I Love
How long
should I read the Bible each day? Read it until your heart
burns! HEART BURN... AMEN!
The Nuclear
Energy From Just One Tree Could Power All Of America For 10 Years!!!
Bible Prophecy
With Authority
Short On Authority, awesome MP3 by Brother Roloff)
The “Fear
Of God” Literally Means Fearing God's Wrath!
(by Pastor Jack Hyles)

the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and
they have no rest day
nor night,
who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the
mark of his name.” —Revelation
Broken Heart
God Is Our Refuge
During Calamity
Don't Judge Others Because They Sin
Differently Than You Do
God's Promise To Guide Us
Hast Rejected Knowledge
Every Believer Needs To Listen To Preaching
(preaching brightens
even the worst days)
Unbelief always sees problems, but faith
always sees solutions in Christ!
(by Dr. Harry Ironside)
We must be emptied of that which we
are filled, so that we may be filled of that which we are empty...
(MP3 sermon by Dr. Hyles
- all is vain unless the Spirit
of the Holy One comes down!)
Life-changing Preaching
By Pastor Danny Castle
can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.”
—Soren Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
How Big Is Your Bible?
(MP3 sermon by Pastor Jack
Be Careful Who
You Choose As Mentors
Forgiveness is a mark of those who
follow Christ!
God's forgiveness of man
becomes a pattern for man's forgiveness of man. There is no joy
in life without forgiveness.
(Whatever happened to Pacman? Today, video
games feature murder, rape and drug dealers!) |
1:27b-29, "...Christ in you, the hope of glory: Whom we
preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all
wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ
Jesus: Whereunto I also labour, striving according to
his working, which worketh in me mightily.”
The Rich Young Ruler And Jesus
Look Not At The Things Which Are Seen
What Doth The Lord Require Of Thee?
What Do You Think 'Keeping The Law' Means?
Many People Will Be
Scampering In Eternity, Panicking, Pointing Fingers, When Denied Heaven
Salvation is Not By Good Works
Beware of Religion As a Substitute for the Christian Life
The Free Gift Of Eternal Life
Have Salt In Yourselves
Heaven's Door Is Wide Open—Put Down The Pick Axes, The
Grappling Hooks, The Shovels & The Jack Hammers! 'Come
on in ya all!!!
Beware Of A Corrupt Gospel
Our Incredible God
What Is Heaven Like?
How To Get Along With Everyone
Her Sins,
Which Are Many, Are Forgiven
“A Little Bit More” Will Send You To Hell
How Many Lions Were With Daniel In The Lions Den?
Something That I Love About God
How To Forgive Others
Evangelist Billy Graham's False Gospel
How To Walk With God
1st Thessalonians 4:14 Gives Us The Simple Plan Of Salvation
A Planned Life
Be Careful Who
You Choose For Companions
Confess Your Faults To Each Other, Not Sins
Spirit-Filled Listening
Old Testament Biographies Were Written For Our Learning, To
Give Us Comfort And Hope
I Count All Things But Dung For Christ (invest for
Bill Maher's Film “RELIGULOUS” Exposed
Thief On The Cross Shows Us The Simple Way Of Salvation
Satan's Greatest Weapon Is To Con People Into Living The
Christian Life Without Being Born Again!
The Sweet
Peace Of A Clean Conscience Toward God And Man
Verses Teachers
When God Gives
You A Second Chance,
Jump At It!
Be The Individual That God Made You To Be
Wisdom Before It Can't Help You Anymore!
Thief On The Cross Shows Us The Simple Way Of Salvation
Four Members Of A Dysfunctional Family
Killing Others With Gossip
SDA Book “The Great Hope”
Wealth Verses God
Atheist John Carpenter
The Irony Of A Noah's Theme Park
So-Called 'History Channel' Says Jesus Not Virgin Born
Rejoice That Your Name Is Written In Heaven
If You Stop Praying Because God Doesn't Answer, You Are
Walking By Sight Instead Of By Faith
Don't Be A Dead Sea Christian
Shallow Christians
Illinois Goes Gay! Shame!
The World's Elusive Search For Answers
There's NO TIME In Hell
Content With Who God Made You
Autopsy Of A Dead Church
How Fast Would Satan Destroy Your Life If God Gave Him The
The Virgin Birth Of Jesus Christ
We Have Sinned
You Can Tell A Man's Character By The Way He Treats Those
Who Can Do Nothing For Him
Don't Risk Going To Hell Fire Forever
The Sin Of Pride
Life Is Short, Hell Is Hot And Eternity Is A Long Time!

