False Doctrines Refuted
1st Timothy 4:1-2, “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron.” |
1st Timothy 1:18-19, “ This charge I commit unto thee, son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them mightest war a good warfare; Holding faith, and a good conscience; which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck.” |
There is nothing more important in the life of a believer than Biblical doctrine. Sadly, many professed Christians today value getting alone with each other more importantly than standing firm upon the teachings of the inspired Word of God. Biblically it's better to be divided over truth, than to be united by error!
Evil Fathers Of All
Corrupted Modern Bible Versions,
Westcott And Hort, Were Pro-Catholic!
Harry Ironside
Salvation Refuted
Beware of
If You Believe That You Must Turn Away from Sinful Behavior to
Explaining And
Circus Churches &
False Prophets, Evil Spirits, Continually Try To Mislead God's
A Warning About
Beware Of Cotton Candy Religion, that is, It’s big and
beautiful until you really try to get your teeth into it and
dissolves into nothing.
“It would not be impossible to
prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological
understanding of the people concerned that a square is in
fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded
until they clothe ideas and disguise.”―Joseph Goebbels
Turning Away from Sins is Effectively Keeping the Law
If the Gospel
is Not Being Preached, You Don't Have a Real Ministry!
Be Careful
to You' and 'Wretched Radio'
Sin thrills, then kills; Magician Criss Angel Desecrates Human Body For Satanic Entertainment When darkness is brought into the light, it loses its power!
Servus Christi |
The “Fear Of God” Literally Means Fearing God's Wrath!
OF SOUL WINNING! You may preach me to the alter, you won't preach me to go home!
“It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” ―Mark Twain
Martin Luther Deception!
Can You Believe In God And Go To Hell? Cornelius Was Religious; But Lost
Why People Go To Hell
It has always
bothered me that most churchgoers have a carefree and nonchalant
attitude towards truth, Bible versions and Biblical doctrine, AS
Pastor J.
Vernon McGee Refutes Zionism
Dr. McGee rightly states, “We're a nation
of Biblical ignoramuses! We do not know the Word of God today in
this land!” (Pastor J. Vernon McGee, THRU-THE-BIBLE,
commentary from
Hosea 4:1-2).
Only Saved Jews
& Gentiles Are Grafted Into God's Family
“The religions of
the world say, 'do and live.' The religion of the Bible
says, 'live and do'.”
—Dr. Bob Jones Sr.
Calvinism And Grace
'Assemblies Of God' |
Fallacies Of
Young Earth Creationism The heresy of a Young Earth began with the Seventh-Day Adventist (SDA) religious cult in 1844. George McCready Price (1870-1963) and Ellen G. White (1827-1915) started the false teaching of a young creation, fabricating an entire demonic religion based upon worshipping the 7-days of creation...
Not surprisingly, Seventh-Day Adventists (SDA's) are the biggest promoters of a Young Earth heresy today. The Young Earth heresy claims that dinosaurs co-existed with mankind. Some advocates of a Young Earth say that the dinosaurs were left behind and not brought on the Ark. Dr. John R. Rice (1895-1980) taught this. Brother Rice is a great man of God and theologian, but he was wrong on a Young Earth. Then there are those Young Earth advocates who believe that baby dinosaurs (with stunted growth according to Henry Morris III) were taken aboard the Ark with Noah. Ken Ham, Henry Morris III, Kent and Eric Hovind teach this heresy. It's absurd! For many commonsense, scientific, historical and theological reasons, there is no possible way that the 1,466 known species of dinosaurs (of which 1,080 are considered valid) were taken aboard the Ark, nor could they have co-existed with mankind in Genesis. Due to age differences, et cetera, some dinosaur species ended up being counted twice. There are 1,080 unique genera of dinosaurs. Henry Morris III claims there are only 55 species, to support his heresy that Noah took dinosaurs onboard the Ark. Proponents of a Youth Earth grasp for straws in desperation to prove their Young Heresy heresy.
