(those who refuse to be governed by
God will instead be ruled by

Remembering Terri Schiavo
“It is the nature of all
governments to expand their power. Since power leads to
corruption, governments
eventually become crime syndicates.” —Dr. G. Edward
Proverbs 11:18, “The wicked worketh
a deceitful work: but to him that soweth righteousness
shall be a sure reward.”
“Inflation is a tax!”
—G. Edward Griffin
The Creature From Jekyll
Island (G. Edward
America's Economic
Woes Are Not That Hard to Figure Out
Proverbs 26:28, “A lying tongue hateth those that are afflicted
by it; and a flattering mouth worketh ruin.”
If you're not upset, you're not
paying attention!
Old men
start wars, young men fight wars, and everyone in the middle
Violence And VAWA
(articles by Dr. Phyllis Schlafly)
Feminism Has Foolish Women
Freezing Eggs,
Waiting For Mr. Right!
“It is the nature of all governments to expand their
power. Since power leads to corruption, governments eventually become
—Professor G. Edward Griffin
It's never easy to do the hard
thing, but “a poor man is better than a liar” (Proverbs 19:22).

for Today's Legal Alert from the
'Christian Law Association'

What's Really Happening In
It's a criminal takeover.
The Globalist's plan is social engineering—intended to divide
and conquer the American people through mind-control,
harassment, higher taxes, a fake left-right paradigm—which will
lead to civil war and ultimately martial law! Then we'll witness
a total authoritative lockdown upon a disarmed society!
Don't Give Up Your Guns!

Except Ye Repent Ye
Shall All Likewise Perish
(95 tornadoes kill dozens;
not God's judgment)
Without Our Liberty We Have

“If we stuck to the
Constitution as written, we would have: no federal meddling in our
schools; no Federal Reserve; no U.S. membership in the U.N.; no gun
control; and no foreign aid. We would have no welfare for big
corporations, or the 'poor'; No American troops in 100 foreign
countries; no NAFTA, GATT, or 'fast-track'; no arrogant federal
judges usurping states rights; no attacks on private property; and
no income tax. We can get rid of most of the cabinet departments,
most of the agencies, and most of the budget. The government would
be small, frugal, and limited.” —CONGRESSMAN
Alex Jones Rants
On Tyranny Takeover
(HELL IS COMING! - An MP3 clip
from The Alex Jones'
Show from March 25, 2015)
Dr. Ron Paul's Website
(excellent videos)
Listen To Alex Now
4 Free!
Proverbs 18:9, “He also that is
slothful in his work is brother to him that is a great waster.”
Alex on
Obama's LGBT Agenda
“The love of
liberty is the love of others; the love of power is the love of
Hazlitt (1778-1830)
The American people are free to do exactly what
they are told!
"The great masses of the people... will more
easily fall victims to a big lie than to a
small one." —Adolf Hitler
Listen To MP3's Online Of George Orwell's Complete Book,
Titled, “1984”
United States Of Secrets
Part II
(3 hour PBS film; NSA,
FBI, White House... spying on Americans! We're all living
behind one-way mirrors! NSA is piggybacking on Google's
advertising cookies)
“This is 'The
United States of America,' not 'The Central Government of
Good Man, Congressman Jim Traficant Jr.
“Nobody who stands up
and vows, that he is going to steal our freedom, has a right
to use our freedom to destroy our freedom! It's always the
Devil's way!”
Jack Hyles, a great quote from the sermon: “The
Most Misunderstood Statement In The Bible”
...That is what Daniel meant when he said
in Daniel 8:25b that the Antichrist, “by peace
shall destroy many”! ...
“Nobody has a right to
use freedom as a leverage, by therewith, to destroy our
Hyles, a quote from the sermon: “The
Most Misunderstood Statement In The Bible”
(1984) |
“If a
nation expects to be ignorant and free... it expects
never was and never will be!” —Thomas Jefferson Please
understand that it is not my intention to teach that
government is evil, God forbid. Romans 13:1-8 teaches that
all powers are ordained by God. My goal is to expose the
blatant crimes, theft and corruption that plagues our
(by Dr. Antony C. Sutton)
Glenn Greenwald of The
Guardian has conducted an interview with the Israeli
newspaper Haaretz during which he declared that:
“The cardinal point is that part of the goal of the NSA is
to completely eliminate privacy everywhere in the world. Its
goal is to make every piece of human communication that is
done by electronic means vulnerable to monitoring and
surveillance − to collect, store and analyze every message
transmitted by people via the telephone or the Internet.
NSA & Jewish Bankers: Zionist Monsters
“A nation of sheep will beget a
government of wolves.”
—Edward R. Murrow
Drugs, Drugs, Drugs...

