Hellivision & Hollywood Movies
“Ye that love the LORD, hate evil...” —Psalm 97:10
“Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death,
not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.” —Romans 1:32It's Not That Hard to Figure Out
Every time there's a horrible crime committed in America, the manure-spreading newsmedia flocks to witnesses, friends and relatives of the victim(s) to get their opinion. People always say the same lame things. They make statements such as, “Bill was the best guy in the world. It makes no sense. Why would anyone want to hurt a great guy like Bill?” Or they'll say something like, “Jane gave a lot to the community.
She was a good mother and wife. We just can't figure out why someone would do such a thing.” It's really not that hard to figure out. We have removed children's moral compass. You can't teach children that they evolved from apes and then actually expect them to grow up to believe in morals. The fable of evolution robs a child of faith in a Divine Creator, i.e., a God Who has rules He expects us to live by. No wonder America is in such a big mess today. And you can believe it's only going to get worse, much worse!
Case in point, in April of 2009 a father snapped in Graham, Washington, killing his five children in a shooting rampage, and then took his own life. Mary Ripplinger, whose kids were playmates of the slain, stated, “How could something like this happen?” She further stated, “Everyone's asking: Why did he do it? It's not right.” Is it really that hard to figure out? Look at all the violence Americans watch on TV . . .
“The American Psychological Association says the average child watches 8,000 televised murders and 100,000 acts of violence before finishing elementary school. That number more than doubles by the time he or she reaches age eighteen.”
SOURCE: John Johnston, “Kids: Growing Up Scared,” Cincinnati Enquirer, March 20, 1994, p. E01.
It has been proven through many studies that violence on television DOES increase social violence . . .
“The Parents Television Council cites a review of nearly 1000 studies presented to the American College of Forensic Psychiatry in 1998. They found 'that all but 18 demonstrated that screen violence leads to real violence, and 12 of those 18 were funded by the television industry.'”
SOURCE: David Grossman, “What the Surgeon General Found; As Early as 1972, the Link Was Clear Between Violent TV and Movies and Violent Youths,” Los Angeles Times, 21 October 1999, B-11.
Mary says, “Everyone's asking: Why did he do it? It's not right.” Now, I'm no expert, but I think it might be because we as a nation have forsaken God, prohibiting public school teachers from reading the Bible to the students, prohibiting public school teachers from leading children in prayer, allowing our children to view thousands of murders on TV and requiring public school teachers to tell children they evolved from apes. When are we going to wake up as Americans are stop kidding ourselves? We get what we deserve.
“If America goes to Hell, it'll not be because Hollywood's bad. It'll be because God's people are Hollywooded!”
SOURCE: Dr. Jack Hyles, a quote from the classic sermon, “When To Fight And When Not To Fight” (MP3).
Television hinders our fellowship with God. Americans want to spit on God, murder babies by abortion, fornicate, dress and act like whores, promote witchcraft, watch immoral sex and violence on TV, glorify wickedness in “Sin City” Las Vegas; but then freak out when someone actually does what they've enjoyed watching on TV a thousand times. America is a sicko society. Repent America!
Sick-minded people producing sick-minded shows for a sick-minded
Satanic Agenda
(1:28 hour documentary exposing the occult roots of Hollywood)
stars are like gods and goddesses.”
Satanic Agenda
The Problem With The Religious Movie “WAR ROOM”
1st John 3:8,
“...For this purpose the Son of God was manifested,
that he
might destroy the works of the devil.”
MOVIES: Sex and Violence—Temptation
2016 “Sully” Film Doesn't Glorify God
A Christian Review of the Movie, “Heaven is for Real”
Discerning The Movie 'COME SUNDAY' With The Holy Bible
The “Despicable Me” Movie Series And “Minions” Exposed
Adam Levine Murders and Bathes in Woman's Blood in Satanic Ritual in Maroon 5's “Animals” Video
The Deadly & Deliberate “Ratings Creep” Epidemic In Hollywood
THERE AIN'T NOTHIN' BETTER THAN JESUS (video sermon by Pastor Danny castle)
* * * * * * *
Homeland Security is brainwashing Americans through Hollywood . . .
