Woe Unto America!
Psalms 9:17, “The
wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.”
Abortion is Murder! There is nothing in America any more Godless than the murdering of little children. Abortion is MURDER!
ABORTION Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in America. 78% of their clinics are in minority communities. New York City: More Black Babies Murdered By Abortion Than Born In 2012!!! Blacks make up 12% of the population, but 35% of the abortions in America. Are we being targeted? Isn't that genocide? We are the only minority in America that is on the decline in population. If the current trend continues, by 2038 the black vote will be insignificant. Did you know that the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a devout racist who created the Negro Project designed to sterilize unknowing black women and others she deemed as undesirables of society? The founder of Planned Parenthood said, "Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated." Is her vision being fulfilled today? For more, please visit www.blackgenocide.org.
How Many Married
Abortion Is
Murder— Sin City Vegas!
Job's Covenant With "Men often stumble on the Truth, but usually dust themselves off and hurry away..." —Winston Churchill (1874-1965) Jerusalem had defied God to the point that the Lord said He wouldn't spare judgment upon the Jews even if Noah, Daniel and Job (all godly men) were in the land. Ezekiel 14:13-14, “Son of man, when the land sinneth against me by trespassing grievously, then will I stretch out mine hand upon it... Though these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, they should deliver but their own souls by their righteousness, saith the Lord GOD.”
“There's only
one power greater than the newsmedia and that's the power of
Sermons by Brother Lester Roloff...
God HASN'T Lifted His
Justin Timberlake's Perversion Jeremiah 3:20, “Surely as a wife treacherously departeth from her husband, so have ye dealt treacherously with me, O house of Israel, saith the LORD.”
America's War Dead ONE NATION
America's On A Highway to Hell!
God Hates Beer, Wine,
Booze And Liquor: Alcohol Is The Most Evil Thing Ever Made By
Sad Times In America -
Booze City
If alcohol is a disease, it's the only one
contracted by an act of the will!
Why People Are
The Sin Of
God is Sore Displeased With
Nahum 3:19, “There is no healing of thy
bruise; thy wound is grievous: all that hear the bruit of thee shall
clap the hands over thee: for upon whom hath not thy wickedness
passed continually?”
Counterfeit Emerging Church Of Alice Bailey! Proverbs
16:27, “An ungodly man diggeth up evil: and in his lips there is as a burning fire.”
Satan is the Accuser
“The direction that our country seems to be going is the
oppossite of God's direction!”
Meet the few, the proud and the ugly... THE FEMINISTS! We need some
rain... 40-days of it! Evil Pride! “Our society has abandoned the Bible, and is hopelessly lost to try to figure out its own problems!” —Pastor Danny Castle, a truthful quote from the needful MP3 sermon titled, "ABORTION!"
A Nation In Peril
The Truth About The Sodomites! Perhaps the greatest evil of the American people is apathy! But who cares? INDIFFERENCE is Sin!
Why Many Christian
They Left The
Known for biting the head off of a live bat, Ozzy's life is more like a train wreck. Rock and roll music is a religion of sex and drugs. Most country songs are nothing more than 3-minute soap operas. John Denver said that music was more powerful than Christianity. Meet, Satanist Aleister Crowley. Crowley is idolized by many Rock-N-Roll performers, including the Beatles, Marilyn Manson, Led Zeppelin, and Ozzy.
Proverb 19:22, “...a poor Everybody is confused about the new postal stamp featuring famous lawyers, because people can't figure out which side to spit on. Proverb 16:8, “Better is a little with righteousness than great revenues without right.” You can know when a lawyer is lying when his lips are moving. Remember The Golden Rule in Matthew 7:12... Do unto others as you would have them do unto you! Iron Maiden Is Satanic To The Core!
MOVIES: Sex and
“When all government, domestic and foreign, in little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power, it will ... become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated.” —Thomas Jefferson
Where The Burden Rests In Salvation
The EVIL Playboy Philosophy In America
Amy Grant's Sexually
does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless
minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.”
