Beware Of The Corrupt Alexandrian Bible Revisions
by David J. Stewart
June 2016 | Updated May 2018
2nd Corinthians 2:17, “For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ.”
There are many good neo-evangelic pastors, and good men in their churches. They are not bad people. Unfortunately, they are not godly men either. A godly man is a man who walks with God and cares about what God cares about—THE TRUTH. John 17:17, “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” Neo-evangelicals don't care about the truth, which is why they are neo-evangelical. Pastor Jack Hyles teaches concerning the neo-evangelical:
We call him the neo-evangelical. He is the one who believes right but talks wrong. He is probably saved, believes the verbal inspiration and other fundamentals of the faith, but he is not willing to bear the reproach of Christ and the stigma of separation, so he joins hands with the neo-orthodox who has already joined hands with the liberal. He then offers his hand to the fundamentalist. Satan knows that if the fundamentalist can join hands with the neo-evangelical who has joined hands with the neo-orthodox who had joined hands with the liberal, then he will have the fundamentalist and the liberal in the same camp. How shrewd he is!
...These false teachers are usually likable people, and once we learn to like them, their doctrine will not be quite so bad.
...It is not believing right within the movement that makes one a fundamentalist; it is the withdrawal FROM the movement and returning to the original dogma, practices and convictions of the apostate group that gives one the title of fundamentalist. The basic difference is the degree of importance that one places on the doctrine of separation.
SOURCE: New Evangelicalism
That last paragraph is so important. We are not a “fundamentalist” because of what we believe; but rather, because we withdraw from neo-evangelicals who have embraced corrupt Bible revisions (which all teach wrong repentance, the heresy of Lordship Salvation, et cetera). I am a fundamentalist! I stand uncompromisingly against the Alexandrian Bible changing crowd!
Many neo-evangelical pastors are friendly, likable, charming and good working with people, but they are not men of God because they are using Luciferian Bible revisions. Bob Jones University doesn't realize how much damage they are doing to the cause of Jesus Christ by tolerating, promoting and using the corrupt Alexandrian Bible manuscripts! Spiritually, the Alexandrian manuscripts came from Satan, the father of all lies (John 8:44). When I heard a reprobate pastor (a graduate of Bob Jones College) call Dr. Hyles “a cult,” I decided I had better take a closer look at Bob Jones College. To no surprise I found out that Bob Jones University tolerates and sanctions the Alexandrian manuscripts. This is not fundamentalism.
The Alexandrian Cult Exposed (MP3 by Dr. Peter Ruckman, 1921-2016)
The Sin Of Playing Church Verses Loving Truth (Bob Jones, Moody, Hyles-Anderson... games)
How Bob Jones University And Their Graduates are Helping Damn People To Hell (false Bibles)
Neo-evangelicals DON'T believe that we have a perfect Bible today. They believe that the Alexandrian Bible revisions are at best “imperfect.” They also believe that the King James Bible contains many translation “errors.” So they don't believe that we have a perfect Bible!!! 2nd Timothy 3:16-17, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.” How can a man of God be “perfect” (complete) if he has an imperfect Bible? Obviously, he cannot! Job 14:4, “Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? not one.” Satan is the author of confusion! According to the American Bible Society, there are now over 900 English Bible revisions! Both sides of the Bible inspiration debate cannot be right, somebody is wrong! ...
“In great contests [battles], each party claims to act in accordance with the will of God—both may be, but one must be, wrong—God cannot be for and against the same thing at the same time!” —President Abraham Lincoln
Beware of the Ungodly Bob Jones University Crowd and Their Ungodly Supporters!
I handed a hardcopy of Dr. Al Lacy's awesome book, “NIV: THE ANTICHRIST'S BIBLE,” to the senior pastor of Harvest Baptist Church on Guam (a fake independent fundamental Baptist church) a few years ago in 2014. The book offended him greatly! I was forced out of the cult! Yes, sadly, Bob Jones University and their graduates, are part of the Alexandrian cult!!! Their religious organizations use, tolerate and promote the Devil's Alexandrian Bible versions (going straight to Hell beneath). There's not a dime's difference between the modern perversions—the new revisions all share the same corruptions. Being ignorant is bad enough for a pastor, but when someone hands them THE TRUTH (like I kindly handed the pastors at Harvest Baptist Church on Guam) and they reject it, scolding the truth-bearer, they are not true men of God!!!