definitely an UNHOLY
ALLIANCE between psychiatry and pharmaceutical sales...
they're like conjoined
twins, they're joined at the wallet!
ABC 20/20 Exposes
Insane Evil Psychotropic Drugging [2,
There's no money in health;
there's big money in disease!
Since 1994 there has been
a 4,000% increase of the diagnosis of bipolar depression in
children, and the number of anti-psychotics prescribed
to children has skyrocketed five-fold. Truly the love of
money is the root of all evil as 1st Timothy 6:10 in the
Bible warns.
Psychotropic drugs are now a
$300 BILLION a year
industry! Woe unto the U.S. Food And Drug Administration
for deceitfully approving of hundreds of deadly drugs which
have no proven benefit to help people. It's all about the
evil love of money!
Ensure Protection Of Citizen's Constitutional Rights
Massive Fraud, The Real Truth 2:56 Hour Documentary
(another lying wonder of Satan to rob guns)

There can never be a common cause with
darkness. You have to seek the truth, and know the truth, and the
truth shall set you free. ...
man survives when freedom fails, the best men rot in filthy
jails, And those who cry ‘appease, appease’ Are hanged by
those they tried to please.”
—Hiram Mann
2nd Timothy
2:25-26, “In meekness instructing those that oppose
themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to
the acknowledging of the truth; And that they may recover
themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken
captive by him at his will.”
Edward Bernays: Invisible Government Controls Social
Patterns, Finances, & Education
(Propaganda is the executive arm of
the invisible government!)
Eye-Opening Mark Dice Videos!
“One of the penalties for
refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being
governed by your inferiors.”
Conspiracy: To Destroy All Existing Governments And
Please see:
OUTFOXED: Rupert Murdoch's War On Journalism!
| Part 2 |
Part 3 |
Part 4 |
Part 5 |
Part 6
(1 hr. 17 min. free video).
LIARS” is more appropriate than FOX
NEWS! Here's an eye-opening statement by Adolf
Hitler concerning the effectiveness of telling
“Your money's
not safe because it's in the bank... You say, 'You against
the government?' I'm against this high-spending,
bureaucratic, debt-incurring, government—of course I am....
And by the way, God's men in the Old Testament always did
warn against such atrocities as this!”
SOURCE: Dr. Jack Hyles, from the MP3 sermon,
Give Me Thine Heart

Unjust 'Federal
Reserve' Banking Fraud
“Is life so dear or peace so
sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and
slavery?” —Patrick Henry
“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it
ourselves.” ―Vladimir Lenin
The New World Order is a
purely industrial fascist Nazi idea. So when you hear the
words "New World Order," understand it is a Nazi National
Socialist Movement.
Christ Paid Our Debt Of Sin!
“It does not take a
majority to prevail ... but rather an irate, tireless minority,
keen on setting brush fires of freedom in the minds of men.”
—Samuel Adams

1st Peter 5:8, “Be sober, be vigilant; because
your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he
may devour.”
“We live in a truly sick
Henry Makow
They Have Taken Away
My Lord, And I Know Not Where They Have Laid Him!
Proverbs 16:11, “A just weight and balance are the LORD's: all
the weights of the bag are his work.”
911: Road To Tyranny
“In a time of universal deceit, telling
the truth is a revolutionary act.”
—George Orwell

theorist: Someone who questions known liars!
all you have is God, you have all you need!
Obama's Hidden Agenda:
They Are Coming For Your Guns! (do you see the
threat against
The Illusion Of Freewill In America!

Satan's Counterfeit Israel, Antichrist & World Rule
It's not the unanswered
questions that bother me; but rather, the unquestioned answers!
Remember that everything Adolf Hitler
did was legal!

