The Counterfeit Emerging Church Of Alice Bailey

by David J. Stewart | July 2015

2nd Timothy 3:1-5, “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; HAVING A FORM OF GODLINESS, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.”

       The following shocking quote from Alice Bailey ought to alarm every born-again Christian in the world. I'll explain the Satanic meaning and dark agenda set forth by Mrs. Bailey after you read this disturbing quote...

The Christian church in its many branches can serve as a St. John the Baptist, as a voice crying in the wilderness, and as a nucleus through which world illumination may be accomplished. I indicate the hope. I do not assert a fact. Its work is intended to be the holding of a broad platform. The church must show a wide tolerance, and teach no revolutionary doctrines or cling to any reactionary ideas. The church as a teaching factor should take the great basic doctrines and (shattering the old forms in which they are expressed and held) show their true and inner spiritual significance. The prime work of the church is to teach, and teach ceaselessly, preserving the outer appearance in order to reach the many who are accustomed to church usages. Teachers must be trained; Bible knowledge must be spread; the sacraments must be mystically interpreted, and the power of the church to heal must be demonstrated.

...There is no question therefore that the work to be done in familiarising the general public with the nature of the Mysteries is of paramount importance at this time. These Mysteries will be restored to outer expression through the medium of the Church and the Masonic Fraternity, if those groups leave off being organisations with material purpose, and become organisms with living objectives. [emphasis added]

SOURCE: Alice Bailey, The Externalisation Of The Hierarchy, pp. 510, 514

Let's break the preceding quote down into a few points, and examine it in light of the Word of God:

  1. Apostate Churches Will Be The Nucleus Through Which The New World Order Is Implemented. Bailey says that modern apostate churches can be just as influential as John the Baptist, who prepared the way for the first appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ. Shockingly, Bailey is teaching that the churches can be infiltrated and corrupted so that they actually help prepare for the coming of the Antichrist. Wow! Apostate Rick Warren (who has a personal net worth of $25,000,000) has been dubbed as “America's Pastor,” yet he has relentlessly promoted “Chrislam” (Christianity sinfully yoked together with Islam), and has called for all Christians to submit to the Catholic Pope. In essence, and I say this kindly, Pastor Warren is “America's Bastard” (meaning illegitimate). Illuminati Puppet, Pastor Rick Warren, Calls Jesuit Pedophile Devil Pope Francis, “OUR POPE”! What a fraud! Please watch the video titled: Rick Warren Exposed: Roman Catholic End Time Deception! If you understand what Alice Bailey is saying in the previous quote, you can clearly see how the Devil is using Pastor Warren to reform and corrupt the churches with New World Order philosophies. Warren claims that his book on “The Purpose Driven Life” is second in sales only to the King James Bible itself. I don't know if that's true, but that's what he claims. Warren said his book has been translated into 159 different languages. That is sad and tragic, because his book is a blueprint for Alice Bailey's New World Order.

  2. These Churches Will Be Ecumenical, Soft-On-Sin, Non-Controversial And Doctrinally Deficient. Bailey states: “The church must show a wide tolerance, and teach no revolutionary doctrines or cling to any reactionary ideas.” This defines Rick Warren's ecumenical compromise and shameful teachings. Warren's wishy-washy! Alice Bailey said the churches must refrain from being controversial, by becoming widely “tolerant.” Now you know why in March of 2015, 20,562 Presbyterian ministers sinfully embraced same-sex marriages in 10,083 churches!!! WOE UNTO THOSE CHURCHES!!! The dictionary defines the word “reactionary” as “extremely conservative.” No wonder Rick Warren flip-flops on the issue of homosexuality, apologetically expressing his lame beliefs, telling everyone that he has many gay friends. The word “revolutionary” means “radical.” Bailey said the churches must not teach radical doctrines, such as the truth that salvation is by faith alone!!! The churches are infected today with the false doctrine that a person must forsake a sinful life to be saved, which is 100% works salvation. Reformation is not a requirement for regeneration!!! Amen! Warren is an unsaved spiritual destitute man, who teaches the Lordship Salvation heresy (.pdf book), pulling on the same rope as the Devil. God deliver us from this evil generation!!! Bailey's plan for the New World Order is being successfully implemented, and the average church leader is woefully ignorant of these things. By God's grace, I am trying to wake you up!!! Here's a video clip of reprobate Rick Warren saying concerning Roman Catholics, “If you love Jesus, we're on the same team.” No, Catholics are on their way to a burning Hell in their sacramental salvation!!! Salvation is by faith, not human effort.