Who is the genuine man of God—the preacher who defends the purity and incorruptibleness of God's Word, or the neo-evangelical compromiser who uses umpteen corruptible Bible versions to interpret what God's incorruptible word said? The former for sure! The King James Bible is the incorruptible Words of God (1st Peter 1:23), which is both preserved and inspired. Do not support any preacher who is unwilling to boldly proclaim that the King James Bible is inspired!!!
The King James Bible is Preserved and Inspired!
The Inspiration of the Almighty in the King James Bible!
Why I Believe King James Bible Is The Word Of God | MP3 (Dr. Peter Ruckman)
Why I Believe The King James
Bible Is The Word Of God
(article from Dr. Ruckman's sermon)
(awesome King James Bible defense by Dr. Ruckman)
“God has a special rebuke, again and again and again in the Bible,toward those people who keep their neutrality in the work of God!” —SOURCE: Dr. Jack Hyles, a quote from the great MP3 sermon, “Where Were You In The Battle?”
Alexandria, Egypt — intellectual center of the ancient world
Adamanchus Origen (185-254 AD) - Took over after Clement as president of the Catechetical School in Alexandria. The Devil was his father. A hateful enemy of the Bible. The most influential religious figure of his generation. He produced a 6-volume Bible. He changed all he disagreed with, like creation. You can find this information in a good public library. Origen described the Trinity as a hierarchy, not as an equality of Father, Son, and Spirit. Origen wrote many books. One being “The Logos Doctrine,” attacking the deity of Christ. For my complete notes on the subject, as taught by Dr. Al Lacy, please CLICK HERE.
Alexandria was founded by Alexander the Great in April 331 BC as Alexandria. Alexander's chief architect for the project was Dinocrates. Alexandria was intended to supersede Naucratis as a Hellenistic center in Egypt, and to be the link between Greece and the rich Nile valley. Alexandria was the intellectual and cultural center of the ancient world for some time. The city and its museum attracted many of the greatest scholars, including Greeks, Jews and Syrians. The city was later plundered and lost its significance.
SOURCE: Wikipedia - Alexandria
*Origen was the real founder of the Jehovah's Witnesses (JW's).
*Origen taught that only the original manuscripts were perfect. He did not believe in an inerrant Bible, as most Bible colleges today don't believe either.
IT ALL CORRUPTED IN ALEXANDRIA! Our enemies are literal Alexandrians today!
“I'd rather be a prostitute, or one who sells prostitutes, at the Judgment of Christ, than to be a professor who shakes the faith of young people.” —Dr. Jack Hyles (a quote from the sermon titled, “It Seemeth Right”)
Antioch, Syria — Called “the Cradle of Christianity”
Antioch was at one time the third-largest city in the Roman Empire, after Alexandria in Egypt, and Rome itself. Antioch is located today in the country of Turkey, north of Israel. Here is a bit of interesting history about Antioch:
Antioch was founded near the end of the 4th century BC by Seleucus I Nicator, one of Alexander the Great's generals. The city's geographical, military, and economic location benefited its occupants, particularly such features as the spice trade, the Silk Road, and the Persian Royal Road. It eventually rivaled Alexandria as the chief city of the Near East. It was also the main center of Hellenistic Judaism at the end of the Second Temple period. Most of the urban development of Antioch was done during the Roman empire, when the city was one of the most important in the eastern Mediterranean area of Rome's dominions.
Antioch was called "the cradle of Christianity" as a result of its longevity and the pivotal role that it played in the emergence of both Hellenistic Judaism and early Christianity. The Christian New Testament asserts that the name "Christian" first emerged in Antioch. It was one of the four cities of the Syrian tetrapolis, and its residents were known as Antiochenes. The city was once a great metropolis of half a million people during Augustan times, but it declined to insignificance during the Middle Ages because of warfare, repeated earthquakes, and a change in trade routes, which no longer passed through Antioch from the far east, following the Mongol conquests.
SOURCE: Wikipedia - Antioch
It was from this city that the beloved Greek Textus Receptus originated, upon which our beloved King James Bible has been translated.
*150 AD - There was a scholar at the First Baptist Church (literally) of Antioch named “Lucion.” He taught his students that they held the infallible, inerrant, Words of God in their hand. A warrior against pagan philosophy! A Baptist! He taught his students to rely on God's Word.
Antiochan ideology = Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word of God.