Coming Total Spy Society!
“Men fight
for liberty and win it with hard knocks. Their children, brought
up easy, let it slip away again, poor fools. And their
grand-children are once more slaves.”
H. Lawrence (1885-1938)
The Insiders
(by John F. McManus)
Why would the Illuminati
intentionally create a populace that destroys itself? Fear,
it's the oldest tool of power. If you're distracted by fear
of those around you, it keeps you from seeing the actions of
those above! Now you know why American television and the
mainstream newsmedia deliberately create distrust of
everyone by magnifying crime, paranoia and fear.
Awesome books by
Commander William Guy Carr (1895-1959)...
The Luciferian Creed
In The Game

The Communist Agenda
of Gay Rights and Evolution
“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to
our liberties than standing armies.” —Thomas

God endorses the
freewill of man!
gives us FREEDOM so we can use it for HIS GLORY, and if
we're not going to use it for His glory, guess what, He
might take it away from us!”
—Pastor Steven L. Anderson; YouTube: “The
Dechristianization Of Our Nation”
MP3 |
The Dechristianization Of Our Nation
(by Pastor Steven Anderson)
The Sins Of Christian America
The Destruction Of Jerusalem
(very needful MP3 sermons by Pastor Chuck Baldwin)
“200 of us can shake this city
spiritually; 200 of us at their ballot box in their rigged
game, is a joke, it's meaningless. So I'm not going to spend
my time playing some game, back n' forth between the
Republocrats and the Demicans. Ya know, trying to get this
guy in office, and he's going to solve our problems. Folks
let me tell you something—we are doing something that other
people can't do! Can an unsaved person go campaign for
so-and-so as a candidate? Sure! Can an unsaved person donate
money to that, and do that political campaigning? Yea, but
can an unsaved person go out soulwinning? Ya know, we're
basically like elite troops in the LORD's army!”
Steven L. Anderson; YouTube: “The
Dechristianization Of Our Nation”
“The older I get, the more I'm
convinced, that politics is just one of the things that the
Devil wants to use to distract people like us, from what's
really important—which is that which is spiritual.”
—Pastor Steven L. Anderson;
YouTube: “The
Dechristianization Of Our Nation”
“Evil triumphs when good men
do nothing.”
Jefferson (1743-1826)
* *
* *
* *
“World events do
not occur by accident. They are made to happen, whether it is to
do with national
issues or commerce; and most of them are staged
and managed by those who hold the purse strings.”
―SOURCE: Denis Healey, British Defence Secretary

Zionists are the
of the NWO.
Wall Street criminals
are the financiers of the NWO.
Freemasons are the
architects of the NWO.
* *
* * * * *
Mitt Romney Is The Ultimate Flip
America's Secret World Government Destiny
(The 10 Planks Of The Communist Manifesto)
What is the
Citizen's Rule Book? | The
10 Commandments Verses Communism
“The only reason
that we fear anything is because we are people of little
faith. When your faith is small, your fear is great; when
your faith is great, your fear is small! America has a fear
problem; Christians have a faith problem. Why are you
fearful?” —Pastor Chuck Baldwin, “A
MP3 (a wonderful sermon by Pastor Chuck Baldwin)
Alex Jones & Texe Marrs
on Artificial Scarcity and the Coming Food and Water Crisis |
Part 2
(Food, water and oil are more powerful weapons than
nuclear bombs!)
“The half-truth is the
most dangerous form of lie, because it can be defended in part
by incontestable logic.”
—SOURCE: The Secret Destiny
Of America, pg. 195, by Manly P. Hall; 1944;
ISBN: 0-89314-388-X;
publisher: The Philosophical Research Society, Inc, Los Angeles,