“The American motion picture is the greatest unconscious carrier of propaganda in the world today. It is a great distributor for ideas and opinions. The motion picture can standardize the ideas and habits of a nation. Because pictures are made to meet market demands, they reflect, emphasize and even exaggerate broad popular tendencies, rather than stimulate new ideas and opinions. The motion picture avails itself only of ideas and facts which are in vogue. As the newspaper seeks to purvey news, it seeks to purvey entertainment.” —Dr. Edward Bernays (1891-1995)
Literally, Homeland Security has a liaison working in Hollywood to incorporate brainwashing propaganda into movies, including regular television, to turn Americans into mindless morons. They've succeeded! The average person cannot think beyond what Hollywood and the mainstream media have indoctrinated them to believe. Woe unto America!
The mainstream newsmedia has been admittedly lying and deceiving the American public for decades. The only reason why criminal elite globalists got away with the 911 attacks is because of the lying wicked mainstream newsmedia. They are highly paid, professional, liars! BBC News reported that World Trade Center building # 7 fell 23 MINUTES before it actually fell. They KNEW before 911 happened. They made it happen!!! The globalists even mock us by placing their insignia upon their works of darkness.
Television is truly “Tell-Lie-Vision.” It's not just the newsmedia. Television has been used by the Devil's crowd to INDOCTRINATE a society of feminists, brats, whores, rebels, drunkards, blasphemers, homosexuals and God-haters.
19:29, “Do not
prostitute thy daughter, to cause her to be a whore;
the land fall to whoredom, and the land become full of
“I Love Lucy” Show Promoted Lying Deception
training women to be deceitful liars. Satan wants to infiltrate your
home with TV. Satan is the father of liars and he encourages others
to lie and deceive (John 8:44).
Satan often works through humor to deceive people and draw them away from the truth. When the sitcom, I LOVE LUCY starring Lucille Ball first appeared in the 1950's, many people at the time had a huge problem with it because it centered around a manipulative woman who was constantly lying to her husband, family and friends.
Lucy's lies and deceptive behavior were clothed in humor, and while it was difficult for people to receive in the 1950's, today we have deteriorated so far morally that no one even bats an eye. Lucy even looks like the Devil, continually shifting her eyes and lying about everything. The “I LOVE LUCY” show ought to have been renamed “WHO'S THE BIGGEST LIAR?”
As evidence that Satan was behind the I LOVE LUCY show, consider the following. Lucille's close friend, Carole Lombard had died in a horrible plane crash in 1942. Carole was a second generation Bahá'í and was formally declared in 1938. Lucille Ball said her decision to do “I Love Lucy” was made after Lombard came to her in a dream in 1951 and advised her to take a chance and enter the unknown and at the time, risky world of television. So Lucille Ball claimed that the spirit of her friend Carole Lombard, who'd been dead for 9 years, came to her in dream to give career advice. That is a demonic practice known as “necromancy” (communicating with the dead).
“It was the spirit of actress Carole Lombard who guided Lucille Ball into taking a chance on television and accepting the offer to star in 'I Love Lucy'”
SOURCE: Hollywood's Satanic Agenda (documentary exposing the occult roots of Hollywood).
Lucille ball stated...
“I want to thank you again for bringing my teacher in spirit. I've read about some of the séances you've held-I always thought it would be fascinating to bring in a spirit.”
SOURCE: I Still Talk To Kenny Kingston, Page 6.
Although a professed Protestant and member of Norman Vincent Peale's (1898-1993) church when she died, there is no question as to the anti-Christian, anti-family spirit behind the I LOVE LUCY show. Lying and deception in marriage are sins. The I LOVE LUCY show is just one of many demonic shows promoting feminism, corrupting family values and teaching wives to be lazy, liars, loafers and lackadaisical.