Sex And Violence On Television
Instant Religion In
A Can
Feminism Has Women Freezing Eggs
Isaiah 1:23, “Thy princes are
rebellious, and companions of thieves: every one loveth
gifts, and followeth after rewards: they judge not the
fatherless, neither doth the cause of the widow come unto
Jesus Taught “The
Does God Have A Lot To Answer For?
Bisexual Baphomet
Bimbo Katy Perry As THE GREAT WHORE Rides The Beast At The
2015 Grammy's
The world is being prepared
AC/DC performs “HIGHWAY TO HELL” at 2015 Grammy's -
America's new national anthem!
Young People: Don't Grow Up To Be Like Lewd, Shameful,
Sellout, Taylor Swift
The Insane Hypocrisy Of
American Society
The Ruination of a Nation! |
Christianity Is
NOT A Business!
Romans One & Homosexuality (MP3)
Forgotten Last Days Warning
About Homosexuality In The Bible THE LGBT AGENDA EXPOSED: A REVIEW Ungodly Media Bullying Against Christians
A FLOOD OF FILTH! * * * * * * *
World And The Church “There is no place for the cosmos in the local church!” —Dr. Bob Gray Sr. LGBT = Let God Burn Them!!! * * * * * * *
Truth About The Sodomites!
If we're the far right,
A Tragic Time In America! THEY CAN NOW! AS OF JUNE 26, 2015 SODOMITES CAN MARRY IN ALL 50 STATES! How Should Christians Treat Homosexuals? EnGAYged?
Civil rights is one thing,
America Has Gone to Hell!
The Young People Shouted While The Old
There's No Such Thing As
Absolute Freedom
Divorce Is Always Wrong!
More Deadly Than War...
Rock Music Hall Of Shame! The Rolling Stones & Satanism! The Truth About Tattoos & Piercings
Isaiah 24:9, “They shall not drink wine
with a song; strong drink shall be bitter to them that drink it.”
Drugs, Drugs,
Drugs... There's
definitely an UNHOLY
ALLIANCE between psychiatry and pharmaceutical sales ...
they're like conjoined twins, they're
joined at the wallet!
ABC 20/20 Exposes Insane
There's no money in health;
Since 1994 there has been
a 4,000% increase of the diagnosis of bipolar depression in
children, and the number of anti-psychotics prescribed to
children has skyrocketed five-fold. Truly the love of money is the
root of all evil as 1st Timothy 6:10 in the Bible warns.
Signs That
America Has Gone Crazy!
The Hypocrisy of
“Charisma” Magazine
Problem Of Insensitive
The Deadly & Deliberate “Ratings
They Consider
Not In Their Hearts That I Remember All Their Wickedness
“Despicable Me” Movie Series And “Minions” Exposed
children to worship the Beast)
States Is A Devil, Demonic, Country!
Judges: Quintessential Devils
Jeremiah 6:16, “Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.”
God Destroyed The World Because Of Evil Thoughts
Hollywood's Satanic Agenda (1:28 hour documentary exposing the occult roots of Hollywood)
“Movie stars are like gods and goddesses.” — Hollywood's Satanic Agenda
Alex Jones Show; December 15, 2010 in an interview with Pastor Lindsey Williams
Black Women Mating Choices Are The Root Cause
Of Black Dysfunction In America!
Black Americans had it MUCH worse in the past, and they still managed to create relatively strong communities, businesses, and families. So, what changed between then and now?
1. Female sexual selection within the black community was altered by the mass expansion of the Welfare State.
2. Sexual access, marriage, and reproduction was removed from stable, productive beta males with jobs and transferred to "alpha" douchebag criminals.
3. Most of the black ghetto dysfunction in America today is rooted in dysgenic mating on the part of black women, (i.e. mating that promotes degenerate traits.)
It's Bad Boy Gina Tingles on a cultural scale.
When women are no longer forced to rely on the stability of the beta male and his productive capacities for sustenance and the survival of their offspring, and can instead collect easy money from the State, they quickly revert to a pre-Agricultural Revolution mating strategy in which the meanest, most violent men are rewarded with the greatest level of reproductive access.
