safe to be a kid in 1970.

America is Headed for the Dust!

The United States is changing very quickly, and it is for the worse. The new paths are the wrong paths. Removing the Holy Bible and prayer from America's classrooms since 1963 was the biggest mistake we ever made as a nation. The California LSD, marijuana and cocaine craze of the 1960's was synonymous with hippie communes, sexual immorality, rebellion against parents, lesbianism, abortion and even murder (see, Charles Manson). Brian Wilson, lead singer of The Beach Boys admitted in an interview to getting high on LSD and trying to make “witchcraft music” in the 1960's. Jerry Garcia of The Grate Dead died at age 53 of a heart-attack while in a heroine rehab center for drug addiction. The band's original name was “The Warlocks” (a male witch). The entire mainstream music industry is saturated with demonic influences, pornography in its various forms, insanity, the love of money and hard core Satanism. And that includes Country and Contemporary Christian Music (CCM)  as well. It's all about money!!!

Jim Morrison of The Doors died of a drug overdose at age 27 (same age as Jewish singer Amy Winehouse who died with a .BAC of 0.416%. That's nearly half of her blood, alcohol!!!). Jim Morrison is said to have snorted heroine, thinking it was cocaine. Regardless, he was a junkie! At the time of his death Morrison had three pending paternity lawsuits against him (the result of a life of fornication). I am not condemning Morrison, for that is not my place and I am a sinner too; however, Rock music has always been the Devil's music, associated with epidemic premature death, gross sexual immorality, reckless behavior and deadly substance abuse.

In a Chicago hotel room in the 1970's, actor Jim Belushi and Eagle's guitarist Joe Walsh did $28,000 worth of damage in one night to the hotel. They brag of such irresponsible behavior. If you or I did that, we'd go to prison. Rock stars get away with a lot (but when their fans imitate them, they get busted). Half of the U.S. citizens rotting in prison are there for minor drug convictions, but Rock stars pass out LSD (e.g., Woodstock in 1969) and marijuana at The Grateful Dead concerts (to name a couple). Drugs are synonymous with Rock concerts. I would be terrified to be in the shoes of those people in the Rock music industry who destroy young people's minds and souls, on Judgment Day in eternity when they give account to a holy God. Hebrews 10:31, “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.”

If I didn't believe in God before, I would now, simply because of the overwhelming evidence in the music industry that Satan exists!!! Rock stars worship the Devil. Research and you'll be astonished as I was, astonished that anyone would worship Satan who's only given them earthly fame and fortune, but Christ offers to us all eternal life. Rock singers are some of the dumbest people on the planet, really, forfeiting eternal life for the pleasures of sin which lasts only for a short season. You see, even though eternal life is a free gift from God (to those who believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ), the Bible plainly teaches in John 3:20 that unsaved heathens who love their sins WON'T come to the light to be saved, lest their wicked deeds should be reproved. Rock stars all know that their works are evil, and so they won't come to Christ. They boast in their unrepentant state and parade their wickedness without shame.

The consequences of removing the holy Bible from children's lives have been devastating! Our churches are drastically changing, reflecting the downward trend in American culture and moral character. My how times have changed!

The most comforting thought in my heart is knowing that long before I was born, the King James Bible existed. God's Word was settled in Heaven before the universe and mankind were even created (Psalms 119:89). Forever God's Word is settled in Heaven. Amen! The simplicity of the Gospel hasn't changed in 6,000 years. We are saved today the same way that people were saved in the Old Testament, that is, through faith in the name of Jesus Christ. Acts 10:43, “To him give all the prophets witness, that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins.” God never changes (Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8). Men continually change! That's why men keep changing the truth of God's Word to fit the evil agendas of each changing generation. That's not God's Holy Word!

“Nobody can love God who doesn't love sinners!”
(a quote by Dr. Jack Hyles classic MP3 sermon, “The Happiest Man” (happiest is the man who will not impute sin to others!)

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