*Erasmus (a Greek scholar) published a Greek Bible, put aside the Alexandrian manuscripts, and published a Greek New Testament in Rotterdam. The Waldensians/Anabaptists (“Ana” means “to do it over again”; They would re-baptize those who were already baptized in other religions).
*In 1523 Erasmus wrote a book about the Waldensians, professing faith in Christ. Pope Paul IV said no Roman Catholic could read Erasmus' books. He put out five New Testament texts.
*July 22, 1604 - King James I announced he had selected 54 men to translated the Bible into English (seven men dropped out before the work began because they felt unqualified). There were 47 men. They averaged 60 years of age. They averaged 40 years of Greek and Hebrew. Three men died during the translation.
Psalms 12:6, “The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.”
“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than
—George Bernard
Shaw (1856-1950)
The Importance of Fundamentalism
When Brooke Westcott and Fenton Hort finished their Greek perversion of the Word of God in 1881, based upon the corrupt Alexandrian text from Egypt, the modern Bible changing movement began. Literally hundreds of modern-day Bible revisions are based upon the Greek work of Dr. Westcott and Dr. Hort. At first, many of the churches followed the new Bible revisions, not seeing any great harm in the American Standard Version (ASV), New American Standard Bible (NASB) and others. But as time passed by in the 20th century and new Bible revisions were published, which drastically butchered the Words of God, it became apparent to many fundamentalist Baptist preachers that Satan was corrupting the purity of God's Words. Fundamentalist preachers withdrew from the Devil's Bible changing club, and firmly stood upon the incorruptible, inspired, preserved, King James Bible!!!
Important Quotes On The King James Bible by Brother Lester Roloff
“The Word of God is our only hope—that's our only hope! This has been the generation of translations and abominations, and perversions, of the Word of God! It's been a long time; now when the Revised Standard Version came out, I stood against it before I knew what it was, because the wrong crowd heard of that, and the wrong crowd received it, and I knew it got too much publicity to be right! And I knew if the newspapers publicized something, it had to be wrong! And so I knew that the American people and a lot of American preachers—they welcomed it into their house before they knew it was a rattlesnake!” —Brother Lester Roloff, a needful quote from the MP3 sermon titled, “'THE LIVING BIBLE' EXPOSED!”
“Can't you see what the Devil is seeking to do to our people today? Modernists and infidels have taken over the chore of rewriting the Bible, and say—he goes ahead to say that—'We have written a book that everybody can understand.' Dear friend, that's the most stupid statement a man could ever make! Nobody has ever understood all of God or all of God's Word!” —Brother Lester Roloff, a wonderful quote from the MP3 sermon titled, “'THE LIVING BIBLE' EXPOSED!”
What is wrong with Bob Jones University? Why do they deny the inspiration of the King James Bible? LIARS!!! What is wrong with Hyles-Anderson College? Why have they denied the inspiration of the King James Bible since 2008? LIARS!!! What is wrong with Harvest Baptist Church on Guam? Why do they use the satanic modern perversions of the Word of God? Why do they support error, lies and falsehoods? I'll tell you why, because they are not walking with God. They are serving the almighty buck (mammon) instead of God (Luke 16:13).
Unfortunately, most churches and Bible colleges (many of which were once strongly fundamentalist) have not withdrawn from Satan's Bible corrupting movement. Consequently, as Dr. Hyles explained earlier, they have been corrupted. By aligning themselves under the same umbrella with neo-evangelicals, fundamentalists have lost their edge, and are no longer fundamental in their beliefs and convictions. Call me what you will, when I walk with God, His inspired pure Word burns in my heart. The Scriptures teach us that God MAGNIFIES HIS WORD ABOVE HIS NAME!!! Psalms 138:2, “I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.” The reason is quite obvious, that is, just as a man is only as good as his word, so also is God only as good as HIS WORD!!! It matters to God which Bible we use! The Lord didn't author 900 English Bible revisions!!!
God only authored one Book. God promised to preserve (Psalms 12:6-7) His very “pure words” (Psalms 119:140) unto all generations. Today, there are two drastically different Greek sources from which all Bibles originate—the Textus Receptus (or Majority Text) from which our beloved King James Bible was translated); and the Sinaiticus and Vaticanus Alexandrian manuscripts (Minority Text) from which all corrupt modern Bible revisions have been translated. Literally, the Sinaiticus text was discovered IN A TRASH CAN by Constantine Tischendorf in the Greek Orthodox Monastery of St. Catherine, on the Sinai peninsula.[1] All of today's most popular Bible revisions came from a trash can!!!
