How Satan is Using the Modern Bible Revisions
to Help Advance the Evil New World Order

by David J. Stewart | January 2017

Revelation 12:9b, “...that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world...”

       Contrary to popular theological teaching, there will not be a One World Religion. The individual religious denominations will retain their own identity. What there will be, is a world religious movement, of which they will join. For example: Pope Francis Preparing For Antichrist (2.7 million Lutherans now absorbed into Catholicism). This is as wicked as can be! There are thousands more examples of interfaith ecumenical movements. Satan is preparing the wicked world for the coming man of sin, the Antichrist!!! Revelation 13:8, “And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him [Antichrist], whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.”

The churches are losing their strength, their stand, their resolve. They are all being weakened, going-along-to-get-along with the Devil's New World Order.

Revelation 13:11-12a, “And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast...”

Please watch, Illuminati: Temple of Lucifer! (the heathen worship of the feminine aspect of God). Beware of anyone who talks about God having a feminine side. The Holy Bible teaches ONLY a masculine Godhead: God “THE FATHER,” God “THE SON,” and the accurate King James Bible refers to the Holy Spirit with the male pronoun “HE” in John 16:13 (The modern corrupt versions remove this male pronoun). God is not interested in the ungodly “political correctness” of our warped and adulterous generation. 2nd Timothy 3:13, “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” Little-by-little the churches are selling-out to the New World Order.

Here's another example: In March of 2015 a shocking 20,562 Presbyterian ministers in 10,083 apostate churches embraced same-sex marriage. IT IS WICKED AS HELL!!! You see, they're still Presbyterians, but they have jumped on the Devil's bandwagon of the New World Order. All of the major religious denominations are headed this ungodly direction, including Baptist churches! (Legally married lesbians, hired as senior pastors of Calvary Baptist Church! THAT'S AS SICK AS IT IS WICKED!!!) You see, they're still Baptists, but they've embraced the theology of Satan!!!

So, gradually, the distinctives between the different religious denomination doesn't really seem to matter. The whole direction of everything in the religious world is toward indifference. When's the last time that you heard a Baptist preacher get worked up over sin? When's the last time that you heard a preacher go ballistic over abortion? Where are the preachers crying aloud against same-sex marriage? What you'll hear on the average religious radio station today is a sad joke. Men don't preach anymore!

Apostate Baptist churches are too cowardly to promote real preachers. I handed some preaching CD disks (with awesome sermons by Evangelist Phil Kidd) to some local independent Baptist pastors. That wimpy associate pastor filtered through many the sermons, until he found one that he considered offensive, and then criticized Dr. Kidd as being part of “a different culture.” You know, that wild hillbilly culture! What a sorry disgrace for a “pastor”! That spineless jellyfish isn't worthy to shine Dr. Kidd's shoes!!! Those Bob Jones University stooges prefer Dr. John MacArthur, Ray Comfort and Paul Washer!!! And they said so!!! Heads are going to roll at the Judgment Seat of Christ! Amen!

The Modern Bible Versions Lack God's Authority

I can summarize the modern Bible version craze with just one word... INDIFFERENCE! Pastors just don't care one way or the other. The churches don't care one way or the other. Nothing really matters anymore when it comes to the Word of God. Change this, alter that, remove this, add that... who cares, right?

Satan is using the modern Bible versions to help advance the evil New World Order. Satan is reducing, diminishing and watering-down the Word of God. At one time in history, the King James Bible was commonly reverenced as “THE BOOK,” that spoke with God's authority! But today, ALL of the modern Bible versions lack the authority, with which the King James Bible boldly and unapologetically speaks. You won't find the word “sodomite” in the modern PERversions. That harsh word might offend somebody! The new Bible revisions read like a comic book. That's because they're all a big joke! A paraphrase is NOT God's Word!!! Just as the different religious denominations are being homogenized into one movement—weakened and watered-down—so also is the Word of God. All of the modern Bible PERversions have been translated from the corrupt texts from Alexandrian, Egypt. Satan is doing this to break the backbone of the churches, to render them useless for God.