  3. These Churches Will Transform Biblical Theology Into Religious Spirituality. Bailey says, “The church as a teaching factor should take the great basic doctrines and (shattering the old forms in which they are expressed and held) show their true and inner spiritual significance.” Whoa! Alice Bailey said that to usher in the New World Order, the churches should change the fundamental doctrines of Christianity into religious forms that put forth New World Order philosophies instead. This is why many churches today are teaching spirituality without Biblical doctrinal soundness and truth. This is why the senior pastor (Miss Gretta Vosper) of the West Hill United Church in Toronto, Canada is a devout atheist!!! She says it's more important how we treat each other than what we believe. In April of 2014, Melanie Johnson-Debaufre of United Methodist Drew University Theological School and Robert J. Miller of Juniata College appeared as part of the Jesus Seminar on the Road program. These two liberal theologians spoke at the United Methodist Church in Washington DC, presenting their argument why Jesus DIDN'T bodily raise up from the dead. Literally, the Methodist church advertised and held a Resurrection-Denying Seminar!!! This is The Emerging Church today, the fulfillment of Alice Bailey's sinister plot to infiltrate the churches and exploit them to achieve a New World Order. I wish I could shake every fool-headed pastor, and wake him up to the horrifying reality that Luciferian-worshipping occultists are behind all modern counterfeit Bible versions!!! Satan is using the new corrupt Bible versions to corrupt and change the churches, transforming them from Biblical churches into Satanic false churches. Please watch the 1:46 hour documentary on the attack against the Word of God, Illuminati Plans 2016: The End Of The World.

  4. These Churches Will Have A Superficial Outer Shell, But Lack True Biblical Christianity. Alice Bailey said, “The prime work of the church is to teach, and teach ceaselessly, preserving the outer appearance in order to reach the many who are accustomed to church usages.” Do you see how evil this reprobate woman was? Bailey is teaching that the church is to be exploited, as a whore, to deceive the masses of society. As you just read in her shocking sinister quote, Bailey says that in order to maintain the illusion of a real church (i.e., preserving the outer appearance), there should be a continuous flow of information. Now you know why these Satanic ministers always have another New York Times Best-Seller being sold in your nearest bookstore. The purpose of the New Testament Church is not to incessantly teach as Bailey claims; but rather, the Church is the Christian's spiritual family. Church is where we hear preaching to mature in the Lord, get comfort, receive encouragement, tithe and go soul-winning. Church is where we exalt the Savior, evangelize the sinner and edify the saints!!! Please read from the awesome, doctrinally sound book, The Purpose Of Going To Church (by Pastor Jack Hyles, 1926-2001). If your church doesn't have strong-preaching against sin, you're in a sick church! If your church doesn't go soul-winning, your in a sick church! If your church uses modern corrupt Bible versions, and teaches the heresy of Lordship Salvation, your in a religious cult!!! Alice Bailey said that apostate churches should PRESERVE “the outer appearance IN ORDER TO REACH [DECEIVE] THE MANY who are accustomed to church usages.” In other words, make it look like a church, but it's not a real church!!!

My friend, what you just read by Alice Bailey is a manual on how to infiltrate, corrupt and destroy the churches! It is happening now!!! Our churches are in ruins. Evangelist Billy Sunday saw this horrifying trend a century ago in 1914...

“It would be a godsend if the Church would suffer persecution today; she hasn't
suffered it for hundreds of years. She is growing rich and lagging behind. Going back.” 
SOURCE: Billy Sunday, The Need for Revivals, From "Billy Sunday: The Man and His Message,” by William T. Ellis, Philadelphia: John C. Winston Co., 1914

The average independent Baptist church has been corrupted, using the corrupted modern Bible PERversions instead of recognizing the faithful King James Bible as God's preserved very pure Words. Psalms 119:140, “Thy word is very pure: therefore thy servant loveth it.” God promised to preserve those very pure Words unto every generation (Psalms 12:6-7). Every modern counterfeit Bible version completely changes this Scripture passage, saying that God preserves the saints instead. BLASPHEMY!!! Since greedy publishers are wickedly butchering the Word of God, and there are literally hundreds of English versions, they had to remove this promise from God from Psalms 12:6-7. The Devil's hands have been very busy!