Caution About 'Creation Science Evangelism' Ministry
The Truth About Evolution "Just keep on keepin' on!" —Evangelist Lester Roloff
Ray Comfort Gets
It Wrong Again Dispensationalism Ruins A Thinking Mind
There is ONE PROMISE in God's Word, and that one promise is Jesus Christ, fulfilled by the shed blood of the slain Lamb of God!!! Dispensationalists foolishly take a manmade system of theology and place it as a filter over the Holy Bible, and they want you to view the Bible through their manmade, systematic, system of theology, which makes everything complicated. Religion wants to fit us with glasses, but the Lord wants to open our eyes! Dispensationalism is manmade religion!!! TWO ESSENTIAL COVENANTS: DISPENSATIONALISTS GET IT WRONG (This guy is 100% right!!!)
“There are two ways to be
fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; 2nd Timothy 3:16-17, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.” Proverbs 27:5, “Open rebuke is better than secret love.” Psalms 9:17, “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God...” Movements Contrary To The Christian Faith:
Dr. Hyles is exactly right! Heresy is creeping into our Independent Fundamental Baptist Church by the hour. God's people were destroyed in Hosea 4:6 because their religious leaders, their priests, deliberately rejected knowledge. Pastors today are indifferent toward the truth. It's tragic when you hand a truthful sermon or book to your pastor, who professes to be a man of God, and he becomes offended and tells you not to give those materials to anybody else in his church. Well, it must be his church, because it's certainly not God's. When men control a church instead of the final authority of God's Word, then it becomes a manmade cult. Satan is corrupting our Bibles today. I sincerely thought at one time that most pastors were just woefully ignorant on the issue and needed to be woken up. To my sad dismay, they just don't care. Most Independent Baptist pastors are fully aware of the Bible issue debate, but they just don't care because they are indifferent, which is a horrible sin. It ought to be abundantly obvious from looking at the major changes in today's new Bible versions (which all come from the fraudulent Greek manuscripts of Westcott and Hort), that Satan is relentlessly attacking Christ's deity and the Godhead. Have you rejected knowledge? God's people were not destroyed because they lacked knowledge, because their priests REJECTED KNOWLEDGE! I've been accused of thinking too much, and I do quite often; but God made me that way. That can be good or bad, depending on what I focus my thoughts on. I care, which is why I think as much as I do. If I didn't care, then I wouldn't waste my time working as hard as I do to preach the truth and help others in the Lord. I am a truth-seeker, as should be every Christian. I see so clearly why Jesus said no man can serve God and mammon (wealth). A genuine man of God should preach the truth and trust God to provide. Most pastors trim their message, sinfully compromising, rejecting knowledge, and avoiding offensive subjects such as Hell and modern corrupt Bible versions because they love mammon. The Bible doesn't say you love one more than the other. No, the Bible says you either love mammon and hate God, or you hate mammon and love God. Are you hot or cold for God? Have you rejected knowledge? Do you shirk off and ignore the truth when people try to open your eyes? Do you tell church members not to share the truth with others? Do you censor the truth in your pulpit? Can we be too truthful as Christians? I think not. When darkness is brought into the light, it loses its power! “It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” ―Mark Twain |
Jeremiah 6:16, “Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.”
Kindly, Clear Bible Answers About Speaking In Tongues (Dr. John R. Rice)
Teaching Pastors (MP3 sermon by Dr. John R. Rice, 1895-1980)
DO WE HAVE AN EVERY WORD BIBLE IN 2017? (by Dr. Bob Gray Sr.)
aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet,
and shew my people
their transgression...” —Isaiah 58:1
Evangelist Billy Sunday (1862-1935)
Satan Must Run His Course? | The Problem with Most Christians | Truth is Fallen in the Street!
Make Some Noise! | America Needs VOICES! | The Church is Fast Asleep
"Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by?" ―Lamentations 1:12
HELL FIRE (you'd better get saved before it's too late! by Pastor Danny Castle)
“Ye that love the LORD, hate evil...” —Psalm 97:10
The 5 Points Of Calvinism Refuted (a great MP3 by Steven L. Anderson)