Hebrews 9:27, “And as it is appointed unto men
once to die, but after this the judgment.”
Life is short, Hell is hot and
eternity is a long time!!! |
Peter Preaches The Simple Gospel
I Shall Never Walk Alone
Little Things Are Important To God
Christ Became A Ransom For All
The Devil's Trick Is No Treat
There is Forgiveness Through Calvary's Cross
The Battle Between Me And The Bob Jones' Crowd
A Righteous Person Always Gives Benefit Of The Doubt To
Symptoms Verses The Root Of Evil
A Bunch Of Reasons Why You'll Hate Yourself Forever If You Don't Get Born Again
And Their Works Do Follow Them
The Worst Part About Going To Hell
Strait Is The Gate & Narrow Is The Way
The Folly Which Church Gossip Causes
And Such Were Some Of You; But Ye Are Washed!
Correct Interpretation Of Acts 2:38
Charles Dickens' False Plan Of Salvation
God Loves All People—And We're All Sinners (to whom much
is forgiven, the same loveth much)
The Sin Of Hording Money
There Are No Atheists In Hell!
The Sin Of Pride (the human body is worth $160 in
The Deity Of Christ In The Bible
The Christian Life Verses The Crucified Life
Peace And Good Cheer In Jesus Christ
Do You Live For True Riches in Life?
But The Fearful...
Do You Have A False Sense Of Security?
Is Love All We Need?
In Wrath, Remember Mercy
When Grace Is No More Grace
Jehovah's Witnesses And Ray Comfort Agree On Repentance
Repentance And Faith (you cannot have one without the
Common Misunderstanding Of Matthew 7:21 (they trusted in
"many wonderful works" instead of Christ alone for
God Will Hold Us Accountable For Every Second, Word, Penny,
Deed, Keystroke And Thought
Americans Are Obsessed With Outer Bodily Beauty
Pastor Chip Ingram's False Plan Of Salvation Exposed!
Whatever You Do, Don't Delay
The Battle Between Good And
If A Man Contend With God, He
Cannot Answer One In A Thousand
Biblical Evidence That The Blood Of Jesus Does Not Merely
Refer To His Death!
What DOOR Does God
Want You To Go Through By Faith For the Sake of The Gospel?
Waste Your Life!
As Unto The Lord
The Sin Of Not Liking Somebody
Actor Gene Wilder, A Good Man But Lost
FRAUD! Violence Against Women Act FRAUD!
The Best Life Insurance For Seniors (God has the lowest
God's Definition Of “Nakedness”
We Weren't Created
For Things (Which God Made From Nothing), We Were Created For God!
Jesus Promised,
“Him That Cometh To Me I Will In No Wise Cast Out” (even continuing sinners!)
Created In Christ Jesus Unto Good Works
Is Believing On Jesus Christ Not Enough To Be Saved?
For God Hath Not Given Us The Spirit Of Fear
James And Works
How Feminists Are Ruining It For Everyone (men are tired)
Christmas, Not Happy Holidays!
Everything That We Do, That Happens to Us, or What We Own is the Lord's
When I Am Weak, Then Am I Strong (we grow in grace, not in strength)
Few People Are Saved
“And It Came To Pass”
Some On Broken Pieces
Ray Comfort, Paul Washer & John MacArthur Agree With Jehovah's Witnesses!!!
Don't Be Mindful Of The Old Country
Who Was
C.S. Lewis And Why Is He Foolishly Considered An Evangelical Hero?
Living Above The Clouds
Room At The Cross For You
(Prayer works, one way or another,
prayer works!)
(excellent free
software to study Hebrew, Chaldee and Greek meaning of Bible
words) |
Christ Paid Our Debt Of Sin
Whatever You
Don't Delay!
Sin thrills, then kills; it
fascinates, then it assassinates!
Criss Angel Desecrates Human Body For Satanic Entertainment

1st Peter 5:8, “Be sober, be vigilant; because
your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he
may devour.”
Sinful Hookup Culture
Woe Unto America!
How Good Of A Student Are You?
Christian Fundamentals
God Wants Every
Believer To Bear Fruit
Jesus Is The Sun