Many people today, men and women alike are lying deceivers. They lie about everything. A habitual liar is someone who lies continually. A pathological liar is someone who lies so much that they think they're telling the truth. END
The following information is quoted from pages 67-68 of the excellent work by Dr. M.R. DeHann, titled 508 ANSWERS TO BIBLE QUESTIONS (copyright 1952)...
Please Give Me Your Opinion On Christians Having Television
In regard to your question concerning television, I have some very deep convictions concerning this matter, and personally I think it is much more of an evil than it is of good or of blessing. It is the most expensive way of getting the Gospel out. The cost of television is so tremendous that we could reach far more people by radio than we can by television. Moreover, I believe that “faith cometh by hearing,” and not by seeing.
There is so much trash on television that I would not have one in my home at all. Especially where there are small children, I think it is an evil thing, because practically everything on it is murder and crime and shooting and things of that kind. Where there are only adults in the home who are established in the faith, and have sense enough to turn off the trash of the world, and look only at that which is good, I don't suppose there is too much evil in it, but certainly where there are children in the home it is a damaging influence.
Pastor DeHaan wrote those words about the evils of television back in 1952. Can you imagine what he would say about television today?
“Insanity because we're in sin!”
—Brother Lester Roloff (1914-1982), from the sermon “Steps In The Degeneration Of Our Nation.”
Subverting youth away from
their homes, their country and their religion
By Commander William Guy
Carr (1895-1959)
Few people realize the important part modern movies play in subverting youth away from their homes, their country, and their religion. Many movies show an hour of film in which the criminals and bad men and women do everything that is forbidden by our laws and moral code and devote one minute during which the law catches up with them, or they die because of their sins. Films taken of actual fighting durian the Mexican revolution in 1913 were shown in Galveston, Texas. The sight of seeing men killed in battle, or being dragged from their homes and slaughtered by revolutionaries caused women to scream and faint, and men to vomit. Public opinion caused the showings to be prohibited. To-day these scenes are shown on films advertised as "Children's Special" for Saturday afternoon performances. That is just one illustration of how the general public, and particularly the children, have been systematically hardened to accept the sight of violence and bloody death as normal.
SOURCE: PAWNS IN THE GAME, page 127, by William Guy Carr, 1958); See also, Satan: Prince Of This World.
“There is nothing wrong with your television. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are now controlling the transmission. We control the horizontal, and the vertical. We can delude you with 1,000 channels, or expand one single image to crystal clarity and beyond. We can shape your vision to anything our imagination can conceive. For the next hour we will control all that you see and hear.”
The preceding introduction appears before every episode of THE OUTER LIMITS television series. The frightening thing is that what they are saying is true of ALL television, and not just THE OUTER LIMITS. The Network's executives, writers, and producers can shape your vision to ANYTHING that their deranged, perverted, demonic-controlled, darkened IMAGINATION can conceive (Romans 1:21,32). They have complete voluntarily control over your mind, and the minds of your loved ones, when you watch their programming. Be careful what you watch on TV!
We live in a world today were people’s personalities are formed by unreal things: TV, the music industry, video games, movies, the effects of drugs (be that of the recreational or psychotropic variety). Virtual reality dominates the interests of a lot of people out there, even young adults and people of my own age group in their 30′s. All conversation is about this or that TV show, the latest new video game on the latest new console or who’s top of the Premiership. It’s a sad state of affairs.READ ARTICLE: TV IS A PSYCHO-SOCIAL WEAPON
Land of the free? I think not. What's going on?
“Bible discipline is the answer! ... Let me ask you a question: How would we ever memorize what we memorize, have the convictions we have, if we watched the boob tube? How would we ever do all we're doing out here if we ever had all the modern junk that people have across this country?”
—Pastor Lester Roloff (1914-1982) | The Roloff Homes | Old Glory
Micah Mahjoubian, a homosexual activist, understands their battle is being won through television and film:
“Most people aren’t really paying attention to what’s going on in Congress or the Supreme Court, but they do turn on the TV and they see people who are funny and make them laugh, who seem absolutely normal to them and look just like them, and yet they’re gay. That, I think, is much more powerful than anything that goes on in Washington D.C.”