Martial Law
911-Rise of the Police State - Full version
The government is going to
keep breaking the system until they can say, “We have to
take over the system.”
War is the health of the State! See,
by William Guy Carr (1895-1959)
events do not occur by accident. They are made to happen, whether it is to
do with national
or commerce; and most of them are staged and managed
by those who hold the purse strings.”
―SOURCE: Denis Healey, British Defence Secretary
The Capitalist Conspiracy:
An Inside View of International Banking
(by G. Edward
“The problem
with socialism is that you eventually
run out of other people's money.”
—Margaret Thatcher
this exclusive 80 minute video interview, legendary
conspiracy author G. Edward Griffin explains how his research,
which spans no less than 5 decades, has revealed a banking elite
obsessed with enforcing a world government under a collectivist
model that will crush individualism and eventually institute
martial law as a response to the inevitable backlash that will
be generated as a result of a fundamental re-shaping of society.
Griffin discusses the similarities between the extreme left and
the extreme right in the false political paradigm and how this
highlights a recurring theme - collectivism. Collectivism is the
opposite of individualism and believes that the interests of the
individual must be sacrificed for the greater good of the
greater number, explains Griffin, uniting the doctrines of
communism and fascism. Both the Republican and Democrat parties
in the United States are committed to advancing collectivism and
this is why the same policies are followed no matter who is
voted in to the White House.
“Of all the means I know to lead men, the
most effectual is
a concealed mystery. The hankering of the mind
is irresistible.”
—Adam Weishaupt,
founder of the
Communism is synonymous with atheism,
insanity, lying, liberalism, homosexuality, wickedness and a
police state; whereas, Christianity is synonymous with faith in
God, liberty, Capitalism, a sound mind, righteousness and a free
society! You're not going to restore America to a state of
liberty, decency, truth and morality without the Word of God,
Christianity and the gospel of Jesus Christ! You heard it here
my friend!
Psalms 9:17-20, “The wicked
shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. For the
needy shall not alway be forgotten: the expectation of the poor shall
not perish for ever. Arise, O LORD; let not man prevail: let the heathen
be judged in thy sight. Put them in fear, O LORD: that the nations may
know themselves to be but men. Selah.”
“You may
choose to look the other way but you can never say again
that you did not know.”
Very few
people seem to appreciate that Lucifer is the brightest and most
intelligent of the heavenly host and, because he is a pure spirit, he is
indestructible. The Scriptures tell us his power is such that he caused
one-third of the most intelligent of the heavenly host to defect from
God, and join him, because he claimed God's Plan for the rule of the
universe is weak and impractical because it is based on the premise that
lesser beings can be taught to know, love, and wish to serve Him
voluntarily out of respect for His own infinite perfections. The
Luciferian ideology states might is right. It claims beings of proven
superior intelligence have the right to rule those less gifted because
the masses don't know what is best for them. The Luciferian ideology is
what we call totalitarianism to-day.
The Old
Testament is simply the history of how Satan became prince of the world,
and caused our first parents to defect from God. It relates how the
synagogue of Satan was established on this earth, it tells how it has
worked since to prevent God's Plan for the rule of the universe being
established on this earth. Christ came to earth when the conspiracy
reached the stage that, to use His own Words, Satan controlled all those
in high places. He exposed the synagogue of Satan (Rev. 2:9;3:9); he
denounced those who belonged to it as sons of the Devil (Lucifer), whom
He castigated as the father of lies (John 8:44) and the prince of deceit
(2nd Cor. 11:14). He was specific in His statement that those who
comprised the synagogue of Satan were those who called themselves Jews,
but were not, and did lie (Rev. 2:9; 3:9). He identified the
Money-Changers (Bankers), the Scribes, and the Pharisees as the
Illuminati of His day.
file), page
4, by William Guy Carr, 1958 (Read HTML
Page X brings the conspiracy up to
In 1774
"An Act of God" placed the Bavarian government in possession of evidence
which proved the existence of the continuing Luciferian conspiracy.
Adam Weishaupt, a Jesuit trained professor of canon law, defected from
Christianity, and embraced the Luciferian ideology while teaching in
Ingoldstadt University. In 1770 the money lenders (who had recently
organized the House of Rothschild), retrained him to revise and
modernize the age-old 'protocols' designed to give the synagogue of
Satan ultimate world domination so they can impose Luciferian ideology
upon what remains of the Human Race, after the final social cataclysm,
by use of Satanic despotism. Weishaupt completed his task May 1st,
The plan
required the destruction of ALL existing governments and religions. This objective was to be reached by dividing the masses, whom he termed
Goyim (meaning human cattle) into opposing camps
file), page
X, by William Guy Carr, 1958 (Read HTML