The Unreliability of the Alexandrian Manuscripts
(Sinaiticus and Vaticanus are among the worst manuscripts
Neo-Evangelicals Just Don't Care!
I have nothing personal against BJU. In the old days before there was a Hyles-Anderson College, Dr. Hyles recommended BJU to his youth at First Baptist Church in Hammond (he started pastoring there in 1959). Pastor Hyles himself, in the old days, corrected the King James Bible. He was a young preacher, still learning, which is true of ALL OF US PREACHERS! It was the satanic New International Version (NIV) that really opened many preacher's eyes, blatantly showing that Satan was corrupting the Words of God, through a never-ending changing of the Bible via constant new Bible revisions. Although some people try to pitch Dr. John R. Rice (1895-1980) against Dr. Jack Hyles' (1926-2001) change of doctrinal position on the Bible, it must be noted that Dr. Rice went to Heaven in 1980, prior to the release of the NIV 1984 that forced preachers to choose sides. Furthermore, as brilliant as Dr. Rice was, the internet was not yet available to the public, which limited his access to the vital information which we have available today. We read in Daniel 12:4b prophecy concerning the end times, when “knowledge shall be increased.” It is said that the whole of man's knowledge now doubles every eight years, which I think is amazing!
It is unfortunate that the spiritual leaders at Bob Jones University have not yet awoken to righteousness concerning the exclusivity of the King James Bible, and the multitude of corrupt Alexandrian based revisions (which are all translated from the perverted work of Dr. Brooke Foss Westcott and Dr. Fenton Anthony Hort Hort. These two unsaved Anglican ministers were involved in the occult, which doesn't matter to most religious leaders today, but it should! IT REALLY SHOULD! Westcott and Hort denied Christ's deity, denied a literal burning Hell, denied a literal Heaven and denied Christ's virgin birth. I don't care if it harelips every dog in the county, I'm going to expose anyone who promotes Satan's Bible revisions!!! Any so-called “Bible college” that uses, tolerates and promotes known corrupt Bible revisions ought not have its doors open!!! Fundamentalists are no longer “fundamental” when they honor corruptions of God's pure Words!!!!!!! And that includes the apostate Moody Bible Institute (MBI) as well!
Not surprisingly, all of the Alexandrian based Bible revisions pervert Psalms 12:6-7. This is reason by itself to abandon the modern Bible revisions. I just wrote another article today, exposing the satanic removal of Acts 8:37 from the NIV. Consequently, salvation is now by water baptism in the NIV, and believing the Gospel has been removed in Acts 8:37. This is true of all the Alexandrian revisions; such as, the demonic Easy-To-Read Version (ERV). It may be easier to read, but it is IMPOSSIBLE to comprehend! So what good is it? In 2nd Peter 3:16-17 we read that the apostle Peter had a hard time understanding the inspired writings of the apostle Paul. Friend, if you have a Bible that is “easy” to understand, then you don't have the genuine Words of God!!!
That is why we are commanded in 2nd Timothy 2:15 to “study” the Word of God, so that we may “rightly divide” it. When an unsaved man can pick up a Bible revision or paraphrase and understand what he is reading (apart from the Gospel), something is very wrong. The unnatural man (i.e., the unsaved man) cannot understand the things of God, for they are spiritually discerned (1st Corinthians 2:14). You need the indwelling Holy Spirit to teach you (John 16:13). The Holy Spirit comes to live inside a person's body the very moment they believe the Gospel to be saved (Romans 8:9; 1st Corinthians 3:16-17; 1st John 3:24). It is wrong to change the Bible so that unsaved people can understand it.
GOD ONLY WROTE ONE BOOK!!!!!!! There is no way that any Christian, church or Bible college can claim to believe that God has preserved His perfect inspired Words in 900 different English Bible revisions!!!
“You'd be shocked if you knew, how the versions of the Bible that are coming out, which are so unnecessary and not even Bible—You'd be shocked if you knew what they're doing to cause Christian people to feel subconsciously unstable! You'd be shocked if you knew what it's doing to the nervous system of our people—All these Bibles!” —Pastor Jack Hyles, MP3 sermon, Don't Chase The Pendulum (1986).