The Antichrist will not promote any certain religion. There will not be a One World Religion; but rather, there will be a watering down and diminishing of the churches, melting them into a one world religious philosophy (yet retaining their superficial denominational identities). Non-denominational churches are becoming very popular. Although there is no such thing as “The Baptist Church” (or any other denomination), I like to identify with Independent Fundamental Baptist (first because I am one), and because it gives people an idea of what core beliefs I hold. I sometimes meet people who refuse to tell me what religion or denomination they best align with, but after a few questions I can usually determine who they are. For example: If a man tells me that he believes salvation can be lost, believes in speaking-in-tongues and healing meetings, then I know he's caught-up in the Charismatic mess.

This was Alice Bailey's plan, that is, to retain the outer shell of the church, but hollow out the inside and replace it with the New Age mystery religion of the coming Antichrist. The onslaught of the never-ending slew of new counterfeit Bible versions is Satan's grand accomplishment over the last century, allowing the Devil's Illuminati to infiltrate, corrupt and kill the churches. We are witnessing the blurring of the lines between evangelical Christianity and all the religions of the world. This is all necessary for the Devil to ready the world for the appearance of the Antichrist. Rick Warren's “The Purpose Driven Life” (deception) is a blueprint that would make Alice Bailey very proud. The Devil doesn't jerk the steering wheel; but rather, he is slowly chipping away at Biblical Christianity, so he can replace it with a global religious philosophy. The new religion of “the God of forces” (Daniel 11:38) is all-inclusive of every religion, except Biblical Christianity!!!

Look in any of the new corrupt Bible versions and you'll find that they change the first coming of Jesus Christ from “the time of reformation” to “THE NEW ORDER”!!! ...

NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION (NIV)—Hebrews 9:10, “They are only a matter of food and drink and various ceremonial washings—external regulations applying until the time of the new order.” [emphasis added]

KING JAMES BIBLE (KJB)—Hebrews 9:10, “Which stood only in meats and drinks, and divers washings, and carnal ordinances, imposed on them until the time of reformation.”  [emphasis added]

Clearly they are promoting the New World Order. The 1984 NIV even changed Jesus from the chief cornerstone to “THE CAPSTONE.” Don't you see my friend how the Devil is changing Jesus into the Antichrist? The NIV 2011 changed it back to cornerstone. The word “Antichrist” doesn't mean “against Christ”; but rather, “IN PLACE OF” Christ.

In our text verse above, the “power thereof” refers to the Gospel (Good News) of the Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 1:16, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.” Tragically, the Catholic idea of penance has crept into our churches, and the plethora of modern counterfeit Bible versions have redefined what it means to “repent.” Instead of a simple “change of mind” that compels a person to believe the Gospel to be saved, the churches have adopted the Satanic idea that a person cannot be saved unless they “change their life” away from sin to be saved. That is 100% human effort and a works-based salvation, not the imputed righteousness of God which is solely by faith. Eternal life is a free gift, which is simply received by faith in Christ's death on the cross for our sins, His burial, and bodily resurrection the third day (1st Corinthians 15:1-4).

Instead, the emerging churches today are becoming mere religious institutions, having a form of godliness without the power of the Gospel. It appears that most churches are being deceived. The heresy of Lordship Salvation is not compatible with the Gospel. Either a person has to change their behavior to be saved or they don't. It cannot be both (Romans 11:6). The new counterfeit Bibles say you do. Bless God, Jesus changed my life when I got saved, not me! We are living in a woefully Bible illiterate generation! I'm talking about woefully ignorant evangelists and pastors! The culprit is The Emerging Church which is being taught in all forms of media (magazines, internet, radio, books, television, et cetera). Please watch, The Emerging Church: Satanic False Heresy Of The End Times! (awesome preaching by Pastor Charles Lawson). Here's the same sermon, but preached at a different time by Dr. Lawson, Beware: The Emerging Church Movement (preached June 2, 2013). Thank God for faithful preachers who have not bowed their knee to Baal!!!

I love you my friend in the Lord, whoever you may be. I sincerely mean that, which is why I work and pray night and day for the Lord to help all my web visitors, pleading for God's Holy Spirit power to work in your heart as my words speak to your mind. I give all the credit and glory to God alone, who gave me this important ministerial work to do. Your life is a book in progress friend, and I thank you for letting me help write that book. 2nd Corinthians 3:2, “Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men.” You are my joy, my treasure in whom I have invested my time and effort since 2002, to lead you closer to Jesus Christ and the King James Bible. HEAR YE HIM!!! It's all about Jesus!!! We are so close to the Rapture. The end times are here! Look around you! We must work while it is still day, before the night cometh when no man can work. Time is running out quickly. Get busy for God. END

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