Look at the ungodly fruit of the corrupt modern Bible revisions—a lackadaisical attitude toward the purity of God's Word, no soul-winning, worldliness (e.g., support of Walt Disney, religious Rock music and women wearing pants), the heresy of Lordship Salvation (false manmade repentance), making light of the Deity of Jesus Christ, no Godhead, no Lucifer, lack of preaching against sin, entertainment replaces worshipping God in truth, acceptance of homosexuality, spirituality substitutes for doctrine, confusion in the churches, the heresy that Jesus' blood is not sprinkled on the Mercy Seat in Heaven, a departure from the inspired Word of God—which is destroying the churches. Normally, not all of these things will apply to any particular church, but this is the general direction of the churches who've adopted Satan's Bible versions. I am truly amazed as I witness firsthand how easily Americans are manipulated to go along and support the most wicked things. This is a doomed generation of fools!!!

Satan's intent behind the modern Bible versions is to infiltrate, confuse and destroy the churches!!! The Devil's attack has been very effective, evidenced by the hordes of churches now embracing the ungodly homosexual community. You'll hardly find a church today that preaches against abortion, theft, immodesty, feminism, homosexuality and other prevailing evils in American society. Satan's attack has been very effective, evidenced by the massive ecclesiastical departure from “the simplicity that is in Christ” (2nd Corinthians 11:3), which is “THE GOSPEL” (Romans 1:16); Instead, today's churches favor a false Gospel that requires reformation (i.e., turning away from sinful behavior) to receive the free gift of God (which is eternal life - Romans 6:23; Romans 4:5-6; Romans 10:3-4; Philippians 3:9). A changed life is the fruit of the indwelling Holy Spirit, and not a result of manmade repentance.

A World On its Way to Hell

Everything in the religious world has become so lame nowadays. No wonder today's youth want NOTHING to do with all the dead churches!!! Rock music singers are wild, interesting and real; whereas Baptist pastors are dead, boring and phonies (and most other pastors are even worse). God give us some real men!!! You can't have men of God until you first have some men! Feminist women are taking over our American society because there are no real men anymore. Everything in our sicko culture today is intended to destroy manhood. The home is under attack. Marriage is under attack. Masculinity is under attack. Femininity is under attack. Unisex ruins families and destroys lives! Unisex is synonymous with homosexuality (which is perversion, filth and sin).

Satan is a lot smarter than you or me, and he's been here for thousands of years. The Devil knows how to manipulate people, to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). The ungodly U.S. court system ruthlessly attacks families, one way or another, destroying confidence and any hope for a happy marriage. When marriage problems arise, guaranteed, the court system will make sure that there's nothing left! Instead of helping the troubled couple patch things back together, they do everything in THEIR POWER to ensure an ugly divorce. Of course, the lawyers, judges and everyone involved profit handsomely at your expense. It's called “court rape.” Thug police are now trained murderers, and so they abuse and murder citizens every day. One call to 911 is all it takes to destroy a family. It happens every day. Go ahead, make that call, the court system will ravish your family financially, and you'll end up worse off at their benefit. That's how “JUST US” (i.e., justice) works in America!

The reason why most women have abortions is because they know millions of other mothers have also had abortions. If a woman knew that she was the only one having an abortion, I guarantee you that many (if not most) of them wouldn't do it. This same tactic is being used by the Luciferians who are behind the destruction of America. They are deliberately creating homosexual churches, so that most of America's evangelical churches will go along with it, thinking that they're in good company. Thankfully, we know as believers from the Scriptures, that the wicked are already a defeated bunch of fools. Job 20:5, “That the triumphing of the wicked is short, and the joy of the hypocrite but for a moment?” The liberals, kooks and perverts today are rejoicing at America's present immoral dilemma, which appears to be tilted in their favor, but the Bible says in 1st Samuel 2:10a, “The adversaries of the LORD shall be broken to pieces; out of heaven shall he thunder upon them: the LORD shall judge the ends of the earth...” Only a fool would dare live in rebellion against the God of the Holy Bible. Not me buddy, I'm on the Lord's side!!! (Joshua 24:15).

All of the modern Alexandrian-based Bible versions, which come from the corrupt Greek work of heretics Brooke Westcott and Fenton Hort, are of the Devil, helping to further the New World Order.

Consider that the modern Bibles keep changing, but the faithful King James Bible NEVER changes. Do you want a God and Savior that keep changing? I don't. I want a Bible that always stays the same!!! And I have one praise God... THE KING JAMES BIBLE!!!

“The mark of the child of God is that he loves everybody!” (a quote from Pastor Jack Hyles' classic MP3 sermon, “FORGIVENESS

Ye Must Be Born Again!

You Need HIS Righteousness!

Believe The Gospel