Since Bob Jones University (BJU) doesn't recognize the King James Bible as the exclusive Holy Bible, it would be nice if they'd let us know which ones are good and bad—Because churches that BJU graduates are pastoring are using corrupt Bible revisions, like the Easy-To-Read Version (ERV). The ERV is Satan's Bible! Dr. Hyles is correct (see the earlier sermon link: The Battle Of The Ages)—Churches and pastors who promote corruptible seed are God's enemies!!!
Certainly, there are many good men in neo-evangelical churches. That is, good men by the world's standards. There are many talented, able-bodied and skilled men. However, no man is a godly man who tolerates Satanism in the church. I do not hold to my position on the Bible because I follow Dr. Hyles; but rather, I am a truth-seeker and I see what Brother Hyles saw. Satan has crept into the churches through the Alexandrian Bible revisions. If you don't want to believe a fundamentalist preacher, then maybe you ought to listen to an occultist like Alice A. Bailey (1880-1949). It is happening right before our very eyes!!!
Our text verse teaches that God spits out of His mouth lukewarm compromisers. I didn't say that, God did! God detests professed Christians who straddle the fence, half in and half out, neither cold nor hot, in a word—lukewarm! The entire Southern Baptist Convention is lukewarm! Bob Jones University is lukewarm! Moody Bible Institute is lukewarm! Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary is lukewarm! God has more respect for some dead place like the University of Chicago (started by a Baptist preacher in 1890), than He does for religious institutions that are lukewarm (and will be cold eventually).
“Hot” means excited about THE TRUTH!!! Culture has replaced character in our religious churches and schools. I use the word “religious” purposely, because there's nothing “Christian” about pulling on the same rope as the Devil. Bob Jones has much culture and conformity, but they lack the character to stand for THE TRUTH!!! It's not enough just to say that you “prefer” to use the King James Bible, while giving credence to satanic perversions of God's Word. There are videos of fancy choir and instrumental performances by the students at BJU, but where is their bold stand for God? They are inconsistent in their position on the Holy Bible, promoting two very different Greek sources as both being God's inspired and preserved words. That is impossible my friend! You cannot drive north and south at the same time!
God wants His Church hot or cold, not lukewarm. Choose sides! God says in Revelation 3:15-16 that He'd prefer neo-evangelicals just get out of the business and become cold concerning the things of God, than to hobnob in the middle of the road, be lukewarm, always half in and half out, going through the motions, refusing to suffer reproach for Christ and go outside the gate with Jesus. God only wrote one Book, not hundreds! It is time for Christians to stop toying with religion, and grow a backbone! The Word of God is under attack like never before, and BJU and Moody are sitting idle on the sidelines during the battle. Numbers 32:6, “And Moses said unto the children of Gad and to the children of Reuben, Shall your brethren go to war, and shall ye sit here?”
The King James Bible is the ONLY Bible in the world that is not copyrighted, because they want to MAKE MONEY!!! I agree 100% with Brother Hyles, who said:
“I'm saying, ladies and gentleman, I am willing to live, and if needs be die, for this incorruptible seed right here! You can call me what you want to call me! Call me a bigot! Call me a fool! But my country was built on this incorruptible seed!”
SOURCE: Pastor Jack Hyles - “The Battle Of The Ages!” (1994)
How Bob Jones University
Betrays The Holy Bible!
(they have turned scholarship into a
What It Means To Be King
James Bible Only |
(awesome truth by Pastor Steven L. Anderson)
Dr. James Sightler: Defender Of The Inspiration Of The King James Bible!
Jack Hyles (a great quote from the classic sermon, “
Psalms 116:15, “Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.”
“The only inspired Words of God
are in the King James Bible!”
Jack Hyles (an
awesome quote —Dr.
Jack Hyles (THE
“And brother, any time anybody ever casts any reflection upon the accuracy and the inspiration—verbal inspiration—of this Bible, I'll guarantee you he was inspired by the demons. I'll guarantee you! I don't care if he's got a 'reverend' in front of his name. I don't care if he has a clerical collar on. I don't care what school he's been to. He's of the Devil if he says that the Bible is not verbally inspired by God!” —Dr. Jack Hyles, a great quote from the awesome MP3 sermon titled, “Satan's masterpiece”
(MP3 by Dr. Hyles,
“The King James Bible crowd is going to come out on top!”)