Why Things Are So Bad These Days
“Ladies and gentleman, do you want to know why the television programs have gotten as rotten as the Devil in recent years? Do you want to know why the narcotic problem is a menace to almost every high school in this nation? Do you know why that the plays and movies have become full of nude scenes? Do you want to know why that cursing is allowed on television, and things that used to be censored are now accepted? Do you want to know why that mini-skirts are running rampant, and you want to know why that Communism, and Rock music, and all the dirty things that Satan has caused in our generation; do you want to know why they're here?
I'll tell you why, Jesus is coming soon! The Devil is going to get put down soon, and he knows he has but a short time. So he comes in the last days of this age and says, “I'm going to have great wrath, great fury, I'll launch every weapon I have, I'll launch every gun I have, I'll take every bit of the arsenal out of Hell and point it at the people on earth.”
Now here's one of the tragic things about this entire Scripture (i.e., Revelation 12:12), and that is the Devil is wiser than we are. We also know we have but a short time. He knows he has a short time, he gets busy; we know we have a short time, we stay home and watch television... We've got to stay busy for God!”
SOURCE: Pastor Jack Hyles, from the excellent sermon, “WHEN SATAN IS AT HIS WORST.”
“Harry Potter: Witchcraft Repackaged”
Part 1 (31:44 minutes) |
Part 2 (32:01 minutes)
The Darkness Of Their Imaginations
What do professed Christians think about in the darkness of their imaginations? What do they watch on hell-I-vision and unholy-wood (or holly-weird)? What do they listen to when no one is around? Could their fellowship with the world affect their ability to overcome sin? Could it hinder their relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ? James 4:4 says, Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God. Are you a friend of the world or of God?
Ezekiel 8:8-10,12 reads, "Then said he unto me, Son of man, dig now in the wall: and when I had digged in the wall, behold a door. And he said unto me, Go in, and behold the wicked abominations that they do here. So I went in and saw; and behold every form of creeping things, and abominable beasts, and all the idols of the house of Israel, pourtrayed [or displayed?] upon the wall [or TV?] round about. Then said he unto me, Son of man, hast thou seen what THE ANCIENTS [supposed spiritual leaders] of the house of Israel do in the dark, every man in the chambers of his imagery? for they say, the LORD seeth us not; the LORD hath forsaken the earth."
God knows what we watch on TV. It's just as bad to watch adultery on TV as it would be for us to be in same room with them. The TV has a desensitizing effect on its viewers. Sin is not shocking anymore but rather becomes commonplace (no big deal). This is why many people have become lackadaisical and acceptant of the wicked sin of sodomy. The following reads like a synopsis of hellivision and unholy-wood:
Romans 1:28-32, "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful."
Verse 32 is the clincher for the professed Christian that enjoys watching such things:
"Who KNOWING the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, BUT HAVE PLEASURE IN THEM THAT DO THEM."
Watching, reading and listening to these things is having pleasure in them that do them. The bottom line is that when we participate as willing observers we are having pleasure in sinners who are sinning. This is an abomination to the Lord Jesus Christ! Galatians testifies AGAINST the evil works that professed Christians ENJOY on hell-i-vision...
“Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall NOT inherit the kingdom of God” (Galatians 5:19-21).
God is simply saying that these are the sins which condemn sinners to Hell. Once we are saved, we should no longer continue in these horrible sins. Truly, we are all sinners on our way to hell if we don't get saved. The ONLY hope is in Christ Jesus. If we will turn to the Lord Jesus Christ in childlike faith for forgiveness of our sins, we may be saved and forgiven of ALL the wrongs we have committed.
A murderer is no longer viewed as a murderer in God's eyes once he gets saved. The same is true of an adulterer. His or her sins are washed away by the blood of Christ. However, once we become a Christian, God expects us to grow spiritually and live according to the Word of God (Romans 12:1-2; 1st Peter 2:2). God chastises His children (Hebrews 12:6-8).