When you don't know what to do, do what
you know to do!
(We can all pray, go to church, abide in the Scriptures, help others, fast
and share the gospel message.)
Get Excited
How To Reach
Religion is a hater
of Christianity!
(Religion is man trying to reach God by
their own human effort; whereas, Christianity is God trying to reach man
because of the sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ on the cross!
“I'd rather be in trouble with the Devil
than be in trouble with God!” —a
quote by Pastor J. Frank Norris (1877-1952) from the sermon, “Wearing
The Name, But Staying The Same!”
Don't Blame ObamaCare,
blame “I DON'T CARE!”
(by Dr. Jack Hyles) |
2nd Timothy
3:16-17, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is
profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for
instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be
perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.”

The Titanic Disaster...
and you!
The World is Like the Titanic
TITANIC, MP3 sermon by Evangelist Lester Roloff)
27:5, “Open rebuke is better than secret love.”
(you'd better get saved before it's too late!
by Pastor Danny Castle)
“Repentance means to change your mind—change your mind—change your mind
about how you want to get to Heaven to what God says you've got to do to
get to Heaven. If you've got to repent of all your sins, you're still
headed for Hell tonight.”
—Pastor Bob Gray, a quote from the awesome MP3 sermon,
Why You Should Be A Part Of A Growing Church.

Repent And Believe To Be Saved!
The Goodness Of God Leadeth To Repentance
(MP3, Dr. Hyles; true Biblical
repentance defined)
7:19, “He will turn again, he will have compassion upon us; he
will s
ubdue our iniquities; and thou wilt
cast all their sins into
the depths of the sea.”
So Much The More As Ye See The Day Approaching (MP3 by
Dr. Jack Hyles)
(We ought to work even harder as we
see the end years of our life approaching)
“You show me a
person to whom Heaven becomes real, and this Book becomes real,
and God becomes real, and Hell becomes real, and salvation
becomes real, and I'll show you a person that will so much the
more serve God as he sees the day approaching!” —Pastor Jack
Hyles, a quote from the awesome MP3 sermon titled,
Much The More As Ye See The Day Approaching.”
How Much Do You Love Jesus?
(MP3 sermon by Brother Lester
promise you when you get ready to do something for God, people
will unravel your mind—you're too old, your too weak, you've
made too many mistakes. ... Do you know what 'the spirit of a
sound mind is'? This spirit isn't resting on you, it's resting
on the grace of the God you serve, the grace of the God Who
wants to use you! That's what took
Elisabeth Elliot
in there [the place where her husband Jim Elliot was
martyred by natives in South America in 1956]... How's your
spirit? How's mine? ...You'll never have a right attitude
without a right spirit. That's why the Devil's going to do
everything he can to get your spirit crosswise [not in the
intended manner], but with a right spirit you can have a
right attitude.”
SOURCE: a life-changing quote by Dr. David Gibbs Jr., “It's
Time To Reach This World.”
“Those who
want to destroy the family will continue to urge mothers to leave the
home and 'become fulfilled in the workplace.' When the mother goes into
the workplace to become 'fulfilled,' or to increase the family's income,
she leaves the care of the children to others. Those who warn against
such practices will continue to be scorned by the feminists and others
who have a hidden agenda: they want to destroy the family.”
SOURCE: The New World Order, pg. 245-246,
by Ralph A. Epperson; 1990; ISBN: 0-9614135-1-4; publisher: PUBLIUS PRESS,
Tucson, Arizona.
Be Of Good Cheer!
(a red-hot
video sermon by Pastor Danny Castle)
“The Church
at its worst is better than the world at its best!”
Danny Castle (a quote from the tough love
video sermon titled, “Is
Your Heart Right?” |
Deuteronomy 32:22, “For a fire is kindled in mine anger, and shall
burn unto the lowest hell...”