Such men do not stick around to raise their children, they move on to the next ho and knock her up too.
Such men do not build communities, they poison them with violence and crime.
Such men do not create progress, they destroy it by creating a downward spiral in which each generation is more dysfunctional than the previous one.
Over 70% of black children in this country are born out of wedlock. Most of them are fathered by thugs and criminals, because that is what black women choose to reproduce with.
It's a numbers game: black American men who are stable, intelligent, and productive are simply being bred out of existence. The same principle is found in the movie Idiocracy, which most people consider to be less of a comedy and more of a prophesy.
40% of ALL American children are now being born into the same circumstances which have destroyed the black community, and that number will continue to rise as women double-down on the bad boy cock carousel, celebrate bastardy, and claim their cash and prizes from the State.
If this nation collapses into dystopian nightmare in the future, it will have exactly f*ck all to do with transdimensional space aliens and everything to do with the fact that American women have spent the last 20+ years (longer in the black community) creating hordes of fatherless thug spawn.
Advice for young American women: Stop having your children out of wedlock with the first "totally hawt" convicted felon with a neck tattoo you come across, and try reproducing with men who have positive attributes like, I don't know, a job and an education and the desire to raise a family.
Source: http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message2625234/pg1* * * * * * *
Comment by webservant of Jesusisprecious.com...
The above opinion is 100% correct, but missing further information. What they don't mention is that the Hip Hip, Rock, Pop and Rap music industry have a lot to do with promoting immoral sex, substance abuse (drugs and alcohol) and rebellion. The music influences the public to tolerate and accept the street gang, crime and drug-culture. It also should be mentioned that the street gang culture in America is fueled by the illegal drug trafficking business, which could not thrive without assistance from within government agencies. The drug empire could be shut down overnight if our nation's authorities sincerely wanted them shut down. I've been following news and books about the illegal drug business in America since 2002 and it is all true. The CIA are involved in drug-trafficking in America. They enabled, supplied and protected Rick "Freeway" Ross with his billion-dollar a year cocaine distribution business under the freeways of Los Angeles. END
Hosea 3:1—4:6 | Entire Sermon On Hosea (by Pastor J. Vernon McGee) | TTB.ORG Physician Questions the View that Alcoholism is a Disease . . . To the Editor of The Star:
The Automobile Club of Michigan has reported that since 18-year-olds can buy the disease in their state, drinking drivers in the 18-20 age group increased their involvement in traffic accidents by 119%. They also had a 54% increase in fatal accidents, a 104% increase in injury accidents and a 135% increase in property damage accidents during 1972. If the highest executive in our state either doesn’t smell the problem or doesn’t have the backbone to try to protect Hoosiers from the Number 1 Problem disease on everybody’s polls, and he is a medical graduate, what help and hope is there for our state? —Helen M. Calvin, M.D., South Bend * * * * * * *
“The baby boomers by
nature are a spoiled rotten generation!!!”
“And let me tell you something. The Summer of Love, was not the 'Summer of Love,' because love is when we love God and keep His Commandments, and 'love thy neighbour as thyself.' Love is the fulfilling of the law. Love worketh no ill to his neighbour. No, it was the summer of filth, the summer of fornication, the summer of bastard children, the summer of wickedness! That's what it ought to be called; not the summer of love. It's the summer debauchery, summer of fornication, summer of adultery, summer of drugs, summer of frying your brain, summer of LSD, summer of dope, and fools! It's nothing to be glorified—Woodstock, The Monterey Pop Festival—These aren't cool things, these are things that destroyed the morals of a generation! Nudity, sodomy, filth, fornication—these ideas need to be rejected!!!” —Pastor Steven Anderson, a quote from the needful sermon, “The Baby Boomer Generation.” |
Has Your
Baptist Church Abandoned Old-Fashioned Modesty,
Immoral Sexy Pants On Women, the “NEW SCHOOL”?