If we continue to live in sin, though we CANNOT lose our salvation, we grieve the Holy Spirit and do not grow in the Lord. Christians who live in sin are held accountable by God at the judgment seat of Christ, but their salvation is safe and sure in the arms of Jesus. As believers, we should avoid the TV if we have a problem with it. It is NOT a sin to own a TV, but it takes great responsibility nowadays to own one. Like anything else, it's a double-edged sword! The technology is a blessing, but the evil hearts of men make it a curse instead.
When you watch television you go into a lower brainwave state. Your subconscious is 100-times more powerful than your conscious mind. Television producers have mastered the art of manipulating the human psyche. They understand human psychology and that makes the television a powerful weapon. Edward Bernays wrote the book, literally, on “PROPAGANDA,” in which he accurately states:
“We are governed, our minds molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society.
Our invisible governors are, in many cases, unaware of the identity of their fellow members in the inner cabinet. They govern us by their qualities of natural leadership, their ability to supply needed ideas and by their key position in the social structure. Whatever attitude one chooses toward this condition, it remains a fact that in almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons-a trifling fraction of our hundred and twenty million-who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind, who harness old social forces and contrive new ways to bind and guide the world.”
SOURCE: Dr. Edward Bernays, quotes from the 1928 book, “Propaganda” (.PDF)
Television gives you the illusion of connection to other people and to the world. No matter how empty and pathetic your own life might be, you can turn on the television and let the stories and emotions wash over you. Movies and TV programs let you get to know their characters in intimate detail, you seem to share the most important experiences of their lives, as they fall in love, fight wars, cure diseases, defeat alien invaders, and so on. But of course, it's a false intimacy. You don't know these people, the characters and events you're vicariously experiencing probably never existed, and even if they did they're still not part of your life and never will be. Meanwhile, your own life still is empty. You just don't know it for a couple hours, while you watch The Simpsons or Raiders of the Lost Ark. You feel as if you had experiences which were exciting, funny, tragic, meaningful, but really you just spent the afternoon staring into a box.
The Television has indeed become the "Hellivision" and we would be wise to spend our time doing something more constructive. END
I love
Brother Hyles (1926-2001)! This sorry nation owes Pastor Jack
Hyles a debt of gratitude that cannot adequately be expressed in
words. Millions of people's lives have been saved from Hell,
changed for God, and blessed tremendously under Pastor Hyles'
55-years of ministry. America needs a handful of preachers like
Dr. Jack Hyles, who uncompromisingly preached against sin . . .
America could be brought back to God if preachers would start preaching again! |
This world is filled with ingrates today who hate Jesus Christ, like Jewish comedian Sarah Silverman. The real joke is her life...
“Good! I hope the
Jews did kill Christ, I'd do it again. I'd F*cking do it again in a
Sarah Silverman,
Jesus is Magic;
72-minute movie, 2006
Right in Their Own Eyes | God Hears the Cry | ApostasyToday
Taylor Swift & Satanism | Why Taylor Swift is a Bad Role Model for Girls
'Man From Earth' Movie Blasphemes Jesus Christ!
“If a man, or a woman, or a girl, goes out huntin' happiness, you never get it. It's elusive. Happiness is something that's always around the next curve, or over the next hill, or at the next party, you know... 'Man, it's going to be great!' And about the time you think you've got it, it moves on up. And they spend their whole life chasing it! ...You need Jesus!”
SOURCE: Pastor Danny Castle, a quote from the excellent video sermon, “THERE AIN'T NOTHIN' BETTER THAN JESUS.”
“Nobody can
love God who doesn't love sinners!”
(a quote by Dr. Jack Hyles classic MP3
sermon, “The
Happiest Man” (happiest is the man who will not impute sin to others!)
If you believe what the Bible teaches, attend a church that teaches the Bible!
Another Gospel Which Is Not Another (a red-hot MP3 by Dr. Curtis Hutson exposing Lordship Salvation)
| You Need HIS Righteousness! | Believe The Gospel