Please read the
following shocking quote from the honourable, martyred, Senator
Nancy Schaefer, who was brutally murdered (and her husband) for
exposing the pedophile ring operating through Child Protective
Services across the United States...
"And in nearly every
state I am convinced there is no accountability in Child Protective
Services. I have come to several conclusions. Two or three are:
poor parents, not always, but oftentimes, are targeted to lose their
children because they do not have the
wherewithal to hire an attorney and fight the system.
That case workers and social
workers are very often guilty of fraud; they withhold and destroy
evidence; they fabricate evidence; and they seek to terminate the
parental rights, unnecessarily.
That the separation of families
and the snatching of children is growing as the business grows,
because state and local governments have grown accustomed to having
these taxpayer dollars to balance their ever-growing budgets.
That the bureaucracy is huge.
Look at who is getting paid: state employees, attorneys, court
investigators, guardian ad litems, court personal and judges,
psychologists, therapists, psychiatrists, counselors, foster
parents, adoptive parents, and on and on—All are looking to the
children in state custody to provide job security!
That the Adoption And Safe
Families Act set in motion first in 1974 by Walter Mondale, and
later in 1997 by
Bill Clinton, offered
to the states for every child they adopted out of foster care. In
order to receive the adoption incentive bonuses, local Child
Protective Services would need more children. They must have
merchandise that sells. And they must have plenty so the buyer can
choose. Some counties offer $4,000 to $6,000 bonus for each child
adopted out to strangers. (And an additional $2,000, for a special
needs child, employees work to keep the federal dollars flowing).
But that is only the beginning figure in the formula in which each
bonus is multiplied by the percentage that the state has managed to
exceed its baseline adoption number. Therefore states and local
communities work hard to reach their goals for increased numbers of
adoption of children in foster care. As you can see this program is
offered from the very top and is run by Health And Human Resources.
This is why victims in Child Protection Services get no help from
their legislators. ...
The system cannot be
trusted—it does not serve the people—it obliterates families and
children just because it has the power to do so. What I have said to
you in these few minute is that we must confront the fraud in Child
Protective Services.
Child Protective Services seizes children using the very system that
is paid for by the taxpayer, who actually believes it is used to
protect abused and neglected children. The bureaucracy of workers
benefit financially by a system that converts children in cash,
while destroying their families and their lives. No child who
emerges from the system can ever be sound or whole. Many disappear
and never are ever heard from again.
God will not stand for
what is happening to our children and our families. His heart beats
for these children. He will life up the downtrodden. What is
happening in America regarding Child Protective Services is a
criminal/political phenomenon, and it must be brought to an end!
SOURCE: a shocking quote
from Senator Nancy Schaefer; watch entire video.
(PLEASE NOTE: The pedophile elite
are powerful thugs in high places and censor internet social media
when it starts to become popular. That's why this video will likely
go private or be removed at some point. If it does, just search
YouTube for “Nancy Schaefer exposes CPS abuse" or "Nancy Schaefer
exposes CPS pedophile ring.” God makes sure that the truth is always
there for those who seek it, but the Devil always tries to suppress
truth. Truth is like the moon and the sun, it can only be hidden for
awhile. I'm so glad that there is a God in Heaven Who will one day
hold all men accountable.
Ecclesiastes 5:8,
12:14 and Hebrews 10:31, “If thou seest the oppression of the poor,
and violent perverting of judgment and justice in a province, marvel
not at the matter: for
he that is higher than the highest regardeth; and there be higher
than they.
... For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret
thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil. ... It is a
fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.”
Attack Against The Family
sermons by Brother Lester Roloff)
Listen to a Few Good
Attorneys, Professors & Judges Expose CPS Corruption!
[how the Administrative Courts, a
4th branch of government (MP3), steals children from U.S.
Attorney Jailed Denied Rights
for Exposing Judicial Corruption, Richard Fine California
(the best source for truthful
How Much Do You Love Jesus?
(MP3 sermon by Brother Lester
"The only exercise some
Christians get is jumping to conclusions, running down their
friends, sidestepping responsibility, and pushing their luck. That
is not the kind of exercise Paul is talking about."
—Pastor J. Vernon McGee
Eminem And Call
Of Duty Ghost Exposed!
contending for the Christian faith)
(we owe it to those who've gone before us
into Heaven to continue their work for Christ - MP3 by Dr. Hyles)
my love they are my adversaries: but I give myself unto prayer.
they have rewarded me evil for good, and hatred for my
love.” —Psalms

ABOVE: Me and My 4-Year-Old Grandson, Luigi, Hangout Out
in October of 2018.
Psalms 109:30, “I
will greatly praise the LORD with my mouth; yea, I will praise
him among the multitude.”