This Is A Criminal Takeover . . .
In April 2014
The White House counter-terror chief publicly stated that
“confrontation” children could be terrorists! Kids are being
suspended for playing with Nerf guns in their yard . . .
“Ladies and
gentleman, what is really behind all of this? ... Kids get suspended
if their neighbours see them playing with Nerf guns in their
backyard. ... You say, “It makes no sense.” You say, “It's crazy!
You say, “It's nuts to claim that little kids are basically some
type of criminal for having guns, toy guns!” ... This is about
making everyone criminal, but the people running the system. This is
about the rollout of a total authoritarian system—a total and
complete nanny state, ladies and gentlemen. And that's what we're
breaking down every day here at
Infowars.com! What we're seeing here is the branding of any type
of even speech against tyranny as terrorism! The free-speech zones,
the NSA spying, all of it is part of this system ...
You gotta
understand, this is social engineering! This is a plan they're
rolling out. This is why if a kid makes the image of their finger as
a gun (bang! bang!) in school they get arrested. This is why if you
ask a cop why you got pulled over you get tasered, or taken to jail.
It's a paramilitary takeover. Ok, this is literal mind-control where
they're expanding terrorism to everyone.
First they
roll it out to fight Al Qaeda, then they say forget about Al Qaeda,
it's for you and your family. And now they're going to continue to
grab land under agenda 21, they're going to continue to raise the
taxes, they're going to continue to harass everybody, until people
start resisting, then they're going to call it 'terrorism,' then
they're going to stage terror attacks, blame it on their political
opposition, and bring in Martial Law! This is their plan! This is
what I keep warning you about!
Please, for
military, police and others, understand what's happening. Understand
that America is being shutdown, deindustrialized and the people are
in a depression. And this is designed to create tension that the
globalists can then basically use to bring in their next level of
The Alex Jones Show,
PrisonPlanet TV, a quote by Alex Jones, April 18, 2014.

President John F. Kennedy
Tried To Warn Us!!!
President John F.
Kennedy Exposes Shadow Government (this alarming video needs
to be distributed!)
The Shocking History Of
In 1933, Marine Corps Major
General Smedley Butler was approached by a wealthy and secretive group of
industrialists and bankers to overthrow President FDR and establish a
fascist dictatorship in the United States. The plan to install a fascist
state by force was exposed when Butler blew the whistle and identified the
ringleaders in a testimony given to the U.S. House Committee on Un-American
Activities. Senator Prescott Bush went on to help finance Hitler's rise to
power and continued business dealings with the Nazi's even after America
entered the second World War. At the end of WWII, Operation Paperclip was
launched by the OSS to smuggle Nazi war criminals into the United States.
The OSS provided the perfect model for the CIA which was established in
1947. The CIA's sudden rise to power gave birth to the Military Industrial
Complex. By the end of Eisenhower's presidency in 1961 it had become evident
that the Federal Government could no longer control the agency. The CIA had
gone rogue.
The Alex Jones Show,
from the January 16, 2015 broadcast.
CIA Formed
By Nazi War Criminals |
Nazi Fascist CIA (video) |
U.S. is Becoming Nazi Germany!
Created in 1947 by Wall Street Investment Bankers And Lawyers (U.S. run
by banking cabal)
Subverting youth away from their homes, their country, and
their religion...
Commander William Guy Carr (1895-1959)
Few people realize the
important part modern movies play in subverting youth away from
their homes, their country, and their religion. Many movies show an
hour of film in which the criminals and bad men and women do
everything that is forbidden by our laws and moral code and devote
one minute during which the law catches up with them, or they die
because of their sins. Films taken of actual fighting durian the
Mexican revolution in 1913 were shown in Galveston, Texas. The sight
of seeing men killed in battle, or being dragged from their homes
and slaughtered by revolutionaries caused women to scream and faint,
and men to vomit. Public opinion caused the showings to be
prohibited. To-day these scenes are shown on films advertised as
"Children's Special" for Saturday afternoon performances. That is
just one illustration of how the general public, and particularly
the children, have been systematically hardened to accept the sight
of violence and bloody death as normal.
127, by William Guy Carr, 1958)
According to a recent poll, only 30% of Americans have confidence in the
Presidency or the Supreme Court. Only 8% have confidence in Congress.
When will Americans recognize that their institutions have been
subverted by a satanic cult, the Illuminati, consisting of Cabalist Jews
and Freemasons? Communism, Cabalism, Judaism, the Illuminati and
Freemasonry are all the same satanic cult. Socialism, Liberalism,
Zionism, Feminism, Neo Conservatism and some examples of Fascism are all
manifestations of this cult.
Why do the Illuminati bankers need to stage false flag terror events and
confiscate our firearms and civil rights? Why do they need to flood the
country with illegal migrants who the mass media calls "undocumented
immigrants?" (Yes, the mass media are the worst traitors. ) Why do they
need to spy on our communications? Why do they need to militarize the
police? We live in a de facto communist police state. They are just
waiting for an opportunity to take the wraps off.
Why did they spent trillions on Iraq and have nothing to show for it?
(Iraq doesn't even have an air force!) Why do they create havoc and
mayhem in places like Libya and Syria. Why do they get up Russia's
rectum in the Ukraine?
Because they're Satanists who will not tolerate any other power. There
will never be peace in the world until they have destroyed everything
that is good. Their peace is Death.
When darkness is brought into
the light, it loses its power!
(.PDF file) authored by S.Z. Batten written in 1919. Batten states on
page 148, “Christianity has suffered much from the wrong thinking of bad
men, but even more from the small thinking of good men.” What a true
“I'm afraid secularism is nothing
more than a weigh station on the road to Satanism.”
Henry Makow
You can tell when an American
official is lying when their lips move. Albert Einstein rightly said
that the worst enemy of THE TRUTH is a foolish faith in authority...
Don’t Be Foolish
By Washington's Blog
Global Research | December 25, 2013
Albert Einstein said:
“A foolish faith in
authority is the worst enemy of the truth.”
Indeed, scientists have shown
that people will go to absurd lengths - and engage in mental gymnastics – in
order to cling to their belief in what those in authority have said. Part of
the reason so many are so vulnerable to naive belief in authority is that we
evolved in small tribes … and we assume that the super-elites are just like
In reality, there are millions of psychopaths in the world … and they are
largely running D.C. and on Wall Street. These people have no hesitation in
lying to promote their goals.
The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs told Morley Safer of
60 Minutes and CBS News:
“Look, if you think any
American official is going to tell you the truth, then you’re stupid. Did
you hear that? — stupid.”
And studies show that the
super-rich lie, cheat and steal more than the rest of us. ...
Albert Einstein: “A
Foolish Faith In Authority Is The Worst Enemy Of The Truth” | Global
I think Einstein's quote is worthy
of repeating...
Albert Einstein: “A
Foolish Faith In Authority Is The Worst Enemy Of The Truth”
(by Infowars.com)
(incredibly shocking
evidence by radio host Alex Jones)
TerrorStorm delivers a powerful sucker
punch to the architects of global terrorism and how they stage false-flag
events to achieve political and sociological ends. Alex journeys from the
depths of history from the Gulf of Tonkin, the USS Liberty and Gladio
through to the Madrid and 7/7 London bombings and robustly catalogues the
real story behind the government induced fable. This film contains viable
solutions on how we can reclaim human dignity and freedom and prevent the
global population from becoming the slaves of a prison planet. "A state of
war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny."

Friend—Alex Jones!

911:The Road To Tyranny!
As Christians we must realize that our first and
foremost loyalty is to God and not men . . .
Even if the initiators of the
Revolution had been Christians, the fact remains that the Revolutionary War
and the nation's government were structured by the tenets of Freemasonry, not
God's Word. It was an unholy alliance at best. Scripture tells us that God has
made one nation of all: the Church. It is the Church that is our "Christian
nation," not the social and political institutions of the world.
We can thank our heavenly Father that we enjoy the freedoms that this republic
grants us. But as citizens of Heaven, our allegiance is first to our brethren
in foreign countries. Otherwise, we may find ourselves killing true Christians
for political causes. We must be vigilant to the dangers of becoming embroiled
in political and social causes in the name of Christ. Else we will find
ourselves unequally yoked, storing up for ourselves wood, hay, and stubble for
the day of judgment.
Masonic History - What Are America's True Roots?
Boy that's good stuff! It's ok to be patriotic,
but our first allegiance must be to fellow Christian believers, regardless of
their nationality, heritage or race. Galatians 3:29 teaches that in Christ
(that is, if you are a born-again believer) we are all ONE.
The choice is yours!